4- The Start

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Few Months After The Attack on Manhattan

My head was tilted back as I looked at the camera. The black lace and leather set I was wearing left enough to the imagination while still exposing enough to make some thirteen year old's mouth water-hell, it was enough to make a forty year old's mouth water. One leg was propped up on the armrest of the seat, Louboutins digging into the patent leather. My bright red lips pulled into a smirk. Sike handsome male model seated in the chair, his eyes focused on me.

Oh I'm sorry. Was I supposed to focus more on the details of the battle that almost took my brother away from me? Was I supposed to talk about Clint and I made up and realized we loved each other? Or was I supposed to talk about how I helped Bruce and Tony find that dick Loki? Well sadly you aren't going to get those details. Yell about it in the comments. No Clint and I didn't fall in love. We barely acknowledged each other. Yes I was thankful that he was alive and safe, but I didn't take that as a chance to jump on him. He still is currently dealing with some shit and I'm not going to talk abou-

"Miss Stark, can you please put your hand on your hip-There we go." The photographer snapped a few more pictures. The noise of people milling about and talking and the noise of the camera's shutter almost masked the noise of the door opening and shutting. And it almost covered a very familiar gruff voice saying, "I really need to talk to Miss Stark."

"I'm sorry sir this is a closed set an-" A body guard started to say but I stood up straight, my smirk still on my face.

"Let him in. What do you need Clint?" I call out before sitting on the armrest, going into the next pose. I arched my back, one leg still on the armrest, the other across the model's lap. I watched as Clint made his through the crowd. My focus turned back to the camera, pulling a sultry look once more.

He cleared his throat, putting the brief case in front of his crotch as his eyes ran over my body. I smirked my lips and turned to the photographer. "Can we take a break for a little bit? Please?" I bat my eyelashes and the photographer nods. I climb off the model's lap and slip on the robe some woman hands me. I make the way back to my dressing room, Clint hot on my heels. I give a motion to the various makeup artists and others in the room and they all quickly leave. Clint shuts the door and I take a seat in front of a mirror.

"Fury sent me to come and get you. We have a mission." He says as he puts the briefcase in front of me. I scan my thumbprint and open the silver case. Clint stands behind me as I take the the tablet into my hands, quickly skimming the most important parts.

"Two months?" I ask, tilting my head back to look at him. Clint sighs, running a hand through his short hair.

"At least. We could get it done earlier. Like we usually do." I nod and put the tablet back into the briefcase. I shut it and stand up. I fix my hair in the mirror, swiping another layer of the bright red lipstick.

"Well I'll meet you at the Tower as soon as the shoot is over." I say, putting my heel on the chair so I can pull my thigh high up a little higher, tightening the straps of the garter belt. I didn't even have to look to know that Clint's eyes were focused on me. I stood up straight and slipped the robe off, tossing it at him. It hits him in the face and he quickly puts it on the chair. I can feel his eyes on my body as I open the door and walk out of the room.


"You're going to be gone for two months with Legolas? You're going to leave your poor brother home alone?" Tony asks as I quickly pack everything I need. The black stealth version of usual red suit clinging to my body. I roll my eyes.

"You have Pepper and Happy. And Bruce!" I say, motioning to the man who is watching us with a smile on his face. "You'll be fine."

"Bruce and Pepper and Happy don't let me make bad decisions like you do!" Tony whines, grabbing my wrist. I sigh, put push Tony off of me when I hear a Quinn Jet land on the helipad. I kiss Tony's forehead.

"I gotta go. Make good decisions. Bruce, make sure he doesn't die!" I call out as I jog out of the lab and down the stairs of the lab to the living space and then to the balcony. I walk up the ramp, Clint shutting it behind me. I put my bags near Clint's before sitting in the copilot's seat. I turn in the cloaking device just before we lift off.

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