5- Lies

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Natasha watched at Clint packed his bags for the mission, her arms crossed in front of her chest.

"Do you really want to do this mission with her? Clint, you're married now and-" she started to speak, but stop when she watched him take off his wedding band. He turned to look at her.

"And what? I'm not going to sleep with her." His eyes narrowed at her and Natasha glared right back at him.

"You said that the last time. And that was when you were engaged to Laura and now you're married to her....Look I haven't told Laura and I feel bad for not telling he-"

"Nat, that's different-"

"How? You two were on a mission and you two slept each other. And you told Laura that the mission was longer than it was so you could go fuck Pey in fucking Malibu! Does Pey even know that you're married?" Natasha asked and Clint stayed silent. She scoffed and ran a hand through her hair. "Clint, you're literally playing with fire here. You've been destroying all Peyton's relationships too-" Natasha started to speak, but Clint soon cut her off.

"Peyton is a grown woman and made her choices by herself." He didn't even look at her as he said that. It was a lie, both of them knew that. The times in which Peyton and Clint had slept together, Peyton was too emotionally unstable to make good enough choices. And Clint....Clint didn't turn up her offer.

The first time they had slept together, Peyton had just got back from rehab. Her head wasn't clear. She was alone and needed someone, anyone. Clint knew what was going through her head, but he didn't say no to her. There was a beautiful woman with red rimmed eyes that was begging him to come to bed with her. A beautiful woman who was alone. Whose adopted brother had his assistant take her to rehab facility a few months prior and the same assistant had picked her up. A beautiful woman who still had her hospital wristbands on. A beautiful woman that needed something else to make her feel numb because she couldn't drink, couldn't smoke. He knew he had a diamond ring at home for his girlfriend. He told himself that this would be the first and only time.

But it wasn't the only time.

Every time that Peyton begged him to come over he knew that she was in a bad spot. He knew she was doing it because she had no one else. And since Clint had kept his relationship with Laura a secret, Peyton didn't know she was the other woman. But Clint knew that he was fucking Peyton up even more. He knew that it was because of him that her relationships never lasted. Either because she was just too addicted to Clint or because her taste in men and women were just ruined forever.

"You and I both know that's a lie, Clint. You're going make her even more fucked up." Natasha snaps at him, pointing a finger at him. He finished packing and zipped up his bag.

Two Weeks Into The Mission

"Why do I feel like it was your plan for us to pose as a married couple?" Peyton asked with a grin as she put the thin mask over her face. The woman hit something near her temple and her face transformed into someone else's. Clint vaguely remembered that she had told him how she had made the mask a few weeks ago. The archer turned to look at at the woman, chuckling softly.

"It wasn't, I promise you." He grinned, his eyes trailing over the black dress she wore. A voice that sounded suspiciously like Natasha's reminded him that he was married, that his wife was at home. Peyton smiled and put on a brown wig before turning towards him, her eyes focusing on his tie.

"You can never put on a tie correctly. It's like you're three, Clint." She shakes her head, the face she was wearing now painted with a focus look on it. Peyton fixed his tie and her too familiar perfume snuck into his nose. Clint grimaced as he remembered that Laura had to constantly fix his tie as well. She would always smile as she fixed it. Then the small brunette would grin up at him as she tightened the tie and pulled him closer.

Then Peyton did the same move on him, pulling him closer.

Clint snapped out of his memory and pushed Peyton away. The girl's hazel eyes looked at him, confused and slightly hurt. Her blood red lips settled into a firm line and she moved to strap her holster around her thigh, giving Clint a glimpse of the garter set that she wore. She dropped her dress back down and put on her heels. She turned to look at him.

"Peyton-" Clint tried to apologized but she just grabbed her clutch, a flame burning in her eyes and it wasn't the one he was used to seeing when they were between the sheets. This flame was all rage.

"We need to go." She turned to go but Clint grabbed her arm. Peyton stopped and ripped her arm around out of his grasp, walking out of their hotel room. Tonight had to go as planned. They've been waiting for this moment so they could easily take out their target without making any other issues for SHIELD. If tonight didn't work out perfectly, two weeks of getting information and setting everything up would be for nothing.


I knew Clint was seething from his spot by the bar as I got called over by our target. The man smiled at me, his bright teeth almost shining. I blush at him, walking over to him. The party that Clint and I were attending was in full swing and it was packed full of people. It was loud and it was hot. Perfect. I'm

"What's a beautiful woman like you doing here all by yourself?" The man purred out, his blue eyes shining as they studied my body, focusing on the cleavage that has been showing all night. I pretend to act bashful, drinking my glass of champagne, the wedding ring shining on my finger. The piece of jewelry catches his eye.

"I'm not, sadly." I smile and point towards Clint is standing by the bar, "My husband is other there. He doesn't like coming to these events. I wish he would've stayed home."

"I wish he had stayed home too." He murmurs to me and I giggle softly. The target wasn't bad looking, in fact he was very handsome.

"I'm Maria Reynolds." I say with a smile as I hold my hand out to him. He takes it and kisses the back of my hand, his blue eyes flickering up to look up at me.

"Well if you're Maria Reynolds, maybe you should call me Alexander Hamilton." He smirks and I blush once more. He's a history buff and he looks this good? The Gods above are cruel.

"Well let's hope my husband doesn't try to extort you, Alexander." I smirk back at him. He grins and shakes his head.

"My name is actually Liam Williams." He says softly. I can feel Clint's glare from across the room when Liam leans in and murmurs in my ear, "Maybe I should give your husband a reason to to try to extort me, Mrs Reynolds." I bite my red lip, looking up at him through my lashes.

"What do you have in mind, Mr Hamilton?" I purr softly back to him. He smirks and offers me his hand. I take it and follow the man as he leads me out of the crowd.


Clint turns around once Peyton is out of sight and he pulls out his phone as the bartender places a glass of scotch in front of Clint. Laura's  face lights up the screen suddenly and he answers the call.

"Hey sweetheart, what's up?" He asks, a smile appearing on his face, but it soon disappears when he hears Laura sniffling, "H-Hey what's wrong?"

"C-Clint, I'm sorry I know you're on a mission, b-but I need you to come home." Laura says and by her voice he knows that she's been crying.

"Darling you know I can't come home right now. What's wrong do I need to call Nat to come b-" He is cut off by his wife.

"I went to the doctors today, Clint. I'm pregnant." Laura breathed out and suddenly Clint felt like the world's biggest asshole.

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