17-Walk On The Wild Side

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You can't burn anything in here. This is to just measure your power. You know this. Breathe you idiot. I pulled my shorts up a little higher and walked to the middle of the room. The room had an incredibly tall ceiling and near the top was a window, where I know Tony and Bruce were watching. I rolled my shoulders and tilted my head back.

"You ready, Peyton?" Bruce asked over the intercom. I nodded and looked up at the window.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I say with a small smile. It was the first time in weeks I had even tried to use my powers. Just last week I was cleared by the doctors last week to do more than just lay down. I waited until Tony shut off the lights to call the flames to my fingers. I let the fire cover my arms and travel all across my body. The flames lit up the room. I let myself float up a bit in the air, letting out a breathe. I relaxed for a moment before shooting flames out of my hands. The flames were their usual bright orange and red. They hit the walls and spread out across them.

I called more power to my hands, the room increasing in temperature. A sweat broke out on my forehead as I poured more and more energy into my hands. The flames grew brighter, shifting from orange to a bright white.   My flames rarely turned white and now it was not taking as much effort to make the flames hotter. The white flames covered my body entirely. You can do more. You have more power. Use it.

I continued to pour my energy out of my hands. I gritted my teeth, forcing myself though this. I felt drained, but I needed to do this. I felt like I was reaching the bottom of my energy source, but I reached down and smashed throw what I thought I was the bottom. I screamed as I used that energy, the flames shooting out of my hands and slamming against the wall. They weren't white anymore. They were a bright vivid blue. My eyes widen and I quickly brought my fire back into my hands. I dropped back to the ground, the fire back inside of me. I looked at the walls, seeing huge scorch marks on either side of me. My body was drenched in sweat and my body felt weak. Aiden was right. Holy shit. Shit. Shit.

"Holy shit!" Tony exclaimed and I held my hand up.

"Don't open the window yet. It's really hot. You two will burn." I tell them, running a hand through my hair. It was really fucking hot. I shut my eyes and forced myself to relax, bringing the heat back into my body. Slowly, the temperature in the room lowered until it wasn't dangerously hot. I gave Bruce and Tony a thumbs up and then the window slid open. I open my eyes and flew up to the window.

"Blue flames!" Tony says, very excitedly as I climb into the room. The window slides shut behind me as soon as my feet hit the ground. Bruce hands me a bottle of water which I greedily drink.

"Which I'm not going to use because I would never need to use it. It's too strong." I say while I shake my head. Bruce gives me an understanding look while Tony sighs. Blue flames. Blue fucking flames. I shrug and walk out of the room, itching for a drink and a fuck.


I had been sitting at this bar for more than two hours, staring at the glass of Coke in front of me. I couldn't bring myself to break my sobriety which made me coming down to this bar a complete waste of time. I sighed and swirled the coke in its cup. Behind me, older men and women were playing pool or just drinking. The bar was funky lit and a little dirty looking, but I expected nothing more from a bar in Hell's Kitchen.

"Josie, can I have a beer, please?" A man next to me spoke as he sat down carefully. I drank my coke as I studied him out of the corner of my eye. He was a brunette and wasn't bad looking. The suit that he was wearing only made him look even more attractive. His face was scruffy and red circular glasses. He's blind. I finish my drink and set it back down on the counter. Josie set the man's beer down on the counter, which he immediately picked up an drank.

"You want a refill, darling?" Josie asked. The man inclined his head ever so slightly towards me. I smile at Josie.

"Actually can I have a Shirley Temple? If that won't be any trouble?" I ask sweetly and she smiles at me. Out of the corner of my eye, the man also smiles.

"A Shirley Temple? Are you sure you're old enough to be in here?" The man asks and I grin, turning towards him.

"I might be. You're awfully dressed up." I respond back, which makes the man smile a bit wider. Josie sets down the drink before turning her attention to another patron.

"Well I'm a lawyer so it's part of the job." He retorts and I chuckle. I pick up the Shirley Temple and take a sip. The sickly sweet grenadine syrup is almost too much but I honestly don't mind. It's as close I'm going to get to a cocktail. He drinks his beer, his attention still on me.

"Well Mister Lawyer, do you have an actual name?" I ask as I take the cherry out of the drink with the straw. Natasha thinks that as soon as I ask for a man's name, that's when I have him, if I want him that is.

"Matt Murdock. Does Miss Shirley Temple have a name?" Matt asks in return, a smirk on his face now.

"Peyton Stark." I tell him before biting into the maraschino cherry, the sugary juice squirting into my mouth. Matt grins, the skin around his eyes wrinkling as I eat the cherry. Red neon lights paint one side of his face a color lighter than blood red. The other side of his face covered in the bluish lights coming from the bar.

"And what is Peyton Stark doing in a place like this?" Matt questions, leaning forward slightly. It's my turn to smirk now.


I roll off of Matt Murdock an hour later. Both of us panting and covered in sweat. Our hearts are beating fast. Matt has a huge smile painted on his face, his brown eyes pointed towards the ceiling as he catches his breath.

"Holy shit." He breathes, turning his head towards me. I laugh softly as I finally catch my breath, looking at him.

"You can say that again." I say with a grin. He tucks his arm behind his head as I move to lay on my side, resting my head in my hand. I bring the sheets up around my chest, "Did I overstimulate you?" Matt's eyes practically light up when I ask him that, his head turning more towards me.

"No you didn't. Have you ever..?" He asks, motioning towards his eyes.

"No, but I used to be with a guy that was deaf. I know it's different but I couldn't overstimulate him either." I explain sort of lamely. I didn't want to talk about Clint, but I did have to make sure Matt was okay. No one wants a selfish partner. Matt nods, still smiling.

"Are you just into disabled guys?" He jokes and I snort, smiling.

"Oh yeah. Definitely." I laugh and so does he. I look around his apartment, "Man, I can't remember the last time I was in someone's apartment."

"I'm guessing my apartment is much different from where you've lived and stayed. I mean, I've been told that my apartment isn't that bad looking." Matt responds, still smiling. I move a little closer to him.

"No it's not bad, it's just different. Although all I've mostly seen is your bedroom." I retort and he laughs, smirking.

"Do you want to see more of it?" He asks and I smirk in response to it, moving to straddle him once more. He pulls me down against him, cupping my cheek and kissing me hard.

Maybe Natasha isn't full of shit.

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