50-Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust

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The forcefield open just a little, letting the horrific monsters in. I immediately starting throwing fireball after fireball at them, burning them to a crisp. I landed among a crowd of them and started burning them to ashes. I'd lift some of them up with my telekinesis and then slam them into the ground so hard their bones would break. I left myself lose control and get out all that pent up anger. The scent of burning flesh filled the air, but to semi-quote a popular pop song, I didn't care, I loved it.

I flew back into the air, landing beside my husband who was getting attacked by multiple creatures. I screamed and used my powers to throw the creatures in the air, lighting them on fire and throwing them at more aliens. I didn't let them get close to me or my damn baby.

"I thought we agreed on not dying." I yell to Steve as I take down more creatures. I shove my flaming hand through one of the creatures. It's dark blood sizzles around my arm. I yank my arm out and light another creature on fire, none of them getting close to this little family reunion.

"I love you!" Steve yells back, which makes me laugh. That laugh is cut short when a beam of light slams into the earth. Suddenly, a lightning covered axe swings around, killing aliens. It swings back around just as the light disappears, flying into Thor's waiting hand.

"Holy shit." I breathe. We haven't seen Thor in maybe three years and damn he is certainly welcomed now. With him is a raccoon with a gun? And a tree with a face? I don't question it further. More people that'll fight with us, the merrier.

"You guys are so screwed now!" Bruce tells the creatures around us, laughing like a crazy person. Thor immediately gets to work and I grin, letting the flame cover me once more and I fly off. More fireballs, more fire, more everything. Well that is until I get yanked out of the sky by some of the creatures and I land hand, rolling so I don't land on my stomach, flames disappearing. Rocks cut at my skin and I am very sure my leg is bleeding from where the creature's claws dug in. Yup, definitely bleeding. Creatures are coming in for the kill, the nearest to me clawing at my arm, also cutting it. Suddenly, they're being fried with lightning, burning them to a crisp. I quickly pull out a knife and slash the throat of the creature that's crawling on top of me, it's blood covering me. Thor throws the animal off of me.

"Lady Peyton!" The God of Thunder says almost happily, helping me up. I smile gratefully up at him, ignoring the disgusting smelling blood covering me. He looks a little different, hair cut shorter.

"Thor, I'm so happy to see you." I tell him, burning some of the oncoming monsters that were coming up behind him. He smiles at me as he shifts the weight of the axe in his hand, looking a little disgusted by the blood covering me. I wonder what happened to his hammer...

"As am I." Thor says, throwing his axe at the creatures behind me, "Stay safe, Lady Peyton!" He shouts before running off once more, his axe following. I catch my breath, rolling my neck as the dark whispers start creeping up on me. I'm caught off guard as there's a distant rumbling, the ground rolling like its made of water until what I can only call spinning wheels of death shoot out of the ground, rolling towards me.

"Oh fuck me." I shout before flying forward as fast as I can. I land beside Bucky, my eyes wide. I didn't think I'd have to tap into my darker powers, but things aren't looking good.

"You okay? Oh my God, you smell like shit." Bucky asks and I turn to him, slightly hunched over as I catch my breath, glaring at the old man.

"Peachy. Fucking peachy and you smell too, asshat." I say with a grim smile before flying away again, landing in the center of the field. I shut my eyes and keep my hands outstretched, calling all the fire in the forest just outside the barrier to my hands. A wave of fire comes to me, burning everything in its path. A dark smirk appears on my face. It's a lot of fire and it's killing a lot of those damn monsters.

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