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I stood in front of my team, right hand tightly gripping my sword, watching as a large group of people started to approach. Before they could reach us, a woman dressed in shimmering black suit landed, flames licking at the suit she wore. Lilith looked like she was dressed for a party, not a battle. She grinned at me. My crown of flames rested on my head, clearly showing my dominance over my older sister. Bucky was standing to my right and Rhodey was to my left.

My little team all had different things to focus on during this upcoming fight. Rhodey and Sam would be patrolling the skies, making sure no civilians were in danger and lending a hand when it was needed. Bruce was going to keep anyone from even going towards the Sanctum Sanctorum. Wanda, Peter, Barnes, and I were going to be taking care of most of the fighting on the ground.

"Is this all that you brought? How depressing." Lilith taunts as she sizes up what's left of my team as her army files in behind her. I quickly realize that not all of them are her little followers and a good part of them are members of HYDRA. You'd think they would stop sewing on their symbols on their shoulders in order to blend in-but they don't.

"Jesus Christ-Did you know that she has a hold on HYDRA?" Sam asks and I don't respond. I fucking didn't.

"Well not everyone needs to be here to fight you, sister. I rather not do this at all. I don't want to kill anymore of my siblings. We can stop all of this now." I respond, trying to keep my voice calm and even. You're going to fucking die.

"Such a bad liar. Although, if we are going to do this, might as well do it properly. I have a little present for you dear sister." She asks with a smirk. Her army parts and two familiar people step forward, standing on either side of her. Oh shit.

"I think you know these two, right. What are their stupid hero names? Oh that's right, Hawkeye and Daredevil. God, they hate you. Too bad I couldn't get my hands on your sweet husband. That would have been a party." Lilith tells me with a grin. Rage is bubbling inside of me and I only grip the sword tighter. She turns and grabs a hold of Clint's face, her long nails digging into his skin. Keep calm, idiot. You don't give a damn about those cheaters.

"Lilith, please, we don't have to do this-" I plead, actually sounding sincere. My sister rolls her eyes, letting go of Clint's face. He doesn't even flinch at the movement.

"You just don't want to lose, little sister. Don't want to disappoint your little heroes." She smiles at me, flashing her way too sharp teeth. It's my turn to roll my eyes, a smirk appearing on my face as I stare her down. I can't be me at this moment in time. I need to be what will win in this situation, need to be what will save my children. What did Megan Thee Stallion say? All that rah-rah talkin' loud, need to watch your fuckin' tone. I turned my attention to the woman standing next to her. I could see the fear in her eyes. I take a step forward and smirk at her. Without moving a finger, a piece of rebar forces it way up and out of the ground. It rips through the scared woman, killing her instantly. The blood splatters over Lilith's face as rage fills her eyes.

"Dracarys." I say with a sweet little smile, lifting my sword. Lilith lifts the asphalt underneath Rhodey, Bucky, and I. Rhodey flies upward, as do I, taking Barnes with me. We both land, Lilith sending fireballs towards us. I leave Barnes behind as I move towards Lilith. Pieces of nearby cars fly towards me, but I manage to dodge them. I land in front of my sister, sheathing my sword momentarily before swinging my fist at my sister.

"You'll pay for what you did to our siblings." She growls at me as she grabs my fist, twisting my arm. Lilith slams her knee into my stomach. I grunt at the pain and she repeats her movement, momentarily knocking the wind out of me. I force myself away from her.

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