59-Lucky Ones

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I wake up in incredible amounts of pain, sweat covering my body as I sit up. The pain suddenly hits again and I cry out loudly. My hand reaches out to hit Steve, waking him up even faster. He sits up beside me, his ocean blue eyes wide.

"Doll, what's wrong?" He asks, his hand moving to rest on my back, "FRIDAY, the lights." The lights turn on and I grip Steve's hand as another wave of pain hits. He grits his teeth and I cry out again, shaking my head. The blankets covering me were wet. I quickly put two and two together and I realize that I'm in labor.

"We need the doctor, Steve-Shit!" I shout out. I think it's the worse pain I have ever experienced in my entire life. My husband finally puts two and two together and he stands up. Tears are rolling down my cheeks as my hands grasp at the sheets. He's coming, he's coming.

"I'm going to get Bruce-Just hold on." Steve says, running out of the room, like the absolute dork he is. I can hear my husband yelling at Bruce and then at Natasha. All three of them come back, all of them disheveled. I cry out once more as another contraction hits.

"We need to get to get to my doctor-to the hospital." I tell them and Bruce looks at Steve.

"We need to get down to the med bay." Bruce says and Steve nods. My husband carefully picks me up, carrying me out of the room.

"How far apart are your contractions?" Bruce asks as we walk to the med bay. I look at him, gripping Steve's shoulder.

"Minutes apart-I hope it's not too late for an epidural." I try to joke before I scream out, the pain ripping through me again. The pain clouds everything, so the next thing I know it, I'm sitting down in the hospital bed. What's left of the medical staff rush around me. I get quickly put into a hospital gown, my lovely husband covering Natasha and Bruce's eyes. I lay back down, nurses moving around me-hooking me up to the heart monitor, an IV, and doing blood tests. The resident doctor puts my feet into stirrups and my lovely husband moves Nat and Bruce away from my open legs. Protecting my modesty while I'm giving birth-there is no other men like Steven Grant Rogers.

"I'm sorry Mrs Stark-Rogers, but with how dilated you are and with how strong your contractions are, I don't think we can safely give you an epidural." The doctor tells me and this makes me stop. I look up at Steve and then Bruce. I want to make a joke, but another contraction hits. Tears run down my cheeks and I grab onto Steve's offered hand. My husband kisses my forehead. Natasha moves to my other side to pull my hair back, tucking it behind my ear.

"You're going to be okay, okay Starky?" She murmurs to me and I nod. I'm barely listening as the pain keeps ripping through me. Steve is wiping the sweat off of my face, trying to keep me calm. I shake my head, tears covering my cheeks.

"I can't do this-I can't." I tell Steve, looking up at him. My husband shakes his head, kissing my forehead again. All the sleep is gone from his face. Oh he's wide awake right now, as he smiles down at me.

"Yes you can, doll. You can do it." He murmurs encouragingly to me. It feels like I'm laying there for hours and hours before the doctor comes back to check on me. Her eyes widen as she looks up at Steve and I before walking back out of the room to yell at the other nurses. They all put their scrubs on and Bruce makes Steve and Natasha put on scrubs as well. I don't take notice of every detail, okay? I have more important things to focus on.

"Alright, Mrs Stark-Rogers, when your next contraction hits, I need you to push as hard as you can." She tells me and I weakly nod. You know, I've been stabbed, shot, and practically disemboweled, but this-this is the worst fucking pain I have ever experienced. I feel like I'm on fire, but these flames hurt. Steve kisses my forehead again, Natasha taking over the duty of holding the cold washcloth to my face.

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