The New School (1)

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Kellin's P.O.V.

It's a brand new day in my shitty life. I feel like shit as always but I feel shittier today. I start school at a brand new school today. My mother said to transfer schools because I was getting bullied at my old school.

Why was I getting bullied? They bullied me because I'm gay. Yeah you heard right. KELLIN QUINN IS FUCKING GAY!!! What my mother doesn't know is that my father abuses me too. Her head's just too far up her boss' ass to notice me or my abuse marks.

I've been laying here for about 15 minutes and I'm sure my dad is going to get pissed pretty soon.


I pull myself out of bed and head to the bathroom. I quickly take my clothes off and get in the shower. In about 10 minutes because I take long showers, I'm out and brushing my teeth.

I head back to my room and start choosing clothes to wear. I chose a pair of black skinny jeans and a red All American Rejects shirt with black TOMS. I head to my mirror and start fixing my hair.

Once I get it neat enough to where I actually feel like I'm presentable I head down stairs.

My mum is in the kitchen making breakfast for my dad. I go into the kitchen and grab an apple from the counter but my mum stops me.

"Kellin honey you need real food take some toast." My mum says.

"Ok fine make me some toast I'll be right back I need my bag and jacket. " I tell her in a monotone voice.

I head back upstairs and grab my Green Day hoodie and bag. Not forgetting my phone and charger. I went down stairs and head back to the kitchen. My mom is standing there with the toast she made me.

I grab it but forgetting my hoodie isn't on me but is hanging around my waist I grab it with my left hand.

My mother looks down at my wrist and I see the same thing. I quickly pull away from her and grab the toast with my other arm.

"Kellin you need to stop this isn't healthy. Your beautiful skin isn't for slicing. Your wrists are for bracelets or watches. Not for blades." She looks at me stern and she sounds like she actually cares. I know it's an act because she doesn't care.

"Whatever I'm late. I need to get to the bus stop." I say walking out of the kitchen.

I head out the front door after putting my sweater on so nobody else sees all of the scars and cuts. Once I go past our neighbors yard I throw the toast away and watch birds peck at it.

I put my earphones in my ear and start listening to Blink 182 and walk to the bus stop. Once I get there I'm greeted with; 3 jocks , 10 annoying little kids, 2 other emo boys that are getting too close for public places, and 5 slutty girls that keep staring at me.

They are looking at me with lust. All girls find me very hot and cute and shit but bitch I'm gay AF and do not want a vagina near me. It's bad enough I had to come out of one.

Well I walk up to the emo boys and they stare at me.

"Hey are you new?" The taller boy asks.

He has black shoulder length hair and he's wearing black skinny jeans and a black button up and a red tie.

"Y-yeah I just moved here." I stuttered. Why would I stutter they probably think I'm a pussy now.

"Oh well my names Gerard and this is Frank." He says pointing to the other boy with blonde sides and a black middle. The blacks longer and it looks really fucking awesome. He's wearing a white button up with a black tie. They
seem really cool.

Just before I say anything the bus comes up and everyone gets on. Me being 3rd to last before Gerard and Frank.

30 minutes later

The ride here was fucking horrible we had to stop 10 more times since we were the first stop. There was one by my house but it had about 7 jocks.

Gerard's little brother Mikey got on there with his friend Ray. They seem pretty cool. Gerard said that he goes to the bus stop at the end of the road because it has less jocks. Also because Frank lives by the bus stop.

When we got to the school all NEW students had to go to the office to get their schedules. Returning students went to the gym to get theirs.

The office was filled with freshman and it sucked being one of the few seniors in there. I saw some young emos that probably are barely getting into the music.

Once I got my schedule I got a map.

I was looking at the map and I bumped into someone, making them drop all of their papers. Being the awkward kid I am I end up helping them. While picking them up I notice that they're music sheets.

I see the name of one and freak out. "21 Guns by Green Day?" I ask. I look up to see a beautiful man with chocolate brown eyes and light brown hair that goes across his eyes. His arms are toned and he is wearing a black suit and he looks incredibly hot.

"Yeah I'm the music teacher and I don't like classical stuff so I go for the punk era." He says. He has a beautiful voice.

"Oh well I got to go I need to find my classes." I say and walk off without giving him a chance of talking.

If I have a class with him I think I'm going to die or even worse get a hard on in class!!!!!

Well let's wait and see.

• After writing this chapter I realized I should put a warning in the summary because I didn't think it would be depressing and triggering. But yeah. I'll put a warning up.

~Fedora Hayley <3

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