Jealous Ignites The Party (17)

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Vic's POV

"Vic your party is dope!!" Jeremy says.

"Thanks man I don't know why I wanted to throw a party today but yeah." I say.

I knew exactly why I wanted to throw a party today. Kellin chose to hang out with Matty instead of me.

I need to get drunk. I walk away from Jeremy and Justin. I head to the island in the kitchen and get a cup full of Jack Daniels.

I walk around my house seeing the strobe lights working like a charm. I miss being a teenager. Going to parties all the time, not having to work or worry about shit.

I go outside and see girls half naked sitting on the edge of the pool and guys swimming and throwing people in. I feel hands grab my waist and pick me up.

"HOLD YOUR NOSE!!" I hear Tony yell at me and then I am suddenly being thrown into the pool with my Jack Daniels being lost in the chlorine and water.

I get to the surface and gasp for air and turn to see Tony and Mike laughing at me.

"WHO THROWS THE HOST INTO THE POOL!?!" I yell at them, which makes them laugh harder. I get out of the pool and head inside. I go upstairs and change my clothes.

I go down the hall to the guest bedroom. I open the door and see a group of people inside smoking out of a gravity bong. I walk over and grab a tube coming out of the jug. I inhale and half the smoke is gone out of the 10 gallon jug. Everyone pulls off and looks at me.

"Dude that was a lot of smoke you inhaled." Andy says.

I exhale the smoke and start coughing the rest out.

"I know I'm just stressed and I'm sure it's over nothing." I say.

"Well dude tonight better be a stress reliever or you're going to regret it." Andy says rubbing my back.

I nod and smoke some more since they have it ready.

After a few more hits I'm stoned as fuck heading downstairs. The music is loud and it makes the walls of the house shake.

I am so hated in this neighborhood.

Kellin's POV

I look outside my window and see people in Vic's pool. Strobe lights are going off in the house and the music is loud. It's not like your music at a high school party. It isn't rap. It's AC/DC, Metallica, Misfits, Ramones, Green Day, Blink 182, and Iron Maiden. It was so loud I can feel the drums in my chest.

Suddenly someone starts yelling.


I look out my window to see Vic yelling at a woman with red hair. He pulls her out and makes her put clothes on.

I hope this party doesn't last all night.



The music hasn't stopped and it's been 4 hours. At least the volume was lowered and a few rowdy people left. I have school in 7 hours what is this.

How is Vic going to be at school tomorrow? Or is even going to school tomorrow? I didn't think he would be so fucking immature as to throw a party on a school night. What kind of teacher does that?

I really need sleep but the music is too loud.

I decide to go talk to Vic about this. I get up and put a hoodie on since I have my pajama pants on and no shirt. I climb out my window and climb down the tree that is by my window.

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