Go Out With Me (6)

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Vic's POV

"Sorry Mr. Fuentes but I don't think this is suppose to be happening." Kellin says. He turns again and heads to the door. Was I leaning in?

I know I do have a feeling toward Kellin I just don't know what it is yet... I feel like I should figure out what that feeling is. I head back into class and I look at everyone.

"Okay class today you are going to be learning the frets of a bass guitar. So go get a bass." I say and sit down at the computer to pull up the PowerPoint. Everyone heads to get basses except Kellin. This is going to be a long day.

Kellin's POV

I don't want to be here anymore I feel like I don't even belong here. I feel like shit. I don't know I just put my earphones in and listen to music.

I want to cry but I can't. Pete and Mikey are bass geniuses so they aren't paying attention either. I look towards them and they are too busy groping each other to notice me. I guess I can just sneak out.

I quietly head behind the cupboards and walk toward the door. I get to the door and I try to open it but then I hear Mr. Fuentes.

"Who is missing?" Fuck. I hear footsteps being drawn toward my seat. I guess it's best to just stay behind here. The footsteps are quietly making their way to the front.

I stay behind the cupboard until the bell rings.

"Kellin I know your behind the cabinet." Mr. Fuentes says.

"Fine." I said coming out from behind it. I head out and sit where my bag is. I guess this is how it's going to be from now on.

"Kellin we have to talk." Mr. Fuentes says.

"Yes I know you don't want anything to do with me. I don't fucking care. It's just going to be another dumb ass class at school and I have to go back to my fucked up family." I say.

"No Kellin." That's not what I was expecting. "I don't know what my feeling toward you are but I care and I need to figure out what this feeling is." He says.

"Mr. Fuentes you're literally confusing me. Your bipolar as fuck." I say.

"Kellin if you want this to happen I won't object but just be sure." He said walking toward his desk.

What the fuck is this about.

~After School~

I was walking towards my house and Oli is walking with me. Oli has gotten close to me as a friend and he's really cute. His British accent is adorable and his cute little face. When he sings and screams it's amazing and I really think he should sing for a band.

"Hey Kell?" He asks.

"Yeah?" I say.

"Do you want to come over to my house and hang for a bit?" He asks.

"Sure let me just tell my mo- wait she doesn't care let's just go." I say.

We start walking across the street and back towards Oli's house. Walking down the road a car drives by really slow. I know that car. It's Mr. Fuentes.

He looks at me walking with Oli and it looks like he's jealous but why? I don't know but I'm going to have fun with my friend.

Vic's POV

On my way home from work I see Kellin and his friend Oli I think his name was that. They seem like they are really close. I don't know why but I envy Oli. He has Kellin I don't.


My brain tells me it's wrong.

I don't know why but I feel like I need to protect Kellin. I don't want to see him hurt.

Kellin's POV

I was sitting in Oliver's room and was looking at all the posters on his walls. Iron Maiden, Misfits, Metallica, Pantera, Breaking Benjamin and Avenged Sevenfold. He had a guitar and keyboard in his room. His walls were black and he had dark red duvets.

"Kellin you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm just thinking." I say.

He sits right by me so our thighs are touching.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks.

"I feel like I can trust you so I'm just going to vent here a bit." I say. He nods at me to continue.

I sigh and decide to spill everything.

20 minutes later

"So let me get this right. You like Mr. Fuentes, and y'all kissed in the class and he said no and rejected it and everything, but he doesn't know what he wants?" He asks.

"Precisely." I say.

"Wow he has problems. Hmm if he can see what he's missing he'll probably want it or in this case you." Oli says.

"Do you really think that that would work?" I ask.

"Yeah. I want to see if it'll work because I want this to be something I can prove." Oli says.

"Well how am I going to get him to see what he's missing?" I ask.

"Go out with me?" He asks.

"What is that suppose to do?" I ask.

"Kellin if I go out with you and we are affectionate during class and everything he will want you." He explains in a 'duh' kind of way.

"That actually might work Oli!!!" I say excited.

"So will you go out with me?" He asks.

"Yes babe." I say and wink at him.

We end up laughing on the floor. Then a knock comes at the door.

"Oli is your friend spending the night or is he going home?" His mom asks.

"I'll walk him home mom it's just down the road." Oli says.

Oli and I leave and walk toward my house.

"So want to hang out tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yeah of course." Oli said.

Mr. F lives between Oli and I's house so even though he probably won't be looking out we held hands.

"He's upstairs, he has the window open so I see him." Oli said looking straight forward.

"How can you see him." I ask.

"The reflections in the window of his car." He says.

"Oliver Sykes your awesome." I say and tip toe and kiss his cheek.

He blushes. I feel like I could get used to this but I don't know.

So I had writers block so meh. But I'm working on chapter 7 this is actually something I want to do now like I'm excited.

~Fedora Hayley <3

The Aftermath Of Music Class (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now