Midnight Fun (20)

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Vic's POV

Kellin is outside my window. I get up and walk to the window and open the locks and slide it open.

"What are you doing here Kellin?" I ask.

"I was pretty hash on you the past two days, and I'm sorry." He says.

"Come in come on it's freezing out here." I say and open the window enough for him to climb in.

Once he gets in I pull him into a hug.

"I know I made a terrible mistake today but I am trying to get better I threw up all of the alcohol that would come up." I say holding him to my body.

"Vic it's fine." He says.

"Why are you giving me another chance?" I say.

"I know I shouldn't but I am. I don't think I can handle another time watching you drink that much. Please don't do it again." He says looking up at me with his chin on my chest.

I lean down and kiss his lips.
"I won't I promise." I says attaching my lips to his again. His hands trailing down my sides. His fingers find their way into my belt loops.

I pull away and guide him to my bed.

"This house is empty we can be as loud as we want." I say. He giggles. He pushes me down onto the bed and stand by the bed. He giggles again.

He slolwly starts to unzip his sweater and has no shirt on underneath. He slides his arms out of the arm holes and throws the jacket to the ground. He takes his pants off and he climbs on top of me. His lips connect with mine again. He moves his mouth down to my neck and starts sucking. He tries to move down my chest but is constrained by my shirt. He pulls away and sits on my lap. I sit up and pull my shirt off. I lay back down and he immediately sucks on my collar bone to leave a love bite. He is getting closer and closer to my sweet spot.

Once he gets to my sweet spot a loud moan comes from my mouth. He pulls away and smirks.

"Found it." he says and goes back to the spot to leave a dark hickey.

He starts to grind our lower half together. The friction letting a very satisfying moan out of his mouth.

"Oh-h fu uck. V-Vic." He moans and arch his back resting a hand on my stomach to keep his balance. He continues to grind on top of me. The friction is amazing but the restraint in my pajama pants.

He looks down and slowly gets off of me and pulls my pants down slowly. After doing that he slowly pulls my briefs down just enough for my member to be out. He slips out of his and climbs back on me. He connects out lips again and soon he starts grinding again. My hand slowly goes down to our members and I stroke them together leaving us both a moaning mess.

"F-fuck Vic, l-lube?" He asks.

I point to the drawer and he gets up and gets the lube out of the drawer. He comes and sits on my thighs and slowly squirts lube into his hand and coats my member. I moan at the feeling. Soon he is sliding onto my dick and I am engulfed in a warm tight sensation.

"Fuck V-Vic yo-u're so big." I moan at his words. He slowly sinks down more and I get a little impatient.

I thrust my hip up making him take more of me inside.

"FU-UCK!!" He says when I do it. He stays in the position and wait for the pain to subside.

After a few minutes he slowly starts to move. He rocked back and forth slowly gradually getting speed. I grab his hips and slowly pull him up and down. Soon he gets the hang of it and starts to bounce on top of me.

"F-fuck V-Vic!" He says. His body trembling from the euphoria feeling.

I turn us over so I'm on top. I slow the motion down and gyrate my hips and Kellin is a moaning mess from me doing this.

"P-please f-faster.. U-Ugh!!" Kellin moans out.

I switch my angle and start thrusting into him. I lean down and kiss him. I bite his bottom lip and a loud moan comes from his mouth. I slowly go to suck his neck. I start biting it and I pull away seeing a purple bruise forming on the area.

"Oh... oh god.. fuck... faster V-vic." I hear come from above me.

I reach down and stroke his member. I rub my thumb over the tip.

"Vic.. I'm c-close." He says.

I slow down my thrusts until I stop completely.

"Vic PLEASE!!" Kellin leans up on his elbows.

"What did you call me the first time we fucked? I think it started with the letter D." I say smirking.

Kellin realized what I meant and glared at me muttering 'dick'.

"No I don't think it was that." I say starting to thrust at full speed. Kellin leans back on the pillow again and starts moaning. I stop abruptly.

"No, please. Daddy PLEASE!!!" he screams. I smirk.

I start thrusting faster into him and he's a moaning mess.

"F-fuck baby boy. Yo-ou're so tight. Always so tight." I moan. I thrust in harder and his thighs start shaking.

"Are you close?" I ask. He nods. "Yes daddy, s-so cl-close." he moans out.

I start stroking his member in sync with my thrusts. I rub my thumb over the head and that's it for Kellin.

"D-DADDY!!!" He screams coming on my hand.

I stroke him through his high and continue to fuck him. After a few more thrusts I come inside him. I lay on top of him catching my breath.

"Wow that was great." He says. I roll off of him and nod in agreement. I sit up once I catch my breath and my heart is beating normally. I pull the duvet off of the bed and Kellin almost falls off the bed. I giggle and throw the blanket somewhere on the floor. I go to my drawer and pull a pair of boxers out and put them on. I throw one to Kellin and he puts it on.

I go to the bed and lay down under the sheet. Kellin sits on the bed. I lean up and pull him down with me. He giggles and curls up into my side.

"Are you staying?" I ask.

He seems to be thinking. He looks up at me and nods. "Yeah I guess I am." He says with a yawn. He leans his head on my chest and starts to fall asleep. I run my hand through his hair and fall asleep next to him.

So I guess it's a normal thing to update at like 12:50 am. Anyways I know it's a short chapter but I think I'm going to start writing the next chapter because I'm not tired and it's a beautiful night
-Fedora Hayley <3

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