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~6 Months Later~

Kelin's POV

"OLIVER GIVE ME MY PHONE!!!!" I scream chasing Oli through my house. He goes out the front door leaving it open for me. He runs down the road toward his house. He is staying on this side of the road which he never does. I wonder why.

"Come catch me if you can!!" He taunts.

He runs half way across Vic's house and I go to chase him. Suddenly I go past the fence. When I do arms wrap around me. I turn to punch the person but when I see who it is I'm in shock.

"Hey Kells." Vic says.

"Vic?" I ask feeling like I'm imagining him. He nods and pulls me into a hug.

"VIC!!!" I scream. I hold onto his lower back like my life depends on it. I thought he would be out of rehab before graduation but I was wrong. I was so wrong. It is now the end of June. He wasn't even here for my birthday. I didn't expect him to be here for that but I really wanted him here to watch me graduate. School was boring without him. It made me feel so alone. I know I had friends but I missed him.

"Kellin here's your phone back." I hear Oli say. Walking toward us. I grab my phone glaring at him.

"Hey don't blame me it was Vic's idea!!!" He yells. I look at Vic and he's smiling innocently at me.

"I just wanted to surprise you babe." He leans down and kisses me on the forehead. I missed this feeling and to have it all back makes me feel complete.

Oliver goes home to leave us alone. We go inside Vic's house. Mike and Tony would come over ever few days to clean and make sure no bugs were coming in. I got to know them better and they are really nice. They still haven't gotten married they wanted to wait until Vic got out. I got to know Jaime a little bit. He's always at work so he didn't have time to hang out with us. Once we get inside and he closed the door I jump on him and attack his lips. I love the feeling of his lips on mine. They send little fireworks shooting through my stomach.

"I love you so much Victor Vincent Fuentes!!!" I say and put my face into the crease of his neck.

"How do you know my middle name?" He asks.

"Uh ha ha um Mike." I say.

"So you've been hanging out with my brother huh?" I nod and kiss him again. I still haven't told him.

"I uh I got accepted into a college." I say.

"Really that's great!! Where is it?" He asks.

I pull away and look at him. Tears attempting to escape.


The End

So I know it's a terrible ending but as soon as I finish almost half of my other fics I will write a sequel I feel like I already know the plot of how its going to go. I really just wanted to not write a Kellic right now and do another ship. Maybe a Petekey. I like Petekey. I also have a few Perrentes in the making so look forward to some cute fluff for Perrentes. This is a really short epilogue so I'm sorry.

~Fedora Hayley<3


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