This Is Really Going To Happen (12)

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Vic's POV

Kellin and Oli were walking around the block and I was having a barbeque with my brother Mike and his boyfriend Tony and our friend Jaime. We were in the front yard since my back yard was a huge ass mess. I was planning on not going to work for about 3 days because my brother was wanting to go to Vegas and have fun. I over heard Kellin and Oli talking about something and all I heard was that Kellin wanted to kill himself because of people not caring.

Only if he knew. I care about him so much I really just want to help him. I do truly want something to happen between us but I just have to make sure he's fine with it.

I decided not to go to Vegas with my brother and everyone. I really need to tell Kellin about my choices.

Kellin's POV

I really need to go to sleep I spent most of my time at Oli's and after I had my cry fest we worked on my seductive looks then I went home and found my mom asleep on the couch and my dad's stuff was gone. I headed upstairs and went into my room. I couldn't handle any of these emotions so I went into the bathroom and grabbed my beloved razor.





I kept going and I just couldn't stop. I ended up with an arm full of cuts and it's quite easy to see why my mom thinks I'm a disappointment. I cleaned my arm and crawled into bed. This is where I've been for about 4 hours unable to sleep. It's 2 AM. I need sleep but I just can't.

I am just about to fall asleep when I hear a knock on my window. I get up and open my curtains. I see Mr. Fuentes. I open the window and look at him.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I heard you talking about wanting to kill yourself. I made my decision I want this to happen. I want to be your boyfriend or fuck buddy what ever that makes you happy." He says.

I see that he's holding onto the window seal and I grab his hand and help him pull himself into the room and not hanging out a two story window.

"Okay Mr. Fuent-" he cuts me off.

"Call me Vic." he says.

I just nod and say his name it's foreign to me. It rolls off my tongue so naturally. He looks at me and smiles.

He grabs my hands and drags them to my wrists, I flinch.

Vic looks at me and lifts up my long sleeve and sees all the cuts I just made. He looks up at me with sorrow in his eyes. He brings my wrist up to his lips and lightly kisses the cuts. I just stare at him. He pulls away and looks at me and cups my face and runs his thumbs across my cheek bones. He leans in and leans in to kiss me.

I deepen the kiss and it starts to get a little heated. He pulls away and leans his forehead against mine. He picks me up by my thighs. He carries me to my bed. He lightly throws me on the bed and comes and crashes his lips to mine. I gasp at the impact. He positions himself between my legs. I spread them further apart just a bit and it causes friction in my lower region and I gasp and moan. Vic groans. He starts to grind his hardening dick against the forming bulge in my skin tight skinny jeans.

I moan. "Oh-h Vi-ic. pl-lea-se." I whimper when he continues to grind against me.

"What do you want baby?" He asks.

It takes me a while to think he stops grinding all together and holds my hips in place causing me to whine.

"What do you want me to do for you?" he asks in a seductive voice.

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