Just Think Please (7)

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AN: Okay so if you read through til chapter 9 then you don't need to read these ones because wattpad is a bitch and ruined my story so I have to rewrite this chapter and it might be a little different then the last because I don't even remember how it was so its different but chapter 8&9 will be the same... So on with the story.

Kellin's POV

It's Monday morning right now and I'm laying in bed. I spent all weekend with Oli and we just hung out. My father should be waking me up by now.

My phone vibrates on the nightstand by my bed. I grab it.

Oli- Hey babe ready to mess with Mr. F? XOli

I text him back saying:

Kells- Of course xD xx

I put my phone back on the nightstand and sit up when there is a knock on the door. I tell the person who is at the door to come it. The door slowly opens revealing my mom. She comes to the bed and sits down.

"Where's dad?" I ask her.

"Honey I caught him sleeping with his secretary so I'm divorcing him." She says.

I just nod and look at her she looks crushed.

"It's okay mom." I say and hug her. I'm sitting here arguing with myself if telling her about the abuse is a good thing. I just go with my gut.

"Mom umm dad he uh he used to abuse me." I say and sniffle trying to stop myself from crying.

She gasps. "Do you have proof?" I nod and get my phone and show her the multiple pictures of my cuts and bruises.

She looks angry and I am quite terrified.

"We'll put him in jail baby I promise." She says.

She gets up and starts pacing around my room.

"How did I not know about this. I'm a terrible mother." She starts pulling at her hair.

"Mom it's fine you were always stressed at work. I should have told you before but it was just your never home." I say and stand up to hug her.

"I need to get dressed to go to school mom." I say and she nods and goes downstairs.

I head into the bathroom and shower and do all the hygiene shit. I go to my closet and get out a tank top and black skinny jeans. I put my clothes on and start to brush my hair. Then I put my TOMs on and head downstairs.

I see my mom sitting at the kitchen.

"Kellin your right I'm always at work. I decided that I'm going to quit one of my jobs." She says.

I look at her in disbelief.

"Really you'll do that for me?" I ask. She nods and smiles at me.

"Thank you mom." I say and hug her. She was about to speak when I hear a honk from outside and I hear Oli scream: "BABE GET OUT HERE WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!!!"

My mom looks at me confused. "Babe?" I nod and just smile. "I'll tell you later but I'm late for school bye mom." I say and kiss her head.

I walk out and get in Oli's car and hug him.

"Ready to make Mr. Fuentes jealous?" He asks.

"Hell yeah." I reply.

~Time Lapse~

I'm sitting outside Mr. Fuentes classroom with Oli and I'm facing toward the hall just to look out for Mr. I'm looking at Oli and I see a figure coming towards us.

"Oliver he's coming." I start to panic.

"It's okay I got this." He says and looks at me in the eye and pulls me onto his lap and just puts his hands on the sides of my face and kisses me. I straddle him and have a full on make out session.

We hear someone clear their voice. I look up and see Mr. Fuentes angry.

"Can I speak to you in the classroom Kellin." He says. I nod and stand up but bend down to give Oli a kiss and wink at him.

We walk into the class and I just sit on a desk.

"Kellin I said to think about it now just forget about it." He says looking at me.

I shrug and say. "You didn't seem interested about it so I just gave up." I say and look down at my feet.

"No Kellin I never said that. I just want to make sure you want this." He says.

"Well call me when you know what you want you asshole." I say and walk out with tears brimming my eyes.

That was harder than I thought.

Vic's POV

Kellin just walks out and said I need to make up my fucking mind. He's not wrong it's just that I don't know what I want.

Yes I know this is so fucking short and straight to the point I'm sorry it's just this shit just ugh!!!! I hate wattpad so fucking much!!!!

~Fedora Hayley <3

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