Realization (19)

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Kellin's POV

So it was about 11 at night when I heard it. The loud music. I get out of bed and put my computer on my dresser. I go to my window. When I draw my curtains back I see a fucking party at Vic's house.

I get my shoes on and pull a shirt on, seeing as I'm shirtless. I open my window and crawl out. Climbing down the tree and heading to the sidewalk.

I start walking towards Vic's house kind of angry that he's having ANOTHER party. When I get to his house I barge in and a few people who are standing by the door look at me scared. I walk past everyone looking for Vic. I go to the kitchen where there is alcohol. I don't see Vic anywhere in there. I head to the living room where everyone else is who probably is going to get alcohol poisoning. I see him. He's sitting in between these 2 dudes. One I know as Tony because he said he has big gauges and a Star Wars tattoo going across his knuckles on both hands.

"Vic." I say in a disappointed but stern voice.

He looks up and sees me. He suddenly sobers up after seeing me. He stands up and tried to grab my hand. I pull it away.

"No Vic this was your second chance. I warned you. This isn't going to happen anymore." I say walking away and trying to ignore his voice calling me back. I leave the house with tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat.

I slowly walk home. I climb the tree even though my arms feel so weak and I just want to let go. I climb inside so I don't have a repeat of what happened last time. I wouldn't want that.

I lay in bed and start thinking. Why does everything bad happen to me. For once why can't I be happy. I was okay for a while but God just hates me. He doesn't want to see me happy he just wants to see me miserable.

I didn't realize that I was crying until I felt tears running down my face. I pull my shirt sleeve over to wipe them away. I get up and turn my computer off. I go to the restroom and look in the mirror.

"I'm so disgusting. Who would want me?" I say aloud to myself.

I turn the light off and go back to bed. I lay down and try to fall asleep. That is easier said than done.

Vic's POV

I really fucked up this time. I told him I'll calm down my drinking. I fucking told him that today, but then I had to be the fucking idiot I am and just throw another party where I get shitface drunk. I turn to see Tony and Mike looking at me like happy idiots who just had the best time of their lives. They both did 5 rounds of the strongest weed Mike has. I didn't really get high I took a few hits but honestly I just wanted to get drunk.

I am just now realizing what Kellin meant. I don't want to drink myself to death. How am I just now realizing this. Why couldn't I have realized this when Kellin was telling me and didn't get drunk. This IS my second chance. I'm not getting  another one. Kellin already saw me like this. I blew everything just so I can get drunk. I don't know what I was thinking this was the worst thing ever. I decide it's time for everyone to leave.

After about 30 minutes everyone left and I'm left with the mess everyone made. I slowly start to pick up the trash but realize that I can do it this weekend.

Eww live in filth for the next 2 days? No way. I'll leave it for a day.

I go to the bathroom and stick two fingers down my throat to try to make myself gag. I kneel down and get in front of the toilet. Soon I feel the bile and alcohol coming up my throat and soon getting released into the toilet.

Once all the alcohol comes out I sit on the toilet seat and grab my tooth brush and start brushing my teeth. I stand in front of the mirror and look at myself I look like I've just did the maximum amount of the most illegal drug. I spit my saliva infested mint flavored foam. I turn the tap on and run my toothbrush under it and cup my hands together and wipe my mouth with the water that is in my hands. I grab the mouth wash and open it tilting it back with my head. I swish it around to get the taste of alcohol out of my mouth. I grab the face towel and set it by the sink and start washing my face.

Once I am ready for bed I go to lay down. When I'm almost a sleep there is  a very quiet tap on my window. I turn and see Kellin outside. Why is he here? I thought he was mad at me.

So I know it's a pretty short update but good news is that I got a chapter written. I have ideas for the next chapter but it isn't that vivid yet on how the whole thing is going to play out. I really like the concept of this fic now but I need time to get this all ready. I'm also sick..yay

~Fedora Hayley <3

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