Rematch and Talking (10)

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Vic's POV

At lunch I didn't dare to leave my class because I know with my luck I'll run into Kellin and he'll be all over Oliver. I don't want that. I want Kellin.


Did I?

I did.

I just said I want Kellin. I need to tell him. What if he doesn't want me anymore. This is all too complicated. Is this how teaching is?!?

Kellin's POV

Mr. Fuentes didn't come out of his class during lunch. How do I know? Oli and I were making out outside his classroom just in case he came out. I know stupid but we are just trying to get Mr. F jealous so I can be with him.

If you say that out loud that sounds really bad. I don't care. I really just want to get with my music teacher. Is that hard to ask.

The bell rings for lunch to end and to head to our 5th hour.

I wasn't really paying attention to my teacher but he said we have a project due next week on Friday and that we have to work on it during class tomorrow and all next week. I guess we are doing some presentation about graphing.

He said we can work together on this project so I decided to work with Gerard. I haven't gotten to know Gerard.

"So Gerard do you know what we have to do?" I ask.

"Not a clue I was texting Frank all hour." He says.

"Ugh!!" I groan in frustration.

"Dude it's fine I can ask him after class." He says.

I just smile at him and sat beside him.

"How's things with Oli?" He asked.

"They're pretty good but I think we're close to cracking Mr. Fuentes." I say.

"Yeah? That's awesome." Gerard says.

"I have to meet Oli after class to talk about it." I said.

After that we just sat there getting to know each other better. Gerard likes to be called Gee he sings like me. He wears a lot of eyeliner. He's interesting in general and I like him.

The bell rings and I go to meet Oli. I'm standing by the bathrooms and I see him. He looks pissed.

"Hey babe." I say.

I try to hold hands with him but he doesn't make an effort to do so.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

He looks at me and chuckles.
"Nothing I lost a rematch game of soccer against these other students." He says and grabs my hand.

He has English right now and that's just down the hall to my class which is U.S. History. I hate history so much I just want to live in the present and forget about the past and all those horrible wars that we had to fight.

He walks me to class and I hug him and he runs to his class since he has about 30 seconds to get to class.

This class was a blur. We were learning about the Cold War and my hand hurts from notes. She said we needed to write everything that was in black and if it's red you don't write it. I don't recall seeing any red on that presentation.

I head to art which is on the 3rd floor of the school. Reasons to hate big schools. You have to go upstairs. That's going to be my workout of the day.

Why can't schools just get elevators so much better.

I get to art and I see I don't have anyone in here like what's the deal with that. I need someone to vent to in here. I look around and see another cool looking dude. I go sit by him and try to talk with him.

"Hey what's your name?" Of course it had to be that.

"Andrew but mostly everyone calls me Andy. My last name is Biersack." He says.

I smile at him and just turn around because the bell rings. I guess I never was alert of my surrounds before and never noticed any of the students in my class.

We have to draw something that's on our mind and try to write a story about it.

How the fuck am I going to draw Mr. Fuentes fucking me or at least going on a fucking date with me.

I decide just to go with the flow and I move my hand to the sound of Green Day blasting through my ears.

Ms. Hubbard is going to be checking our work after class. I check to see what I have done, I got a cop car with a man in the backseat and a woman at the doorsteps of a house crying and a boy unconscious. I see that the boy is me and the man is my father. The woman is my mother I don't know if she's disappointed in me or my father. I think both. She's looking at my body which is covered in scars and red lines indicating self harm. I also have long cuts along my face and a forming black eye probably caused by my father.

I look up to see the time and notice I have 10 minutes left until 8th hour. I am dreading this class. I really don't know if I'm going to be able to handle myself around Mr. Fuentes. I am just a hormonal teenage boy that is sexually frustrated over his music teacher. I mean how can you not have a crush on that hot Mexican with lean arms and a toned body. His hair is perfect and his smile is the best thing on earth. His music taste is amazing and he's downright perfect.

The bell rings and I run out the door and meet Oli. We run to my class and he kisses me good bye and we stand there making out for a good minute.

No students are even in the classroom and I get into the class.

Nobody is in here until I see it.

Mr. Fuentes bending over behind his desk picking up papers.

I am so sorry this is extremely late I can help it I was in a slump and an emotional wreck and I couldn't think of a very good plot and it just sucked terribly. I actually have some great news I am going to be writing all this week and btw I have a laptop at night so it might be faster than usual to get a chapter to you guys.. Well it's 2:44 am and I'm not tired so I might just write chapter 11... It might contain smut idk yet...

•Fedora Hayley<3

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