The Unexpected Happens (11)

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I was falling asleep before I could write 50 words omg

Kellin's POV

I walk into the classroom and see Mr. Fuentes behind his desk and he's bent over picking up papers.

A groan comes from the back of my throat as I'm standing there in awe. Mr. Fuentes looks up and smirks at me. He comes up to me and whispers in my ear.

"Keep that bone in your pants okay?"

Then he walks to the front of the class and sets everything on the table by the board. Students start to flee into the classroom once they realize they have about 30 seconds till the bell. Everyone gets to their seats and Mr. Fuentes takes roll. Dan and Phil look at me and tell me to sit by them but earlier Mr. Fuentes gave me a bunch of papers to help him grade so it seems like I'm going to be here with him all hour. I didn't want to but I guess it has to be done.

Mr. Fuentes is sitting right by me and is showing me how to grade the music sheets. I am trying to ignore him as much as I could. I see a paper that has horrible hand writing and I can't see the name or class hour the person is in. I start concentrating on who it could be and I didn't realize I was biting my lip that was until I heard a groan come from my side.

I look over at Mr. Fuentes curiously.

"Please stop doing that with your lip. I can't handle it when you bite your lip." he whispers and puts a hand on my thigh.

I just nod and get up to go to the bathroom. I get to the bathroom and text Oli to tell him to meet me in the bathroom in the C level across from the history class rooms.

A few minutes later Oli is running into the bathroom out of breath, and looks like he fell asleep in his class. I decided to just tell him what was going on in the classroom.

"Mr. Fuentes said he's trying to contain himself around me and that me biting my lip isn't helping him. and then he put his hand on my thigh!" I say.

Oliver looks at me and says: "Well that's the key to this happening you have to be seductive around him and try to look like the definition of sex.

I look at him with a 'are you fucking serious' look.

"Look Kellin I know what I'm talking about I'll come over tonight and try to help you with it. But you have to trust me I know what I'm doing." He says and walks out of the bathroom and I presume he's going back to class.

I leave the restroom as well and head back to class. I walk back and sit down across from Mr. Fuentes he looks at me and just shakes his head.

~After Class~

I decided to stay after and ask Mr. Fuentes what the smiles and laughs about during class because I don't recall anything being funny.

The last person just left and it's just me and Mr. Fuentes in the classroom. I go and walk up to him and just stand there running my eyes up and down his body trying to get a sign of what is going on with him.

"Why were you laughing and smiling all hour?" I just end up asking him.

He laughs and looks at me shaking his head. "Nothing it's just that when I make a move you just seem so uninterested and I'm the one looking like the bad guy. You don't even know what you want Kellin. I am giving you time to get your head straight. I'm not going to be here for a few days it's very personal and it gives you enough time to think about this opportunity at hand." He says.

I just look at him and nod. I head out the door and go meet Oli even though he probably already left with everyone.

I walk out of the building and see that everyone had already gotten on the bus and left. I start walking down the street. It starts raining and I'm not even half way to my house. I am about to cross the street to go to Oli's house and I see a car coming and it pulls up in front of me.

The Aftermath Of Music Class (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now