This Isn't Suppose To Happen (4)

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Vic's POV

Kellin ran out of class after performing. Was this going to be a regular thing damn it. I look back to his friends. They look shocked and look like they're pitting him.

"Frank you and Gerard are in charge until wait no Patrick your in charge I'm going to find Kellin." I say.

I run out the door. Where would I go when this happened in school. Restroom.

I run to the nearest restroom and I see some feet in a stall and someone slowly lowering their body to the ground.

I head to the stall.

"Kellin?" I ask.

"Go away I don't need anyone's pity I'm fine. I should have never signed up for your classes. Why am I so stupid. I'm just going to change my classes so you and everyone else doesn't need to deal with me." He said.

"Kellin it's fine I know you don't want pity I know how you feel. I've been through it." I say sounding a bit sadder with every word.

He unlocks the stall and comes out.

"R-R-really?" He asks sniffling. His tear stained face is adorable.

"Yes really I did the same thing you do. I know how everything is. Just let me help." I say holding out my hand. He looks at me and puts his hand in mine. He looks up at me and grabs my wrist. I knew it.

He pulls my suit sleeve up and stares at my wrist wide eyed.

Kellin's POV

I looked at him arm. It was scarred up and it made me feel bad for him but I didn't want to show the pity I had for him.

"Mr. Fuentes I'm sorry you didn't seem the type I mean I feel bad for everything I did today." I say

"It's fine let's get back to class. It ends in about 15 minutes so we should get going." Mr says.

I just nod and leave the restroom.

"Do you want to talk during lunch?" He asks.

I hesitantly nod.

15 minutes later

"Hey you going to the cafeteria with us?" Gerard asks.

"Nah I got in trouble for leaving the class so I'm in detention." I lie.

"Oh well okay then see you later." He says while walking off.

After everyone left it's just me and Mr. Fuentes.

"So what's going on at home that forces you to do this to yourself?" Mr asks.

"A lot I can't just explain it." I say looking at the ground.

"You can tell me Kellin I won't tell anyone." He said.

"My mother ignores me and my dad abuses me." I say looking down ashamed of my home life.

"Oh Kellin your okay." He said looking at me with sympathy.

"I'm tired of everything at home and it's killing me" I say

"Kellin if I can do anything about it I would but I can't." Mr says

The Aftermath Of Music Class (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now