Another One Zips Their Lips (16)

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Kellin's POV

Today was the most boring day of school. I sat in a classroom not able to talk and had to do my work for fuck sakes. I hated it.

Right now I'm driving home with Oli and we are blasting Pete's band. I think it's called Fall Out Boys. I don't know, but the only thing they'll be falling out of are peoples pockets because they're all so small.

The song thats playing right now is 'Homesick At Space Camp' and it's literally my fav. Patrick's voice is to die for.

We are at Oli's house now and he asked if I can stay for a while. My phone vibrated and I check to see who it is.

Matty: yo can I come over Kells.

Me: Yeah my address is: 322 Sun Ray Avenue and Pester Way. House 18

"So you want to hang out right now?" Oli asks.

"Sorry man I have company coming over tonight I have to get going." I say jumping out of the ride.

"Oh.. Okay then.. You're missing out. Pete said he's going to bring beer and vodka." Oli says.

I shrug and walk over to Oli. Since he finally got out. I hug him and say good bye.

I start walking down the road to my house when I see Vic standing by his car. I run up to him quietly and stand behind him. He still hasn't noticed. I rub my front into his bum. He shrieks in terror.

"Kellin you can't do that OMG!!" He says, holding his chest like he was going to have a heart attack.

"Oh did I scare you?" I say.

"Yes, you did mister, I didn't like it." He says.

"Oh..." I put on a thinking face but not really thinking. "Well maybe I can make it up to you." I say looking innocent.

"How you going to do that?" He asks.

"Well maybe I can take care of a certain problem thats going to occur soon." I say tracing my fingers on his chest.

"I don't think we should be dirty talking out here. Come on." He says and starts heading for his house.

He opens the door pulling me in. He pushes me against the door once it's closed, kissing me and grinding himself against me.

"So what is it that you're going to do for me?" He asks.

I look at him and slowly get on my knees.

Vic's POV

Kellin get's on his knees and starts undoing my pants. He pulls them down along with my boxers and is looking at my half hard member.

He slowly licks from the base to tip of it and starts dipping his tongue into the slit.

"F-fuck...Kells.." I moan out.

He pulls away to say something but gets interrupted by a phone ringing.

Kellin pulls away and digs in his back pocket.

"Hello?" He says.


"Shit I'll be there in like 2 minutes." Kellin says standing up. He hangs up and looks at me.

"Sorry Vic but my fri-" I cut him off.

"Dude it's fine I don't need to know about your life you aren't my boyfriend..." I say and mutter under my breath "I wish you were though."

He looks down and nods his head.

"I'll make it up to you." He says.

I shake my head.

"No you don't need to. I can handle my problem myself now thank." I say and start going to the stairs. I hear the door close and I groan in frustration. Why do I always have to get jealous!!!!

I bet I'm being so over dramatic and it's just Oliver or someone else.

I go to my window, totally not being a stalker and watch Kellin go back to his house. I see a car outside his house and the door opens and out comes... Matty Mullins...

Mullins is the reason I didn't get a good blowjob great. Kellin blows me off, and not in the good way, for Matty. A guy he met today. This is just like the Danielle problem.

I call Jaime and tell him to come over and bring alcohol, all kinds. I then call Mike and tell him to bring as much weed he has and to bring Tony with and to call all his friends. I'm having a party tonight.

Kellin's POV

"Matty I was in the middle of something you cockblock!!" I yell when I see the ginger get out of his car.

"Ohh KellyBelly was getting it on? Who is she?" He asks.

"Nigga I am gay as fuck if you can't tell." I say and motion to my body.

"And I'm most definitely a bottom." I add on. Matty crinkles his nose and makes a weird face.

"Dude TMI I didn't know you're a bottom." He says. I chuckle.

"Let's just go inside." I say and start heading to the house.

When I get to the door I open it and I am welcomed with the smell of peanut butter and chocolate.

"Honey someone came over to see you." My mom says.

"Yeah he's still here with me mom. We are heading upstairs." I say and start heading up to my room.

I realized a few days ago I can see Vic's house from my window and that is very convenient.

"So this is your room?" I hear Matty say from the door.

I look around and just stare at my band posters of Green Day, Misfits, Breaking Benjamin, Blink 182, Avenged Sevenfold, and others.

"Yeah it's not that much man." I say and pat my bed for him to sit down.

He comes over and sits down and we talk about nothing mostly bands and his family. I told him about my thing with Vic and he was shocked and high fived me because I have balls.

He told me that his dad left 2 years ago because he found his mom cheating on him. With her boss. He also has 3 sisters and one brother. His dad took 2 of the sisters and his only brother not caring about the oldest saying that "they will be away from her in a few years". Which is true because Matty is a senior this year and his sister is a junior. Matty said once he moves out he's taking her from his mom because she doesn't need to deal with her drinking and whoring around.

Matty lives like two streets away and it's currently 8 pm.

"Yeah so my dad takes us during the summer and we all go to Maui for about 3 weeks." Matty says.

"That's awesome dude I've never been to Hawa-" I get cut off by his phone ringing. He answers it and his mother starts screaming at him.

"Matty you better not be at the party!!" I hear her scream.

"What party? there's a party??!" He asks excited.

"Two streets down where the last party was!!" She screams.

That's when I notice the loud music that's muffled. I also hear screaming and yelling. I look out my window and see it. A party.

At Vic's.

So I decided that I will be updating this every Monday, Wednesday, and possibly Saturday. I want this fic done with because I have many others to actually write and seeing as this is my first fic that is actually semi successful I will probably be editing it after I'm finished. I figure there is going to be about 20-25 chapters in this fic so expect a few more chapters...

~Fedora Hayley <3

The Aftermath Of Music Class (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now