Do We Tell Or Not? (9)

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Kellin's POV

I'm talking to Mikey and Pete when Mr. Fuentes asks if I'm paying attention to the lesson. I just ignore him and keep talking to Mikey. I don't hear him talking anymore and the class is chattering. I feel him breathe in my ear.

"Your being a bad boy Kellin, don't want to get punished do you?" He whispers and breathes on my neck. Did we already break Mr. Fuentes? I look towards Mikey and Pete they didn't even notice. HOW DO YOU NOT NOTICE YOUR TEACHER SEDUCING YOUR FRIEND!!! I look at the time and it's about 5 minutes until the bell.

~Time Lapse~

I sprint out of the classroom in an attempt of finding Oli. I end up finding him but I bumped into him at the corner of Mr. Fuentes class. He falls and I fall on top of him. Well oops. I look at him and I lean down and whisper in his ear.

"I think we are getting close to cracking him." I say.

"How?" Is all he asks. I sit up and help him up.

"He whispered something in my ear and it sounded really like kinky?" I say.

He nods and I continue. "He said something about being a bad boy and getting a punishment." I say and his eyes widen.

"Also Mikey and Pete knows about us and I'm sure they told everyone by now." I say and look at him.

"Well let's go tell everyone about the plan and act like a cute couple." He says. We link our hands together and walk into class. Everyone is looking at us and I'm blushing so much. We get to our group of friends and Oli sits down and grabs my waist and pulls me in his lap. I sit down and put my face in his neck right where the hickey I left earlier today. It was very visible but I want to hide it.

"So?" Frank says.

"So..." I say.


"Well it's not what it looks like." I whisper and tell everyone to huddle up because it has got to be quiet.

"So I really like Mr. Fuentes but he rejected me after he kissed me and I told Oli and he's helping me get him jealous so he wants to get with me." I explain. Frank smiles at me and looks at Gerard. Gerard was about to talk but the bell rang and Mr. Fuentes came out of his office.

"Morning class we are going to be getting in groups of 4 and we are going to get a song we have to learn. That song is going to be performed by your group on Friday." He says and goes to get papers.

Oli looked at me and kissed my neck.

"Would you like to work with me?" He asks.

"Of course." I say and give him a kiss on the cheek. That kiss actually didn't work for him. He turned his head towards me and full on lip on lip action. I close my eyes and kiss him for a few more seconds. We rudely get interrupted by you guessed it. Mr. Fuentes.

"Here is your song Kellin. Oliver? Who is in your group you need 4 people." He says and walks up to the front.

"We need a bassist and drums." I say.

We end up asking Tyler and Josh because Tyler plays bass and Josh is a kick ass drummer. Oli and I are on guitar and we are splitting up the song in parts for Tyler, Oli and I to sing.

We got Dance With The Devil by Breaking Benjamin. I look at Oli and he smiles at me.

We go to a drum set and grab our instruments. Oli knows the guitar to it really well and I am getting there. We just need to teach Tyler how to play it.

I look to see Tyler playing the song already.

"You know the song?" I ask.

He nods and says: "Breaking Benjamin is the best what you doing?" And I just laugh at his response.

"Oh and Josh knows the song too he plays it all the time." He says and I smile. We chose good partners and we have no work wow.

"We all know the song so I don't know what to do." I honestly say.

Mr. Fuentes comes up to us and studies what we are doing is just sitting here.

"Why are you just sitting here you have work to do." He says.

"We already know the song Mr." Josh says.

Mr. Fuentes nods and keeps walking.

I get up and sit on Oli's lap facing him so straddling him. I look him in the eyes and I lean down and hug him to my chest. He puts his arms around me and we stay like this for a while. Mr. Fuentes tells everyone to put their instruments back in the storage area.

I stand up and grab my guitar and head back there. I come out from putting it away and the bell rings. I grab my stuff and leave.

Vic's POV

4th hour was literally shit. I watched all of Kellin's friends scream in excitement because him and Oliver are dating. Kellin and Oliver were very close all hour and they kissed a lot. I also spotted a hickey on Oliver's neck when he went to put his guitar away.

I have Kellin 8th hour so I'll talk to him later.

His friends Dan and Phil are in there.

Well that makes all this harder. I'll speak to him in the studio room. It's sound proof and has no windows. That sounds creepy I'm not going to kill him or rape him I just want to talk. For now.

I've updated twice in less than 24 hours what??? Well it's my fren's fault for liking the story so much as to beg for me to update... Well I got a big bruise on my arm and idk how I got it. I had a chance to update at 4:20 but no my cousin had to take my iPod...

~Fedora Hayley<3

The Aftermath Of Music Class (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now