Taking It All In (21) FINAL CHAPTER

577 21 4

Vic's POV

The next morning I woke up with a small body on my chest. I glanced down and see Kellin sleeping. I wrap my arms around him and play with his hair. He shifts himself a bit and gets more comfortable. Unfortunately that's him with his thigh between my legs rubbing against my member.

I try to get his leg off but then he jolts and then rubs his leg on my shaft and I hold back a moan.

I quickly move him and get off the bed. I go to the bathroom and run a shower. I get in and just let the heat engulf me. I stand there for a few minutes just taking in the last few days. I really need to get my drinking under control. I think rehab might be the best choice for me. I don't want to disappoint Kellin. He is giving me a 3rd chance. He is more important to me than substance that helps me forget. He can be the drug to help me forget.

I start washing my body and hair. I rinse the soap off of my body and I get out of the shower. I wrap a towel around my waist and use another to dry my hair. I walk back into the room to see Kellin sitting up. I guess I should actually tell him my choice.

"Uh Kellin I need to tell you something." I say worry lingering in my voice.

"What is it?" He asks so innocently.

"So if I were to leave for a few months would you wait for me?" I ask kneeling down in front of him.

"It kind of depends where you're going." He says. I nod.

"What if me leaving will help me get better from my alcohol addiction?" I ask.

"I would wait for you if you won't be seeing anyone else during the time." Kellin says.

"Well I'm thinking about going to rehab." I say. I see the glint in his eyes when I say that.

"You'd really do that for me?" He asks with glossy eyes. I nod and hug him.

"You don't deserve another person in your life to die of the same cause it's already traumatic enough for one person dying that way." I say.

"Vic I love you!!" Kellin yells.

I look at him shocked by what he said.

Kellin's POV

I just told Vic I loved him. This is terrible.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't m-mean to it was an accident." I stutter out. I try to pull away and get off the bed. I feel his hand grip my wrist and pull me back. His lips are immediately on mine. The kiss is sweet and passionate. He pulls away with his eyes lidded and he looks at me.

"I love you too Kellin Quinn Bostwick."

I look at him and pull him into another kiss. He kisses back with as much passion as I do. He pushes me down on the bed and straddles my thighs. He pulls away and goes to my neck.

"Vic.. no.. my ass is still sore from last night.." I breathe out.

He chuckles and gets off of me.

"So when you going to check yourself in?" I ask.

"I have to tell the school first. They will have a substitute for the time I am gone. After I am done at the school I will go to the recreation center and check in." He explains. I nod. I stand up and hug him. I rest my head against his chest and I listen to his heart.

I lay back down on the bed since it's Saturday. Vic will leave on Monday to rehab. I want to spend the most time I can with him.

*Time lapse 3 hours*

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