You're Not Responsible (18)

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Kellin's POV

We got to school and I just realized that I have ISS with Vic today. Shit. Matty was waiting outside the school for me. I got out of Oli's car and walked to the doors with Oli.

"Hey Kells ready to go to ISS." Matty laughs.

"Shut up I hated it yesterday. Add ISS to the list of reason to not get in trouble." I say.

Oli giving me a confused look.

"I ditched yesterday with this asshole. We had ISS yesterday and today." I explain.

"Hey you could have said no." Matty said.

"Yeah but I didn't want to go to detention so it seemed like the better option at the time." I say

Oli sees all the guys and walks over there I stand by Matty and just talk for a while.

"So how long was that party last night?" He asks.

I groan in frustration and throw my head back.

"It didn't end until 3 am like who parties that long. Oh wait I know Mr. Fuentes. That's who." I say.

"No shit that dope ass party was Mr. F's??" Matty asks.

"Yes and it was so childish." I say. Matty nods.

The bell rings and we have to go to the stupid ISS room. Once we get there I am greeted by Mr. Fuentes. I walk past him and go sign in. I ask the teacher's aid to get my work and he leave to get all of today's work from all teachers.

Vic is looking at me and it's starting to freak me out. I take out a piece of paper and start writing a note to Matty.

Yo I wrote a dope ass song last night.

Is all it says. I throw it to Matty and he reads it. He looks towards me and mouths 'Let me see.' I grab my notebook that is full of songs and go to the last 2 pages I used to make the song last night. I throw the notebook at Matty and he reads the song quietly.

Once he's finished he passes my notebook back along with the not he wrote something on.

That's an amazing song.

I nod and mouth thanks. I am still waiting for that slow ass aid to get my work fucking hell. I start thinking of ways the song could sound and I'm thinking it might be acoustic. I rarely make acoustic songs so this will be a slow cute song that will be one of my favorites. I look up to see Vic looking at me again.

"Take a picture Mr. Fuentes it'll last longer." I say.

"Kellin outside now." Vic says.

I get up and head to the door. I wait for a few minutes and he appears from inside the classroom.

"What is wrong with you? Why you acting like this?" He asks.

I scoff and thump his head with my fingers. He groans and closes his eyes.

"See this is what I'm talking about you got shitfaced drunk last night. I went to your house and you were drunk and it was 3 am. When everyone left your house you came to my house telling me we need to talk. I don't think this is working Vic." I say and look down.

"Kellin why are you so worried about my drinking it's not your life." Vic snaps.

"Nothing it doesn't matter." I mutter looking away.

"No Kellin I want to know!!" Vic says.

"DO YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW!!!! FINE!!! MY BEST FRIEND JUSTIN USED TO DRINK HIMSELF TO SLEEP EVERY DAY NOW GUESS WHERE HE'S AT NOW!!! He's dead. I'm the one who found him. It just I am not going through that again." I say getting choked up at the end.

He looks at me shocked.

"It doesn't matter this is over Vic I can't do this anymore." I say.

"Please Kellin give me another chance I will try to stop drinking." He says.

I think for a bit and just go over the pros and cons of this.

Pros: He is a good fuck. He's hot as hell. It won't be awkward in class.

Cons: He lies about not going overboard. I'll get feelings for him.

I start walking into the class and just sit there. Matty looks at me asking what happened. I say nothing and just put my head down.

That's how I spent my day. I didn't even do work.

Vic's POV

I can't believe that Kellin had to endure that much. He didn't have to find his best friend dead because of his drinking. I left Kellin alone for the rest of the day since he didn't seem to be in the mood.

The last bell of the day rang just now and Kellin bolted from the class. I want to go after him but decide against it.

He needs his space so I decide to go home. I head out of the class and go to my car. I turn it on and I start driving home. I really need to clean my house. Last night the party was crazy. I chuckle to myself because it was amazing.
I clean the house up a bit and decide to throw another party. I just want to party again. I need the feeling of the alcohol running down my throat. Or the burning feeling of inhaling too much smoke. I just want that feeling is that too much?

I call Jaime and tell him that there is going to be another party.

I get back in my car and go to the nearest liquor store. I get 4, 24 packs of beer and a few bottles of vodka and Jack Daniel. I grab some tequila because it isn't a party without it. I head to the register and it rings up to be $97.67. I pay for it and head to my car. I drive home and a few people are waiting for me on the lawn.

I see Jack and he runs over to me to help carry the alcohol. He opens the door and grabs two packs of beer and Alan grabs the other packs. I grab the bags of liquor. Tonight is going to be wild.

I totally forgot about what Kellin said earlier about his friend Justin drinking himself to death. I'm sure I won't do that.

I totally forgot that I'm suppose to update today so this is kind of rushed at the end because of that. I think this is how the story is going to go I finally found a plot kind of thing... Yes!!!
~Fedora Hayley <3

The Aftermath Of Music Class (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now