Schedules and New Worries (2)

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Kellin's POV

After the little incident in the hall I found Gerard standing by some lockers with Frank.

"Hey Kellin where've you been?" Frank asks.

"After I got my schedule I was lost and I bumped into a teacher." I say

"Oh was it that new music teacher he looked flustered running by." Gerard asks.

"I uh I guess." I tell him in a not so sure voice.

"LET ME SEE YOUR SCHEDULE!!!!" Frank leaps toward me.

I hand him my schedule and he smiles.

"You have; 1st, 2nd and 7th with me. Pete and Mikey Gerard's little bro is in 3rd hour with you. 4th hour you have the whole gang so it's going to be awesome. Gerard has 5th with you and 6th hour you have Patrick, Brendon and Ryan. I don't know if anyone's in your 8th hour because your the aid for the teacher but hmm." Frank says.

"Oh I should meet them before I actually go to class." I say.

The bell rings before I can do that.

"You'll meet them in 4th" Gerard says.

I just walk off with Frank after he kisses Gerard good bye.

I finally get to look at my schedule.

1st- English, Mr. Joseph
2nd- Chemistry, Ms. Williams
3rd- Guitar, Mr. Fuentes
4th- Fusion, Mr. Fuentes
5th- Calculus, Mr. Madden
6th-US History- Ms. Jackson
7th- Art, Ms. Hubbard
8th- AID, Mr Fuentes

Wait I bumped into the music teacher.

The hot music teacher that I have 3 classes with!!!!

I walk into English with Frank and I see that I'm the only new student because everyone is talking to someone. The teacher walks in. He has black shaggy hair that goes to his ears and he has green eyes. He's short but not too short. He's covered in tattoos.

This hour was really boring because we just went over the syllabus. After 1st we headed to Chemistry. Ms. Williams is really short with shoulder length orange hair and she's just awesome. We went over safety procedures. When the bell rings Frank takes me to class since his is across the hall.

I look into the class and as I predicted it's the hot teacher I bumped into. Fucking hell. I walk into class and see Mikey in the back of the class room.

I walk up to him and see he's holding hands with a short boy with emo hair and wearing a 'I❤️Revenge' shirt. Are all of us gay here like omfg.

I take my seat by him and just sit awkwardly quiet.

"Hey Kellin. This is Pete my boyfriend." Mikey says.

"Hey." I say and wave a little at the short boy.

"Hey bro you look pretty cool. Can I fix your hair?" Pete asks.

"Uh. W-What? Why??" I ask.

"He likes to see if he can make people emo and it's just yeah just say yes." Mikey says giving me a pleading look.

"Sure I guess." I say.

Pete jumps up and runs toward me. He's standing behind me and starts messing with my hair and he ends up making a big knot in it.

"Uh sorry bro I got it clumped up." Pete looked at me with sad eyes.

"It's okay but I think the teachers going to get mad so sit the fuck down." I say looking at him.

"Alright students it's my first year teaching here so I want everybody to say they're name and 3 facts about them. So let's start with the front."

I have 20 students before I have to say 3 facts. Ok I got this. Facts. I am the most uninteresting person ever what are some facts for fuck hsakes.

"My names Pete Wentz. I come from Chicago. I play bass and I have a band." Pete says.

"My names Mikey Way. I'm from New Jersey. I also play bass and I have a wonderful boyfriend that has a band." Mikey says winking at Pete.

Fuck it's my turn.

I stand up. "Uhh I'm Kellin Quinn and I was born here but I moved away when I was 5 then uh I guess we came back. I sing and uh scream I guess. My actually last name is Bostwick and Quinn is my middle name." I say barely audible.

I was the last one to stand up so Mr. Fuentes went on with what the class was going to involve. After that he called individuals into the other room to see if they can play guitar.

I was up next and the butterflies in my stomach wouldn't settle.

"Kellin what are you going to play?" He asks me.

"Uh I-I-uh I'm going to p-play 'What's My Age Again' by Blink 182" I say.

I pick up the guitar and I start strumming it. A little into the song I start singing forgetting Mr. Fuentes is there.

"And that's about the time she walked away from me.
Nobody likes you when your 23"

I look up seeing Mr. staring at me with wide eyes.

"What's my age again.
What's my age again."

I stop playing and look at him.

He stands up and looks at me.

"Was I-I-I that b-b-bad??" I say kind of scared.


"I just do I hate it I hate everything I'm sorry I wasn't suppose to sing. I know it's horrible. I'm sorry." I say leaving.

He grabs my wrist and I wince at the sudden pain in my wrist.

He looks down and I just look at him. He pulls at my sweater. I pull me arm back.

"What the fuck are you doing? Why are you being so fucking nosy?!?!?" I say walking backwards.

Once I get to the door I run out heading to the chairs that Pete and Mikey are in. I sit down by them and just stay silence.

"Yo what's up with you?" Mikey asks looking a little worried.

"Nothing just anxiety from playing I guess." I lie. Something I've become good at.

"Oh" is all I get as a response.

Vic's POV

Kellin Quinn. He is very interesting. Somethings up with him.

He had a pained look on his face when I grabbed his wrist and pulled away when I was going to pull his sweater up.

He had the most amazing voice and I was amazing by how feminine it sounded.

I will ask him about everything later. Maybe tomorrow since the class is almost over.


So this is a weird chapter but it's cool I guess. I spent about 30 minutes on the schedule so yeah. It just had to be right idk. So I was reading my deleted fanfic and I was asking myself why I deleted it because it was amazing and I wanted to read more but yeah. Chapter 3 is in the making.

~Fedora Hayley<3

The Aftermath Of Music Class (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now