Chapter 4

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Katelyn's POV

I'm engaged at 22! How cool is that? Well, mum was younger than me when she engaged to dad at 19. We just need the blessing from Grandma, I mean the Queen. We have tea with Grandma today so I think is the best time. What's more William, Catherine, Harry are joining us too along with the children. Grandma met Kendall five years ago at my coronation party and the Christmas lunch party as well.

"Kendall, you'll do fine. Grandma likes you remember? She even asks you to come more often," I say as Kendall's palms are sweating profusely. "You'll be okay," I reassure him. "Princess, the Queen needs you right away. You too, Mr. Schmidt," Charlotte says. We both head to the garden to have a nice afternoon tea.

When we're at the garden, I see George and Charlotte are running up to me. "Aunt Katelyn!" they both run over to me and give me hugs, I love these two so much! "Kendall," Charlotte says the moment she sees Kendall. "Hey princess," he picks Charlotte up. I'm glad they get along with Kendall. "How's my little soldier?" I say as I hold George's hand. "I'm doing good," he says. Soon after, William takes Charlotte from Kendall.

"Hi Wills," I kiss my brother. "Katelyn," Wills kisses my cheek. Harry kisses my forehead- I just love it! "Aunt Katelyn, are you really getting married to your prince?" Charlotte asks. She is two, but she knows a lot when it comes to "happily ever after". "Lottie, manners please," Will says "Sorry sis, she is just too curious,"

It's okay I don't blame her.

William's POV

The five of us are having tea while George and Charlotte are running around. It's great to have kids to make your life full with colors. I'm great I have my "little monkey" and "little joy of heaven". "So do you want my blessing for your marriage?" Grandma asks Katelyn. "Yes, Grandma. Mum would be happy too right?" Katelyn chuckles when she mentions mum. She's right, mum would be delightful because Katelyn found her true love.

"In that case, you have my blessing. Are you three fine with it?" Grandma turns to the three of us. Of course we are fine with it. This is a huge part of my sister's life! "Yes, we are fine with it!" the three of us say. "Well then, it's all just left the announcement," Grandma says

Katelyn's POV
Announcement? Oh right, I totally forgot about it! Geez! Well when you're in royalty, you have to make announcements like engagement, royal tours as well as pregnancy. I have Grandma's blessings, I just have to deal with Dad. "Wills, how should we deal with Dad?" I ask. "Don't worry sis, leave that to us. All you have to do now is get your wedding preparations done," Wills says "Oh and Catherine will you help you out with the dress," he adds.

"So can I call you Uncle Kendall?" George asks. Wow, kids nowadays are so advance right now. "Yes, you can George. I'm gonna to be in the family," Kendall says. They both race to the tree house which belonged to William and Harry's when they were young boys. I'm glad Kendall fits into the family but he still needs some lessons- etiquette lessons.

*At Dad's Office*
William's POV
I'm at Dad's office to tell him about the happy news. You see Dad insists Katelyn that she should marry Prince Jett but I don't know why Dad likes Jett so much? I guess they both have something in common. Katelyn told me about Jett's true intention into marrying her.

"The Prince of Wales is available now," says Charlotte, I call my daughter Lottie to avoid confusion. "Thanks Charlotte," I make my way in follow by Harry because Catherine is going shopping with Katelyn later. "My boys!" Dad is very happy to see us. We kiss Dad and bow as respect. "What's your presence?" he asks. Both Harry and I look each other, then one of us starts to speak "Uhh Dad, we have fantastic news to tell you," Dad looks at either one of us "Go on," 

We tell him about Katelyn's engagement. Dad is not very happy about it. "I'm not happy my boys, not happy," Dad says "She is destined to marry Jett. Besides I love the boy," he adds. Well, this is what we expected from Dad. "Boys, get your sister immediately, please," 

"We try," I say as we head to Katelyn's room. 

*At Princess Katelyn's room* 

Katelyn's POV 

George, Charlotte and I are playing games. Suddenly, I hear a knock on my door. Who could that be? "You two carry on. I'll go see who it is," I say getting up from the floor. I open the door to see my brothers. "Hey, you two. C'mon in ! " I lead both of them. "Daddy, Uncle Harry," George and Charlotte run over when their dad and uncle come in to my room. "What are you two doing?" William asks his kids. "We're playing games with Aunt Katelyn," George says with a cheeky grin on his face. 

"You'll two run along. We need to talk to your aunt," William says as the two youngster go back to their card game. "Sis, you need to go dad's office now," Harry says. What is it about? "It's about your engagement with Kendall," William explains. "Oh okay, I'll go. I owe dad an explanation," I say. William stays behind to watch over the children while Harry and I head to Dad's office. 

I can sense that something is not right. 

*At Dad's office* 

"Dad, Kendall can fit into royalty and work on his music at the same time," I explain to dad who does not seem happy about the news. "Katie, are you sure about this?" Dad asks me. "Yes, we will prove to you that Kendall will fit into royalty," I answer. After a few moments, Dad finally says "Very well Katie. I give you three weeks to let your fiance to prove himself. If not, call off the engagement," 

Wait what? Call off the engagement? Oh no, not on my watch! 

Looks like I need some friends to back me up. 

We walk back to my room and tell William about dad's deal. "Katelyn, sis, you need some back up," William says smiling. Without second word, I immediately call Andre, Crystal, Tori as well as the BTR boys. I tell them all about the plan. 

Royal Engagement (Sequel of Life as a Royal Princess)Where stories live. Discover now