Chapter 22

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Princess Katelyn's POV

Right after breakfast, I inform Charlotte that Kendall and I would like to meet Granny for the confirmation of the engagement announcement. "One moment princess," Charlotte says. "HM is ready for you now," once we get the green light, we head in and give the formal greeting to Granny for the first time of the day. "Katie dear and Kendall, please sit. How wonderful that you two have come to visit me," Granny says.

"Sure, granny!" I say.

"Is there something you two want to confirm with me?" Granny asks. "Oh yes, we do!" I say, "We would like to confirm the date to announce our engagement," I add. There is a pause from Granny a little. "Oh, have you decided?" Granny asks. We nod, Kendall and I decide to announce on 16 November. "Katie dear, that's the same day when William announces his engagement to Catherine. Are you sure he is okay with it?" Granny asks again. I tell her that William is okay with the date. "If it's okay with William, that's fine by me. Now, the only thing is to deal with your father," Granny says.

How does she know what I'm going to tell her next? "Now, dear, don't look at me that way. I'm the Queen and of course, your grandmother. Would you please excuse me, I need a chat with your father immediately," Granny says. Charlotte comes in, "Yes, ma'am?" she asks. "Please prepare a car, we are going to Highgrove for a visit to the Prince of Wales regarding Katie's marriage," Granny says. "Of course, ma'am!" Charlotte goes off to arrange the car for Granny.

We bid Granny goodbye with a bow and curtsy. "I'm surprised Granny is taking action this quick," I say as we head out of her office. "I'm wondering what would HM say to HRH?" Kendall asks. I shrug, just as we are about to head to William's room to see the children, we bump into Harry. "Hi, another date with Meghan?" I ask.

"Yes, actually she is coming over. We have spoken of inviting her to dinner the other day," says Harry. "I bet she and Kendall will get along well," I look at Kendall.

Kendall's POV
Meghan Markle - sounds like a familiar name to me. I know she is in show business and she is a star of a TV series titled "Suits" - a legal-themed drama. "Kendall," Katelyn's voice cuts my thoughts off. "Yes, dear?" I'm asked to change to meet Harry's date tonight. "Right!" I kiss her and I head upstairs.

Meghan's POV
As we drive into the grounds of Kensington Palace, I feel quite nervous because I'm meeting Harry's family for the first time. "Relax, Meg! You're going to be okay! Besides, my sister's fiancé is from America," says Harry. "She hasn't announced the big news to the world right?" I ask. Harry says no because she is yet to get their father's approval. "My granny is taking care of this. Hopefully, Dad will come around and bless the marriage," he adds.

Whatever it is, I'm hoping to leave the first impression. "Your Royal Highness! Ms Markle, welcome to Kensington Palace! I'm Charlotte, the head secretary of TRH please come in," Charlotte leads me to a living room, I mean, drawing room. "Please wait a moment, TRH will be coming in," she smiles. I hear some chattering along the way. "Ms Markle, TRH The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and HRH Princess Katelyn of Wales," Charlotte introduces me to Harry's siblings and his sister-in-law.

"Hi Meghan, please to meet you! I'm William! May I present my spouse, Catherine, and my younger sibling, Katelyn," William starts the conversation. "Pleasure to meet you all!" I say. "Please, sit," says Katelyn. Katelyn? The Lost Princess?

They heard so much about me. "Harry's face lights up whenever he mentions you," says Kate. "And congratulations on your new arrival that is coming soon. I know in the UK, baby showers are not a thing here but I do hope you can accept this gift from me," I pass a small box to Kate. "That is kind of you, thank you!" she says. Katelyn introduces Kendall to me and he is from America too!

"Which part of America you are from?" asks Kendall. "I'm from California, how about you?" I ask. "I'm from Kansas," he says.

Prince Harry's POV

"See, I told you she will get along well," I say, giving Katelyn a reassuring look. "Look how Kendall and Meghan getting along already!" says Katelyn as we are walking to the dining room to have dinner. Charlotte comes up to me, "Uncle Harry, can I be carried please?" she asks. "Alright, up we go!" I pick up my niece.

Since Meghan is here for dinner, I ask the kitchen to cook some American food so she will feel home away from home. "Your Royal Highness, since we were expecting the arrival of Ms Markle, the Princess and Kendall had prepared the food," the head chef informed me.

Katelyn and Kendall prepared the food. Wow! I didn't know.

Princess Katelyn's POV

The moment I knew Harry is gonna bring Meghan over to meet the siblings, it is getting serious between the two of them. Harry is going to settle down for real and I think he has found someone to "share the pressure with". I watched his interview during his 2015 Down Under Tour, not long after Charlotte was born. Harry had to miss the birth but we did send pictures over for him of the first moments of Charlotte.

While Kendall and Meghan are still talking, William signals me to come into a room. He has an envelope in hand. "Lock the door, Katie," says William. He opens the envelope and it is Meghan's personal details. "You did a background check on Meghan?" I almost squeal but William covers my mouth. "Hey, I did a background check on you as well when Harry and I were looking for you five years ago," he says.

He is not wrong. At that time they really wanted to bring me home and claimed my rights to the British throne. I'm gonna bump to seventh in line when Kate gives birth to the new baby, and if Harry has children in the future, my position will be further down from the throne. Dad will be King one day, and when the time comes, I will be moving slightly up. "Whoa, Meghan is indeed an actor and the main character from legal themed drama series - Suits.

She's been married for two years before calling it quits with her former spouse. Meghan is older than Harry, three years older! Kate is older than William by five months, they were born in the same year. "Well?" asks William for my honest thoughts.

Prince William's POV

I ask my youngest sibling for her honest thoughts about Meghan after we have looked through her background. "She and Harry share a love for charity and she went to Africa for the water sanitisation, and Harry for wildlife protection. I'm not sure about personality but I do have a feeling she wants a change in the system," says Katelyn.

New blood is a thing in this family. The main obstacle is through Granny because the first six people to the throne, definitely needs the monarch's approval for marriage. "That is settled for now!" I keep all the papers back to the envelope and pass it to my secretary. "Where were you two?" asks Catehrine. I'm doing my best to keep myself cool but Catherine knows something fishy. "William is discussing my place of stay when I married. Right, William?" Katelyn nudges me. "Yes, yes, we are! We have picked the place for Katelyn and Kendall to be close to us," I say.

I'm lucky that Katelyn has my back! Phew, thanks Katelyn!

I think I'm gonna really get it from Catherine during bed time, I'll tell her the truth then.

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