Chapter 11

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*The Next Day*
Katelyn's POV
Rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty! The sun shines through the window of my room, I get up from my bed and put on my slippers with musical notes on them. It was a birthday present from Harry. I go to the shower as always to start off my day. I decide to put on a pink dress with a cardigan and match them with nude LK Bennet sandals. Even though, stepmother is trying to get me on heels but that didn't work on me. I almost twisted my ankles when I tried them on. Wow, what a terrible experience! Anyway, I walk down stairs to have breakfast with my family.

The maids and butlers greet me a "good morning". I greet them back as well because they work so hard to keep Kensington Palace in tip-top shape by cleaning the stairways, bathrooms and kitchen just to name a few. I give my lady maids a break two months once so I can be the "normal" young woman who wants to learn to be independent in life. The floor is quite slippery when I step down from the last flight of the steps because the maids are cleaning the Palace on a morning daily basis. Luckily Harry catches hold of me. "Whoa, careful there sis!" Harry catches me. "Thanks bro!" I say while keeping my balance in place. "Anything for my little sister!" Harry kisses my head. Gosh, I miss that feeling!

Prince Harry's POV
I'm heading for breakfast, Katelyn almost lost her balance at the flight of the stairs because the maids are cleaning the floor so it's a little slippery. I quickly catch hold of her before she hurts herself. "Whoa, careful there sis!" I catch hold of my sister. "Thanks bro!" Katelyn says while keeping her balance. "Anything for my little sister!" I kiss her head, Even though she is 22, she is my little sister to me. I bet George and Charlotte will take up this example from their Uncle Harry and Aunt Katelyn on their sibling bond.

I put Katelyn's hand on my arm as I don't want her to trip or fall, that would be very embarrassing! Soon, as we arrive at the table, breakfast is already served! Katelyn is having her usual sunny side up and toast while I'm having my English breakfast. The children aren't up yet because it's early in the morning, sometimes I would lay in my bed a little bit longer whenever I'm off duty or on the weekends. Other days, I have to wake up really early because you never might know when it's your next royal duty engagement. We always have to be on the house.

After savouring breakfast, Katelyn is going to have a first private parliament meeting. It's not a big one. Just a few of them who is going to help Katelyn for the children's shelter. What am I going to do,  you may ask? I'm going to give my sister a little bit of guidance. Ever since she turned 21, a lot of duties that Katelyn have to handle. She had a lot of pressure back then because everyone expected that she would do better. Her health did affect along the way, but she stayed strong until the end. Now she is 22, I guess she would handle well with the private meeting.

The media always describe us as Royal Siblings in Crime because Katelyn and I make an amazing royal team! So, we'll just see how it goes for today's meeting.

*At the private meeting with the MPs*
Katelyn's POV
"So gentlemen, as I had consultation with Her Majesty earlier, I would like to convert some of the rooms as temporary shelter for the orphans until the orphanage is renovated for the children to stay," I say. "Although, I do feel guilty to have more than a room for myself," I add. One of the MPs says that the Palace is only for royal household members or dignitaries with a royal bloodline, not for children. They tap the table as an agreement. Well, this is my first private meeting with five MPs, alongside with my brother, Harry to guide me all the way.

I turn around and look at Harry with worried, I'm afraid the meeting would not go well. He gives my hand a squeeze to reassure that his sister would do fine. "You'll do fine Katie," Harry whispers in my ear while giving me an encouraging smile. Taking a deep breath, I turn my attention back to the five MPs. "Viscount Anderson, how is your brother?" I ask Viscount Anderson who is sitting beside Lord Cyrus. "Your Highness, I don't speak to my brother for a long time ever since I became an MP," he says. "Well, I have hired him as a contractor to renovate the rooms," I say as the Prime Minister sends Viscount Anderson's brother in. "Mr. Anderson," I hold out my hand to shake Mr. Anderson's hand. "Your Highness, thank you so much for inviting me over to work on the latest project of yours," Mr. Anderson says. "Aye, Tony! How are you, big brother?" Mr. Anderson greets his brother. "Very well, Thomas!" Viscount Anderson says.

I lightly tap on the book cover, "The Queen trusts me to get this project done ASAP. Now gentlemen, we could raise the funds in no time right?" I ask. "Not at all, Your Highness," they say. Okay, that goes well! Harry squeezes my hand again, "Well done, sis!" he mouths. I mouth "Thanks,"

*After the private meeting*
Prince Harry's POV
My sister handles her first private meeting with the MPs very well. I was with her every step of the way. It didn't take a long time to get the job done. There will be similar meetings in future for Katelyn to handle. In the meantime, we are walking to the dining room to have lunch. George runs towards me. "Uncle Harry!" George reaches his tiny arms to carry him. "Hey kiddo," I say lifting him up. "George, you look sweaty!" Katelyn takes out a tissue paper to wipe out the sweat from George's forehead.

"George! There you are!" Kate says walking over with Charlotte. "C'mon George, let's go take a bath. You don't want to ruin Uncle Harry's coat," she says. "No, no Kate! It's okay! Besides, Katelyn was done with her first meeting not long ago," I say putting George down. This child is growing up so fast! By the time he's older, George can't be carried anymore. "Oh, that's good! How did it go?" Kate asks. "We'll tell you everything at lunch," Katelyn says as she and I head for the kitchen to taste the food.

While Kate is going to give the children a nice bubble bath. I used to have fun in bubble baths in my childhood days. Mum was around back then. She gave William and I the most fun bubble baths, now George and Charlotte are having fun as well. Of course, George would go first then Charlotte. "Good afternoon everyone!" Katelyn says as we step in to the kitchen for some food tasting. Yeah, my sister has a sensitive taste bud. Although she has the passion in music, she has a thing for food as well.

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