Chapter 10

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Kendall's POV
I had a great night, I had the chance to have a chat with my princess. From the look of her, she lost a lot of weight, maybe it's due to the amount of royal duties she has these days or the pressure to marry Prince Jett of Kenilworth. Since BTR broke up three years ago, the boys and I are focusing on our individual music. Alexa and Carlos welcomed their baby boy. He is so cute! I bet Katelyn would love him too! She has a thing for children.

Although I don't buy and read stories of myself, sometimes I just randomly flip through some magazines at a mini mart. In one of the magazines, I look at a photo of my girl crouching down on the children's level to talk to them. I read a line: A little girl asked the Princess where was her musician boyfriend, Kendall Schmidt, former band member of American boyband, Big Time Rush (BTR) and now member of Heffron Drive with Dustin Belt. The Princess gave the answer that every little girl wanted to hear, "He'll be visiting soon, currently he's making new music. I'll let him know that you said hi to him, alright? You'll be a good girl okay?" As she was about to leave, the little girl gave her a big hug.

A lot of people are really looking forward to the band to reunite. A reunion would be amazing! The boys and I get to relive our music. Especially who were born in the late 90's, 2000s and early 2010s influenced by our music. I bet these kids when they grow up and one day running up to me:"You were from my childhood!" That feeling is so great! Luckily my girl grew up with BTR, even before she met me on her 16th birthday six years ago. What I heard from Niall when Katelyn and I got together was that she would jam all BTR songs in her room. Sometimes Niall teases his sister to stop fan girling me and the boys. He said Katelyn should "fan girl"  her brother instead.

That was an embarrassing moment for Katelyn. She kinda gave Niall "don't embarrass me" look. She would always say "I will fan girl 1D because my big brother is in the band but that doesn't mean I can love both bands at the same time," Niall immediately cracked up, when his sister said that on our first dinner together as a couple. What great memories I had with that girl. I don't care she's royalty or not. She picks me to be her life partner and I pick her as mine, as long as we are both honest with each other, care and love, relationships will last. One more important to a successful relationship- communication!

That makes me think about the etiquette lessons which Katelyn mentioned weeks ago. Should I take them? Gotta call the boys up. I really need opinions from them.

*Back in England*
Katelyn's POV
After a long chat with my foster brother, Niall and soon-to-be fiancé, Kendall. Although Kendall and I already engaged, it's not official yet but once Dad says "yes" then we announce the engagement to the world. Then and only then, I can call Kendall my fiancé. I think history is repeating itself, Wills proposed to Kate seven years ago in Kenya on 2 November 2010 then they announced the engagement 2 weeks after that. I saw the interview when the news broke. They were so relaxed and showing their little gesture to each other. As a young teen back then, I would always dream that I live in a Palace- it's every girl's dream. My dream came to reality when Wills and Kate visited me five years ago in Nashville and revealed my true identity. So here I am, in my dream home for five years now.

If Kendall joins royalty, that means he has to get rid of his tattoos! I know Kendall loves his body art but in royalty, you have to give up everything! I mean everything!

Let me just take an example of the late Princess Grace of Monaco. Princess Grace was formerly known as Ms. Grace Kelly, a popular actress, before her marriage to Prince Rainer III of Monaco. In 1956, the royal wedding of Prince Rainer III and Princess Grace of Monaco was the wedding of the century in the mid-1950s. Princess Grace had to give up her role as an actress upon her marriage to the Monaco Princely Family.

I can't let Kendall to give up his music career, he loves music so much! I know because I have a passion for music as well. I think this common interest keeps Kendall and I together for a long time. "Put that aside girl. You have a project to focus on!" I told myself as sleep overtakes me. I'm gonna tell my brothers about the room renovation to let the children until theirs is done with a nice environment to stay

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