Chapter 14

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*After dinner*
Katelyn's POV
I escort Logan to the main entrance of the Palace where Joe's car is waiting. "Thank you for the lovely dinner, Princess Katelyn. I had a lot of fun, especially with the two kids," Logan says. "No problem, Logan! You can come anytime to see the kids. William and Kate would be very delighted as well as Harry," I say. Before he heads into the car, Logan and I hug each other. I'm gonna miss him but he will be back with the boys. "Logan, wait!" Kate calls. He comes out from the car, "Yes, Kate? Anything I can help?" Logan asks. Kate passes a gift bag to him, "This is for little Ocean. You told me earlier at dinner that he is turning one soon so on behalf of my family we would like to give him a special gift," she says. Kate never fails to show off her maternal side.

"Thank you so much! Alexa and Carlos would be delighted to receive the gifts from you guys!" Logan smiles as he looks at the gift for Ocean from the Royal Family. "I made this tiny pendent which has Ocean's name on it," I say as I put the pendent into the gift bag. "Thanks once again! I keep them in a safe place," Logan says. One final hug as he gets into the car. We wave to him as Joe starts the engine, Kate puts a hand on my shoulder as the car leaves the Palace. "Come Katelyn dear, let's go inside," Kate says as I turn my head to have a final look of the car. Although we are not able to attend Alexa and Carlos' firstborn's birthday, at least we have gifts for the little boy. Kids sure grow up fast. It felt like yesterday when Kendall and the boys told me that Alexa and Carlos welcomed their bundle of joy. George and Charlotte got to meet Ocean while I was off duty so they had play date with him.

Kate and William gave some parenting tips to Carlos and Alexa while the rest of us were keeping an eye on the little ones. I'm about to go to my room when I see Harry at the steps, I run over to him. "Hey Harry!" I greet my brother. "Hey sis! You had a long day," Harry says putting an arm around me as always. "Yes, yes I have," I say as both of us climb up the stairs to our rooms. Suddenly, I have to ask Harry something. "Harry, can I ask you a question?" I ask. "Um okay, let's go into my room and talk," Harry says as we head into his room.

Prince Harry's POV
"Um okay, let's go into my room and talk," I say my sister head into my room. Once we're in my room, Katelyn has this serious look on her face. When she puts on that face, something serious must be going on. "When are you getting back together with Cressida?" Katelyn asks.  "I don't know sis. Recently I saw her hanging out with another guy," I say. "Bingo!" Katelyn snaps her fingers as if something has struck her. "Harry, Cressida is just making you jealous," she says, "Most girls use this kind of tactic to win their boyfriends back," Katelyn adds.

She does have a point though. I do feel jealous when I see Cressida hanging out with that guy by her side. No one is ever going to take away my future princess. My sister is really good at this! "So?" Katelyn asks "Are you going to get her back?" she gives me a questioning look. "You know what sis? You're right, I'm getting her back!" I kiss Katelyn's forehead, she misses the feeling so much. "Well my job here is done!" Katelyn says as she heads out for the door but then she quickly turns back and gives me a goodnight kiss. We used to do that when Katelyn was a young teen girl. I don't want my sister to grow up, I just want the little sister when I first met her five years ago.

"Goodnight Harry, I love you!" Katelyn says. "I love you too sis. Goodnight!"

After I had a chat with my sister, I feel an energy inside of me- I have to win Cressida back! But how? I need my sister's help for that. Girls have a knowledge when it comes to relationships, especially my sister. When Kate and William broke up in 2007 and got back together a few months later. Now look at them- two amazing children to raise and a happy marriage. I want to have that with Cressida too. Even though I'm like Lottie, the spare to the throne, I want to settle down with Cressida. Another royal wedding- the world wants us to settle down. 

I don't have the pressure like my brother because he is going to be King one day, Katelyn and I will always be the spare. Thinking back what my sister told me earlier, I know what I'm going to do. Sleep overtakes me. 

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