Chapter 9

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Katelyn's POV
After I had the whole "helping children" conversation with Jett, he seems to be quite impressed by the charity which I'm involving in. I manage to the Prince at ease without using his "womaniser" charm on me. You see, most girls will fall for Jett's good looks and charms, I have to admit that! But it's not going to work on me. I mean, I'm engaged at 22 to the most handsome musician in the world and my heart belongs to that person- Kendall Francis. If a commoner married into royalty, he or she must use the first two names when saying the vows. I watched William's royal wedding to Kate back in 2011. At that time, I didn't know I was the princess back then. I was stuck to the couch for four hours when I watched the special occasion. Kate didn't say her last name when she said her vow to William. She just said "Catherine Elizabeth".

After hours of chatting on mental health and helping children, it's time for the Kenilworth Royal Family to retire to their hotel which is just a ten-minute drive from Kensington Palace. Seems to me that Jett is going to make regular visits to the Palace when Kendall or my family is not around. We personally the Kenilworth family to their car which parks outside waiting for them. Before Jett gets into the car, he uses his pick up line:"Hey princess, wanna come over to my suite? I'll make sure everything is comfortable when you get there. Maybe catch up a couple of movies?"

Sorry Jett, that didn't work on me. "We'll just see how it goes. My brother and I can come over for a sip of wine at your suite when we drop by," I smile at him as Jett gets into the car with disappointment. I told you Jett, it would not happen to me. "As the car leaves the palace, I finally can lean my whole body on Harry's shoulder. "Phew! That was close!" I say. "Well yes it is, Princess Katelyn!" Harry grabs hold of me as he puts an affectionate arm around his little sister as the four of us head back inside. "Anyway sis, nice going with Jett! You managed to put him at ease to make him forget about the arranged marriage that Dad sets up for you," Harry praises me.

What could I do without my brothers and sister-in-law? I go back to my room to write my diary and Skype calling with Niall and my prince! After writing today's event, I set up my laptop and open the Skype app. Surprisingly, both of them are online! I join the three contacts together, I press the "video call" button on the screen.

*Back in Nashville*
Niall's POV
I'm writing songs suddenly my computer screen pops up with Katelyn's picture. She calls! I quickly go to my computer and click the "accept" button to see my foster sister is up to these days. Kendall's in the call too? Make sure these two don't end up talking each other and left me out of the conversation. It was really awkward!
*Skype conversation*
Niall: Hey Katelyn! How's it going sis?
Katelyn: Everything is going on well. I just involved in a number of charities to help children
Niall: That's great! Remember when we were kids, you used to say "I wanna help children" in future
Katelyn: Yeah, I totally remembered that!
Niall: Is Royal life treating you well?
Katelyn: Yeah, so far so good! Just met the Kenilworth Royal Family
Niall: Let me guess? Prince Jett?
Katelyn: Bingo! Before he left, he asked me to hang out with him at his suite
Niall: Did you say "yes"?
Katelyn: Of course not! Why would a Princess give up herself to a Prince who she does not love?
Niall: Good! Is the Prince Jett interested to join forces in one of your projects?
Katelyn: Well from the look of it, yes! Niall, you know Jett is trying ways to get me to marry him just because my Dad set up for me. I'm not gonna do that!
Niall: I'm sure you won't! You have any plans on your projects?
Katelyn: Yes! I'm trying to turn one of the rooms in Kensington into a temporary shelter for the children. The one I visited was under condition. Not a safe environment for the children to stay.
Niall: That's very thoughtful of you! These children are very lucky to have a Princess like you.
Katelyn: Thanks Niall! How's Zayn? Haven't seen him since he left 1D two years ago
Niall: Zayn? He's doing well, a very successful music solo career he has. He's living with Gigi Hadid
Katelyn: Gigi Hadid? The supermodel?
Niall: Yeah, you were the guest of honour at the VS Fashion Show in 2015?
Katelyn: Oh yeah! I remembered now!
*Kendall joins in the call*
Niall: Hey Kenny!
Kendall: What's up Nialler? And hello Your Highness!
Katelyn: *Giggles*. Oh stop Kendall, you know I "hated" to be called like that
Kendall: Just teasing my girl as always. So what did I miss?
Niall: Katelyn and I were talking about her latest project
Kendall: Katelyn, that's wonderful!
Katelyn: Thanks! I'm trying to convert one of the rooms to a temporary children's shelter
Kendall: What a thoughtful idea! Have you talked about the project to your brothers yet?
Katelyn: No, not yet. All of us had a very tiring day?
Kendall: Why?
Niall: Because the Princess welcomed the Kenilworth Royal Family today!
Kendall: They do make regular visits to the UK eh?
Katelyn: Yeah. Prince Jett seems taking interest in my recent project
Kendall: The Prince I met at your coronation and at your 22nd birthday?
Katelyn: Yes Ken! He's the one. The one my dad trying set me up on an arranged marriage
Niall: Hold up! Sis, you didn't tell me that you are going to be on an arranged marriage?
Katelyn: Yeah! Kendall told you, remember?
Kendall: Yes, Nialler! You almost "wrecked" the whole house down
Katelyn: Oh Niall, not again
Niall: Sis, don't tell Kendall about the concert incident
Katelyn: Niall, relax! I'm going to tell Kendall when both of you are here for a visit. Besides, George and Charlotte want to know some "embarrassing moment" of their Uncle Niall.
Kendall: Uncle Niall?
Niall: The royal kids called me
Kendall: Oh okay!
Katelyn: It's getting kinda late in the UK, I'll chat to you guys tomorrow
Niall: Night sis, stay warm! The temperature is freezing there
Katelyn: Will do bro! Keeping myself warm as much as I can
Kendall: Night princess, I love you
Katelyn: Night! I love you both so much
*Skype conversation ends*
As soon as Katelyn went offline, it's back to my song writing. My break of the year is coming real soon, I can't wait to see my sister again. Seeing her progress from a small town girl to a Princess, she achieved so much at her age. It's 30 under 30, that's what they say. Katelyn still remembers Zayn, her memory is better than I am! Hopefully Zayn will meet up with me and the boys. When Zayn left the band, a lot of girls posted their videos online to share their heartbroken moment. Some even cut their wrists. When Katelyn saw the video, she immediately to tell the girls that Zayn left the band, it was not end of the world. "We have to respect his decision to leave the band as a person and budding artist. I know he's been apart of our lives while growing up listening to the music he made with 1D," she said in a video to stop girls from hurting themselves just because of one band member leaving 1D.

The headlines were on the front page: Princess Katelyn Tells Heartbreaking Zayn Malik's Fans to Stop Hurting Themselves due to the Singer's 1D Departure. I was shocked and confused at the same time. Online magazines posted Katelyn's bravery. There are good and bad comments about Katelyn's video message. All in all, I was proud of her. In her interview she said:"There are bunch of boy bands out there for you to support. Not just only 1D. There's no reason to be sad. I'm sure Zayn will create amazing music for the whole world to listen."

That's my sister! She cares about her people. Speaking of my sister, I should book my flight ticket as it's still in early November. Usually around mid to end November, most flights are delayed or cancelled due to the snow. I almost missed my flight! Still, we have to get everything done early.

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