Chapter 17

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Princess Katelyn's POV
Once Charlotte announces the arrival of the therapist, we stand up to greet her. "Hi, thank you so much for taking off from your busy schedule," William shaking her hand. "The pleasure is all mine, Your Highness," Rachel, the therapist gives a little curtsy. William continues the introduction, "Please call me Will. You don't need curtsy like that. Allow me to introduce you my wife, Catherine; my brother, Harry and my sister, Katelyn,"

"You must be the lost princess right?" Rachel asks. Wow, why everyone keeps asking the question every time? Gathering with poise, I say "Yes, yes I was but that was a long time ago," We lead Rachel to the children's room where George and Charlotte are in a middle of a game. Kate goes over to stop them.

Catherine's POV
The children are in a middle of a game when we walk in. I go over to stop the game which you know cause a fuss. "Children, please settle down. We have a guest here, so please behave yourselves. Mummy is going to put the game away for awhile and you can continue after we're done with Lottie's treatment," George asks me whether Lottie has a fever. "No dear, why not you join your uncle Harry and aunt Katie," I motion to George while I pick up Lottie from the floor.

"Little Charlotte, this is Rachel. She's gonna help you with the nightmares you are having these days," I explain to Lottie. They don't know what is the definition of mental health now but it's the best to introduce them the term at a young age. "Catherine, you can put her down because I bring a few toys over," Rachel says as she takes out a few toys from a bag. Lottie's face lights up immediately when she those toys . She (Rachel) says only the parents stay behind for the first session of the therapy, the rest of them she will speak each of them individually.

But you know George can be a handful at times. "Mummy, why can't I join in?" At this moment Katelyn jumps in and says "George dear, this is only for the first part of the activity. And Rachel will set up a game for you to play with Lottie later on. Now let's get you to the kitchen to get you some snacks. You must be worn out after beating your sister in that game right?" Katelyn turns to me and gives me the "OK" sign. I mouth thank you to her as she and Harry distract George.

Princess Katelyn's POV
Harry and I bring George to the kitchen because we want to be distracted while Lottie having her therapy session with Rachel. "So what would you like to eat?" I crouch down to George's level. "I would like to have a cookie please," George says. The cookies are placed at a higher part of the cabinet but luckily Harry is tall enough to reach for the cookie jar. "Thank you uncle Harry," George says with a smile plasters on his face. "You're very welcome," Harry carries George to his high chair. We just give him two of the cookies because sugar can make a child go hyperactive. We don't want to let that happen.

We also bring some of George's colouring books to keep him busy while the therapy is still going on. Suddenly my phone rings, I see the caller's ID- none other than my fiancé, Kendall. "Harry, you keep George busy. I have to take this call," I say. Harry mouths okay as I go in to the kitchen to answer my phone.

Katelyn: Hello?
Kendall: Hey Katelyn! How's my princess?
Katelyn: I'm good! By the way, I heard your new song "One Way Ticket"
Kendall: Oh cool! Do you like it?
Katelyn: Like it? I love it! So when are you coming to England?
Kendall: Soon princess. I'm coming real soon.
Katelyn: Okay. I miss you! George and Charlotte keep on asking me where have you been.
Kendall: I miss you too, my princess! And I do miss the kids too. Like I said, I'll be coming soon. I promise!
Katelyn: We'll be waiting. (Heffron Drive's manager's voice yelling in the background). Well, duty calls for you.
Kendall: Yeah. I'll tell you everything when I come. I gotta go.
Katelyn: Bye! I love you!
Kendall: I love you too!

*Phone conversation ends*

I miss Kendall, it's been almost four weeks since he last visited England. When I come out from the kitchen, Harry and George are still on the sofa doing colouring. "Hey, who was that on the phone?" Harry asks as I take my seat next to George. "That was Kendall," I say. "Really? So when is he coming to visit?" Harry asks. I tell him that Kendall is coming real soon to visit, he also misses the children as well.

"Well he person gotta be here, sooner or later because he can't do the deal that Dad gives you, that means you have to give up your rights the throne and become the future Queen of Kenilworth." Harry says. I promise mum that I would not give up my position to the British throne. I'm the future Queen of England! "Aunt Katie, which colour should I pick for the car?" George's question cuts off my thoughts. Studying the colours carefully, I pick out a blue colour pencil. "You can try this one or green," I say. "Nicely done, George!" Harry praises.

George does take artistry genes from Kate. Whenever Kate has a day off without the children, she would just grab her colouring book to fill her time. As we are still helping George to get the colours sorted out, Charlotte comes in, "Excuse me, Your Highnesses. The Duke says Ms. Rachel would like to see George immediately," I say "Will do Charlotte, thank you!" After Charlotte left the room, I tell George it's game time with Rachel. "Yay, game time!" George hops out from the sofa while Harry trails behind him to make sure he doesn't break any valuable stuffs. I, on the other hand, have to clean up the colouring book and pencil which George left behind.

When we reach to the children's room, William and Kate are just done with the last therapy session. "Good job, Lottie! Let's bring your brother in," Rachel says. As Charlotte opens the door for us, George immediately runs into William. "Hey, George! Thanks for baby sitting him," William says as he puts George down. "No problem Wills!" I say. William gives me a squeeze. I miss that feeling.

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