Chapter 3

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William's POV 

A flash engagement for Katelyn? It's not good! "I think I lost my party mode. No, no please do enjoy the rest of the night. I think I need to read my novel which I left off earlier before the party. I need to be with someone, I don't know, civilized!" Katelyn just storms off like that which leaves everyone in a tense situation. Someone needs to do something to sooth the situation. Without second thought, I go up to stage to keep the guests stay. 

"Please do enjoy yourself for the rest of the night. My sister, Katelyn, is under the weather. Sorry everyone. Much apologies," I say as I tell Catherine and Harry to keep the guests entertained. I run upstairs to look for Katelyn. Luckily the kids are in bed at this hour. "Katelyn, sis, open the door please. It's me, Wills," I knock on the door. 

When Katelyn sees me, she cries in my arms. "I don't want an arranged marriage, Wills. It's not the old time anymore," she says. "I know, I know, sis. We'll try to convince Dad, okay? I promise," I say. I don't understand why Dad insists Katelyn on marrying Prince Jett of Kenilworth? If Charlotte chooses the man she loves in future, she will have my blessings. 

Because I don't want to see my kids to marry someone who they not love. Same goes to my sister. Katelyn is a very bright, caring and loving Princess. People from all over the world love her, she even takes mum's title- The People's Princess. 

What's more important, she has a vision to rule the country one day. 

"Katelyn, the party is still going on. You left everyone in a tense situation since Jett proposed to you out of the blue," I say "Do you want go down?" I ask. Katelyn shakes her head, "I wanna rest for a little, I'll be there in a minute or two," I kiss her forehead before leaving her room. Poor girl! 

Catherine's POV 

Harry and I are entertaining the guest, since Katelyn storms off the flash engagement proposal from Prince Jett. "Do you think Katelyn is going to be okay?" I start to get a little worried. "Catherine, she'll be fine. William did go up check on her," Harry whispers. Everything is in a tense situation right now. I see William coming down from the stairs. I excuse myself and walk to my husband. 

"Honey, how's Katelyn? Is she okay?" I ask Wills. The poor girl is getting everyone worried sick and it's her birthday today. "She's fine, dear. She'll be down in a minute or two," William says as we hear foot steps coming down from the stairs, it's Katelyn! "Katelyn, are you alright sweetheart?" I ask as William helps her down from the last step. 

"I'm fine, Kate! Don't worry about me," Katelyn says "Besides the party is not over yet," she adds. Soon, Jett comes along. Uh oh, not good! "My lady, will you accept my proposal?" Jett asks. "Well I..." Katelyn says as Dad comes. "Katie dear, you need someone who can help you to rule the country someday," 

William comes and soothes the situation, "Dad, I don't think Katelyn need to marry a Prince to live happily ever after. Besides, she can marry her Prince on her own. It doesn't mean she has to marry a real Prince," William convinces Dad. "Dad, Katelyn deserves to marry with love," Harry adds. The big question still leaves to Katelyn. I always tell her that a true Princess follows her heart. 

Katelyn's POV 

Wow, William and Harry are trying to convince Dad. I love Dad, I really do but this big decision is a lifetime. Marriage is a big step of a lifetime. If I choose the wrong person, I won't be happy at all! Alright, I admit girls wanna be like me and boys are madly in love with me. But this is my decision, no one will ever make for me. 

My heart is telling me that I'm not Dad. I'm me- Katelyn! "Dad, I love you but I can't accept Jett's proposal. I can't marry someone who I do not love," I stand my ground. "I don't want to be ended up in a divorce like you and mum," I add. Mum loved Dad with all her heart but he didn't appreciate mum. 

"Think about it, Katie," Dad leaves the party. Well, that was awkward. 

"I'll wait for you, Katelyn," says Jett. Who wants to wait for him? "You wish," I push Jett away. I go back to Kendall who is standing with William, Catherine and Harry. "Hey my girl, how's everything?" Kendall asks. I can see the worry in his face. He witnessed the awkward situation! "Kendall, you thought I was going to accept Jett's proposal?" I ask. "How did you know?" Kendall says. 

"You're my boyfriend, I know almost everything!" I joke which make us crack up. "Hey sis, we have another surprise after the party," Harry says. I have enough surprises already! The party, the dress, presents from the European Royals and I have a fedora which is similar to my all-time favorite singer- Michael Jackson, the late "King of Pop". 

*After Party* 

We stand by door to escort the guests to their cars. Katelyn, I hope you will change your mind," Jett says. please enough with the proposal already! I'm so sick of it! Finally, all the guests leave just William, Catherine, Harry, Kendall and I. 

"Hey sis, we have a surprise for you at the garden. C'mon!" Harry says as he grab my hand. We both run to the garden where is all set up with lights. This kinda reminded me of having my first kiss with Kendall and not too long ago before I went in to accept Jett's "proposal". "Tell me everything when you're done," Harry says leaving without kissing his sister? That's weird. He usually kiss my forehead before he goes anywhere. 

I don't know what is going on out here but it's really exciting! I can feel romance in the air, the statues of Cupid at the fountain shines brightly in the night. Then I see Kendall coming with a smile on his face. Okay, what is he doing? He looks at me, gets down on one knee . Oh Kendall! 

Kendall's POV 

I look at Katelyn and get down on one knee, this is it! "K, will you marry me? I may not be perfect but I swear I will protect you with all my heart," I propose. Katelyn is smiling! "I will never stop loving the man who plays from the heart," she says. She says yes! I slip my mum's engagement ring on her ring finger. 

My brothers and I have a deal, who ever is gonna marry first will have mum's engagement ring to give our future finace. "Ken, it's very beautiful! Thank you!" Katelyn says. Before this girl could say anything, I kiss her. Yes, finally Katelyn is going to be my wife. Engaged to a 22 years old Princess, it's not a big deal! I was thinking to get married at least 28 or 30. 

"C'mon, let's show it to your siblings," I grab my girl's hand. "Wait, what? They knew?" Katelyn asks in shock. "Yeah, I ask them for your hand in marriage. They said yes!" I add. She is still in the shock mode. 

Harry's POV 

Okay, Kendall asked the three of us for Katelyn's hand in marriage. This is my sister we are talking about! All we want her to marry with love. Mum would be happy too because she taught us to marry someone who you love. We are all at William's room. 

"Do you think the plan work out?" I ask. "Well, we just have to wait and see," William says as we heard a knock on the door. Catherine walk over to open it, we see a smiling Katelyn clinging on to Kendall's arm, something tells me that the plan worked out well. "Come in you two," Catherine says. The two walk in. "So?" I ask waiting for an answer. 

"She said yes." Kendall says. I'm so happy for them! I can see Katelyn is blushing all the way. 

Although Dad is not gonna be happy but I'm sure Grandma would. 

Royal Engagement (Sequel of Life as a Royal Princess)Where stories live. Discover now