Chapter 18

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William's POV
The therapy for Lottie's mental health turns out to be just fine. It's just that she misses Granny Diana that's all. Earlier in July, Harry, Katelyn and I made a documentary about mum to celebrate her life and legacy. I still remembered the interviewer asked me how I keep mum's memories alive when I first found my sister

Flashback of "Diana: Our Mother, Her Life and Legacy" Documentary Interview
Interviewer: How did you keep your mother's memories when you first found your long lost sister?
William: Well before my parents' separation, my mum left a dairy and letter for my sister. She told me when Katelyn turns 17, the diary would be her birthday present.
Interviewer: When your sister steps out in public engagements, we notice the locket she's wearing, was a gift from your parents right? Your mum chose the possession before she was born?
William: Yes, it was one of the first gifts which Katelyn received when she arrived at the palace. And I can see the resemblance of my mum
Interviewer: At what kind of some point?
William: She is independent, strong and never afraid speaks her mind out. She always makes sure that during public engagements, she would stop by to talk to the people, even though the security tells her it's time to go, she always says "these are my people, I wanna know more about them". That always leaves (the security) "in shock"
Interviewer: Do you think that your mother would be proud of what your sister has been doing throughout these 5 years?
William: Definitely! She'll be super proud! The goal that the three of us want to achieve is to carry on what my mum had left behind.
Interviewer: I'm sure you three will reach that goal.

*End of Flashback*
I think of it and smile to myself. Katelyn had achieved so much throughout her years as a princess. She would be the finest Queen of all! "William, bro, what are you thinking?" Katelyn sits beside me. "I'm thinking back of the documentary interview." I say.

"Oh okay. That was my second interview, the first was Granny's 90th birthday documentary- Our Queen at Ninety." Katelyn says. Not long after, a tired George comes in. "Daddy, I'm tired." he says. "I know son. Come on, let's put you to bed with your sister," I pick up my son and put him to bed.

I look back and smile at my children. Mum would love them dearly! I think bath time, bubbles would be flying everywhere! "Katie, the three of us would like to have a word with you."

Princess Katelyn's POV
I follow closely behind William to his office. "Close the door please," William says as I close the door behind me. "Have a seat, Katie," William offers a seat to me. "Any chance by now?" I break the silence which makes me uneasy.

"How long you wanna suspend the engagement announcement?" William asks. "Dad says if Kendall can prove himself that he can be a royal, he'll announce the engagement. If not, my marriage is going to be handed over to Prince Jett," I say. "No, we are not handing your marriage to Kenilworth. We promised mum that you would be married for love not political strategy," Harry states firmly. "Katelyn, love, does Kendall know about this?" Kate asks.

Of course I have already told him! Kendall is my fiancé. "He is not keen on the etiquette lesson," I confess. "Not to worry sis! Harry and I will take care of that! You and Catherine just need to work on your wedding details," William says. I wanna say more, "No buts. Now let's you get ready for your engagement preparation," Harry shoved me out of the office. I roll my eyes while Kate follows behind me closely.

Before I could say anything, the door is locked. What are my brothers up to this time? "Kate, do I need to go through the engagement dress fitting?" I ask. "Yes, honey! You have to! Your brothers have arranged everything for you," Kate says. Wait what? Everything? I wanna do things my way.

"C'mon, I have picked a few dresses for you. And the ones we had picked during our shopping trip," Kate grabs my hand as we enter my room. Wow, my bed is full of dresses! Including the dress which Kate picked out for me during our last shopping trip. I look at my engagement ring- it is purple. I try the one which I bought during shopping.

I pair with nude sandals. I come out to show my outfit to Kate. "Katelyn sweetie! You are one young woman! Which coat would you like to go with if the press conference were taken outside?" Kate asks me. I scan through the collection carefully and pick out a purple coat which matches my dress. I go back in and try the coat on.

"So Kate what do you think?" I step out in full outfit. "Katelyn, my dear! You look absolutely stunning!" Kate looks in awe. "There is something missing," she says as she slips on the locket which dad gave me when I entered the palace for the first time. "There! All done!" I look my self into the mirror, that's me! I'm gonna married soon to Kendall.

If only dad could give his blessings and all would be well! "Katie, sweetheart! Are you okay?" Kate comes in and puts an arm around me. "If only dad could give his blessings," I sigh. "I know! Leave that to your brothers. They will help you to go through everything! So will I!" Kate hugs me.

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