Chapter 19

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Prince Harry's POV
"William, remind me again why we have to convince Kendall to take etiquette lessons?" I ask William while we are on the way out to the car porch. "Don't you see little bro? If we don't convince Kendall, dad will break off the engagement and marry off Katie to Prince Jett. We wouldn't want that to happen to our only sister right?" William stares at me. He's right! Geez, he doesn't have to stare at me that way! "I'm driving this time," William says as he hops into the driver seat. Well, I guess I'm back at the passenger seat as always.

We arrive at Kendall's rented flat. "You ready?" William asks, I give him a reassuring nod. The lift takes us to level 3, according to Katelyn, he stays at 3J. My hands are getting sweaty because we are convincing Kendall to take etiquette lessons. He and Katelyn had a huge row over this and they didn't speak for days, until Kendall came to the palace to pay Katelyn a visit. He just kissed Katelyn to make it up their huge row. I press the door bell. "William, Harry? Why are you both doing here?" Kendall asks.

"We need to talk," William says as we walk in. "Do you guys want tea or something?" Kendall asks. We appreciate but we politely decline as this a serious so called men's talk. Hang on, it is a men's talk. "Kendall, we are really happy for you and Katelyn. You guys make a wonderful couple, Harry and I can assure that you both will be loved by the public," William says. "Thank you William! I'm just doing the best I can to make Katelyn happy. Besides, she is just like Diana," Kendall mentions mum, and our hearts sink at one point. She does look like mum every now and then.

Kendall's POV
I don't know what is going on right now but William and Harry show up at my flat suddenly. "Kendall, we are going to cut to the chase," William says. Okay, I'm listening. "Did you and Katie have a huge row over the etiquette lessons?" Harry asks. How did they know about this? "Yes, Katelyn told us everything," William adds. "Is it hard for you guys to learn those bowing, state dinners and polo stuffs?" I ask. "Yes, everything was hard for us in the beginning but after some time we got used to it. I got flunked by my horse a few times," Harry says letting out a chuckle.

"Harry you always got flunked out by your horse!" William teases his brother, "Are you ready to take the etiquette lessons ?" Deep thoughts take over me, can I do this? How the royals can learn those etiquette lessons in a snap. "Is it difficult in the beginning?" I ask.

"Of course it is! Even though we were born royally, we still do enjoy so much activities that most kids did at our age. As we grew older, the etiquette lessons started to come in," William says, "Besides, Katelyn is going to be by your side," Harry reassures me. "Alright, I'll give it a try," I say. I remembered when Katelyn knew her royal identity five years ago, she video called me that princess lessons were so hard.

"You will be just fine. Besides, Katelyn promises to be with you every step of the way," Harry convinces me again. Is she really going to do that for me? For us? "Since when my sister breaks her promise?" William sees through my thoughts. So far, none of them! My girl keeps her words. That's one of true qualities of a princess. If Katelyn can do it, so can I! "I'll do it!" I say. William and Harry say they will see me first thing in the morning.

William's POV

Well, that went well! We finally convinced Kendall to learn the ropes of being royalty. I'm sure Katelyn will be very happy about this. As we're about to get into the car, Katelyn calls.

K: Hey Will!

W: Hey sis! You called just in time

K: Okay, what is it?

W: Well... (Harry: Put it on speaker)

H: We have convinced Kendall about learning royalty

K: Really? How did you guys manage to?

W: You know Katelyn, men's talk

K: Uh-huh!

H: We're heading to the palace now

K: Okay! Be careful on the road! Bye! I love you guys!

W & H: We will!

I quickly start the car before any of the paparazzi spot us.

*Back at the palace*
Once Harry and I head back to the palace, Katelyn is out there waiting for us. "Princes," one of the guards hops into the car and parks it. "William, Harry, how did you guys manage to convince Kendall?" Katelyn asks, she is still in misbelief. "Just like what we said over just now - men's talk," Harry said. "Oh okay," she said.

Prince Harry's POV
I think this princess needs a little fun. Katelyn has been stressing over her wedding for the past few weeks and she can't announce her engagement to the world yet. She keeps her engagement ring at home and wears the other ring which she dubs as the "relationship ring" whenever she's out engagements with us. "Katie, let's have a little fun!" I say. "Okay... like what?" she gives me a confused look. I just pick her up like when she was just a teen, "Harry, please put me down!" Katelyn laughs, good to hear her laugh again. Then dad comes, I put her down. "Nice to see you both having fun!" Dad says. "Katie dear, Jett is here to see you. Would you please make yourself available in 15? You three as well," Dad adds before he makes his way to the drawing room.

"Katelyn, William and I will be very quick in changing. You and Cath need some time to get ready," I say, pushing my sister a little up the stairs. "Oh okay," Katelyn says.

Princess Katelyn's POV
Jett is making the commitment to make me his future queen consort, I don't want that. "Katelyn, honey, are you ready?" Kate asks. "Yes Kate!" I step out in a blush peach dress with a white blazer and go to LK Bennet sandals. "Princess, Duchess, Prince Jett is in the drawing room with the Prince of Wales," Charlotte informs us. "You're gonna do great! Your brothers and I will be right beside you," Kate gives a reassuring smile.

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