Chapter 13

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Logan's POV
I'm at the royal children's room with Catherine and Katelyn. They are inside the changing room to get little Princess Charlotte dress up for the Autumn season. George looks absolutely cute in thick blue coat with a hoodie on. "George, you look great!" I say. "Yes, but why are they so thick and bulky like we're wearing hundreds of sponges inside?" George asks. "To keep you off from the cold," I crouch down on his level. He is a prince anyway! What I heard from Katelyn that Wills is using the same parenting method as his late mother, Princess Diana. After graduation from high school, Katelyn moved to London to live with her brothers and sister-in-law. She still goes back to America to continue her studies in music during her college and university days. Now look at Katelyn, she is a proud aunt to a future King and Queen of the United Kingdom.

Not long after Catherine and Katelyn come out with Charlotte. Charlotte dresses in a pink coat with matching boots. "Okay, time to go!" Katelyn as she prepares Charlotte's pram, in case the young princess wears out during the day out. Katelyn is still wearing her relationship ring which Kendall gave her five years ago to mark their first anniversary as a dating couple. She told me earlier that the media would speculate if she wears her engagement ring. I understand the situation she is going through. Royalty is not a celebrity, always remember that. "Joe is following you guys for safety reasons," William says as we head out of the room. "Cool! We make sure these two are safe," I say as I carry Charlotte into her pram.

"Okay, children please be good to your Aunt Katelyn and Logan. Please behave yourselves, okay?" Catherine tells the children. "Don't worry Kate, they will!" I reassure the Duchess. Before we left off, George and Charlotte give kisses to their parents while Katelyn earns a kiss from Wills. It's so cute! "Stay safe sis, I don't want you to get hurt," William says to Katelyn. "We will!" Katelyn assures her big brother. We head out of the Palace with Joe by our side. I hold on to George's hand until we reach the park. William told me earlier that George can be a little monkey at times but overall he is a sweet boy.

Once we are at the park, Charlotte immediately wants to get out of her pram but luckily Katelyn manages to catch hold of it before the whole pram topples over. "Hold your horses, Lottie!" Katelyn says as she unbuckles her niece's strap from the pram. "Off you go now, Lottie," Katelyn says soon she puts Charlotte down on the grass. We trail behind to make sure neither of them gets hurt. While we are walking behind the children, I remember something that has to do with Kendall. "Katelyn, Kendall called me and the BTR boys up a few days ago," I say.

Katelyn's POV
Logan and I are keeping our eyes on the children. Suddenly Logan tells me that Kendall called him and the BTR boys a few days ago. This is quite a surprise for me! They are currently focusing on their solo career. James is doing some cover songs  at the moment while Logan is doing some projects, Carlos is about to celebrate his son's first birthday soon and Kendall, you know focusing his music with Dustin on Heffron Drive. "He called you?" I ask. "Yeah," Logan says, "He mentions about taking up some etiquette lessons," he adds. Kendall decides to take etiquette lessons?

I remembered days he popped the question to me, we almost had a huge fight over this. I don't want to push Kendall much because I need to give him some space and time to think about it. I mean we can delay the royal engagement announcement. "Logan, I don't want to push Kendall much because we almost broke off the engagement days after he popped the question," I say with a little worried. "I know, K, I know. You want to give him space and time to think about it right. You're a kind princess, Katelyn. That's why Kendall is so into you," Logan says. I also tell him that Kendall has to remove the tattoos he have if he wants to fit into royalty.

"I think he won't like the idea of removing his body art," Logan says. "Yeah, that's what I thought too," I say, I feel so desperate right now. Wait a second! Princess Sofia of Sweden, who is formerly known as Ms. Sofia Hellqivis. She had tattoos before she married Prince Carl Philip two years ago. Maybe I could get Princess Sofia to have a talk with Kendall of removing his tattoos. "Katelyn, Katelyn!" Logan snaps out of my thoughts. "What?" I ask. He asks me what was I thinking. "Did you know the Princess Sofia of Sweden?" I ask. "Yeah, I saw her at your birthday party," Logan says. "She had tattoos before marrying into the Swedish Royal Family. Maybe I call her up and get her to have a heart to heart talk with Kendall about removing it," I say.

Logan's POV
Is it me or is the Princess Katelyn creeping me out with her royal crazy idea? In the celebrity world, tattoos are the pop culture. Even some sports stars have tattoos as well! Just look at David Beckham, his whole body are almost covered up with tattoos. In the celebrity world, tattoos are the work of art but in royalty is a "big disaster". I understand Katelyn's big dilemma because she is the future Queen of the UK and she doesn't want to bring a disgrace to her family. Now she is in the middle- convince Kendall or putting her family first as her duty?

"Look Katelyn, if you and Kendall want to work out as a couple, you should talk to him about it," I say, "He may not like the idea of removing his body art but I'm sure you two would think something up," I add. Being in a relationship can be hard sometimes. Royalty or not, Katelyn and Kendall will make their decision as a couple. "You're right Logan! I know what I have to do!" Katelyn exclaims. "Thanks a lot!" she hugs me. "No problem Princess!" I return the warm hug. It's getting late, Katelyn and I call the children up so they won't be late for their dinner. "George, Lottie! Time to go, we're going to be late for dinner," Katelyn rounds up her nephew and niece.

The two come running over with me behind to keep an eye on them. "Wow, you two have lots of fun!" Katelyn crouches down on their level to wipe off the sweat on their foreheads. She is a doting aunt to these royal children, I bet they will have a close relationship with their aunt when they grow up. I hold George's hand while Katelyn pushes Charlotte in her pram. The little Princess dozes off when the Autumn wind blows, they had a lot of fun. When we reach at the gate of Kensington Palace, the guards let us in.

Kate is already waiting for us. "You all are just in time for dinner," Kate says as she looks over her daughter. "Charlotte passes out after all that running and playing," I whisper. "She sure does," Kate says as carries her daughter from the pram. "Logan, would you like to stay for dinner before you go? I'll get Joe to drive you back to the hotel," Katelyn suggests. "That would be wonderful, thanks K!" I say. Luckily I brought some extra clothes over. "I'll get the maids to prepare the showers for you," Katelyn says. "No, no Katelyn, I'm fine!" I say. Katelyn leads me to the guest bathroom.

Katelyn's POV
Coming out from the showers make me feel fresh after an exhausting day. I'm still thinking about Kendall, he hasn't called me for weeks. I know he is busy with his new music with Heffron Drive. I still have to convince him to remove his body art because in royalty having tattoos is a major no-no. What am I going to do? A knock is heard, I walk over to open the door. "Princess, dinner will be served soon," Charlotte says. "Will be down in a few minutes, thank you," I say. "Princess, would you mind if I escort you down the stairs?" Logan asks. I laugh, "Why not?" I take his arm. Arriving on a man's arm is the gentleman way. In formal events, I arrive on Harry's arm as well.

Speaking of Harry, I wonder he is going to win Cressida back? Probably, I have to find out after dinner.

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