Chapter 1

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Katelyn's POV
Five years had passed in the blink of an eye, I'm starting to realise that Royalty is not so bad at all! I became an aunt at the age of 17, Catherine gave birth to a healthy baby boy. His name is George Alexander Louis. And now he is three years old, turning four on 22nd July 2017. And I also have a little niece, Charlotte Elizabeth Diana who is turning two on 2nd May 2017 . Ever since their births, I always make time for myself to have a little fun with them. The rest of it, Harry and I will leave all to the parents-Prince William and Duchess Catherine.

Kate and Will still love me and now they have two amazing kids to raise. Sometimes, I follow Kate back to Buckleberry when we are not on duty. Kate's parents welcomed me with open arms when I visited them during the last royal break. Yes, I got to taste my life as a normal teen back then. When George and Charlotte came to Nashville for a visit not long ago, Niall simply adored them! They are just any regular kids-running around in the garden, playing tag with their Uncle Niall, playing swings on the swing set. My life is absolutely fabulous!

The three of us are in Kate and Will's room. Kate needs to hand in some documents for Grandmother to verify, so she asks me if I could baby sit them for a few minutes. "Sure, I love to!" I say. "Mummy is at the office for a while, your Aunt Katelyn is going to keep you company. Oh Katelyn, if you need any help Harry is just right next door." Kate says. "Okay Kate, hugs and kisses for mummy!" The two run over to their mother and give a big hug as well as kisses. I kiss Kate's cheek before she heads to the office.

"Aunt Katelyn, can we play catch?" Charlotte comes over and sits on my right, "Yeah, can we?" asks George as he sits on my left. Well, according to the Palace's rules you can't play dangerous activities inside, you will break valuable stuffs which cost an arm and a leg. I can't let this happen. William told me once back in Kensington Palace where he and Kate live, George did some destructions back there the last time I visited them. Kate was pregnant with Charlotte at that time. "Well you can, but not in here. I promise your parents to make sure neither of you break any valuable stuffs,"

The two nod say, "Okay, aunt Katelyn!" I take the ball from the toys closet. I help the two them to dress warm. Since winter is approaching, I have to make sure they won't catch a cold. "Are you guys ready?" George and Charlotte say "Yes, we are!" It's off to the garden then! I find a safe place for them to play so they won't ruin Grandmother's precious garden. Charlotte, George and I are playing catch. After that, we stack up a pile of leaves to jump in. We clean up once we are done jumping. Charlotte and George each of them has a mini leave rake while I have a big one. Once the yard the is clean, we lay on the soft grass to watch the clouds roll by.

Kate's POV
As I'm writing some documents, I hear children's laughers outside. Putting down my pen, I look down from the window to see Katelyn is having fun with the kids. She does have the maternity inside her, she'll be a great mum when she has kids of her own. After watching the precious moment, I walk back to the table resuming my work. A knock is heard on the door, I walk over to open it.
"Hi honey!" I kiss Wills as he enters the office. "Where is Katelyn?" he asks. "She's at the garden with the kids," I say as William approaches the window. He smiles as the three of them are having fun. "Katelyn is sure a very cool aunt!" William says. I totally agree on that.

One time Katelyn used her special gift. She made an ice skating ring for the people to go ice skate. And she gave us a pair of ice skating shoes. So sweet of her!

Prince Harry's POV
I hear laughters from the window. I walk over and look down proudly on my sister, Katelyn, who is playing catch with the kids. She is an awesome aunt to them. Maybe I should join them.

Katelyn's POV
I'm playing with the Charlotte and George suddenly a strong arm throw over his shoulders. "Harry, can you please put me down. We're showing bad example to the kids," I laugh. "This is a punishment for not inviting me on your play date," Harry jokes as puts me down gently on the grass. I breath out hard. "Kids, don't ever learn that from Uncle Harry," I tease Harry. "Sis, what did you say?" he asks me to repeat that sentence which I said to them earlier. Without a word, I quickly run to a tree where Harry can't find me.

Harry's POV
She can run but she can't hide! I know my sister's hiding place. It's behind her favourite tree- she always go there when she feels upset. I step behind and try to tickle Katelyn, she has a tickle bone! Soon enough, she is quick enough to react and I get tickled instead! Wow, she is just as swift as the wind. "Katelyn, stop it please! I can't help it!" I say between laughter.

"Alright, Prince Harry, I'll let you off!" Katelyn says as she stops tickling me. "Uncle Harry, c'mon let's race to the tree house," George says. "I'm gonna beat you!" Harry says as they both starts to get into the racing position. "C'mon Charlotte, let's have a little party with your stuff toys," I say as I pick up my niece. Oh yeah, the "race"! "On your marks, get set go!" I say. Harry and George start running while I walk to the tree house with Charlotte in my arms.

The tree house was William and Harry's when they were young boys. I saw a few pictures of them when I found the old photo album when I was helping Kate who was pregnant with Charlotte at that time. Dad had refurbished the tree house so George could use it as his "fort" while Charlotte on the other hand just follows her "noisy" big brother around.

I'm really happy that George and Charlotte get along well. They have a close bond just like William, Harry and myself.

"Princess, it's time for you to get ready for the party," the royal head secretary, Charlotte comes. My niece shares the same name as her. Wait, what? The party? Oh gosh, I completely forgot about it! "Okay, you three, play time is over! We have a party to attend," I say. "Party, what party?" Harry asks.

"Harry, I think you should know it's a very special day, " I give a hint to my brother. He is a quick thinker. "Oh yes, right! Your birthday party! Geez, sis, you're making me very old right now," Harry teases me. I mean he is 33 and doesn't look old to me. "Harry, you're only 33! You look young though," I compliment him. "Thanks for the compliment sis! Now c'mon we gotta go get ready. Alright you two, come along now. Your mum need to dress you two up," Harry says as he picks up Charlotte while on the other hand I hold George's hand as the four of us head back to the Palace.

Oh yeah, this marks my fifth year as a crowned Princess. And it is also my 22nd birthday today- 2 November 2017. What's more it's Kendall and I have been dating for five years!

22 is a big journey for me. Hopefully tonight everything will be just fine. I pick a red short sleeve gown designed by Jenny Peckham. Jewellery none other than my locket and charm bracelet. I don't use much of accessories even though I have tons of them, these two are my favourites. Royals from all over the world gather at Buckingham Palace for the party.

"Hey sis, are you done?" William asks as he stands by the doorway. He looks so handsome in the tux with some medals to complete the look. "Yeah, I am!" I say as I turn around to face him. "Oh my gosh! Katelyn, look how much you have grown! A young lady standing in front of me and she is not a teen anymore!" William jokes. "Haha, very funny Wills! Very funny!" I joke back. I'm about to put the Spencer family tiara on but then Will says "Here let me do it," he gently places the tiara on my head.

"William, I'm down of brush," I say. "You look beautiful!" William compliments as he puts a hand on my shoulder. "There you are! I have been looking all over for you two," Kate says walking in with George and Charlotte. George looks really cute in his mini tuxedo while Charlotte looks beautiful pink floral dress with a matching pink cardigan. "Hey, there's my Princess!" William says as he picks up his "little joy of heaven". Charlotte gives a little giggle.

George on the other hand, is always wandering my room. "Your Highnesses, it's time for you to greet the guests," Laura informs us. "We will Laura! Thank you," Kate says "We will see you later," she kisses my cheek before heading out. "See you all!" I kiss William and give hugs to the younger two. I will have a double door entrance at the ballroom's mini balcony. "Princess, you're up!" Charlotte says. "Of course!" I say as she leads me to the ballroom's balcony. It's now or never!

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