Chapter 2

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*At the Party*
William's POV
We're at Katelyn's 22nd birthday dinner. Catherine is watching out the two little ones with the help of our nanny, Maria. Time flies when you're having fun! Katelyn is enjoying her life as a member of the royal family. Well she gets to enjoy her life as an adult as well. She is pursuing music course at Nashville Music College where everything you need to know about country music. Katelyn sure loves country music, she can even do the country voice!

Katelyn sure grows up fast! I remembered the time Catherine and I took her home for the first time. We gave her countless Princess lessons over the Summer holidays and Katelyn learned everything in a snap! Now look at her, she has the grace and poise. The clinging of the glass cuts out my thoughts. It's gonna be a toast. Grandma is going to make it.

"Greetings to you all! Thank you for coming to celebrate my precious granddaughter's, Princess Katelyn's 22nd birth anniversary. Let us all raise our glass to mark this red letter day," Grandma says. The head guard announces "Presenting HRH Katelyn Elizabeth Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales," As the door swing open, Katelyn makes her debut on the ballroom's mini balcony. She looks very beautiful in her red dress.

"To Princess Katelyn," Grandma toasts.

"To Princess Katelyn," Katelyn waves suddenly her charm bracelet flies out her wrist.

Katelyn's POV

I wave to the guests, then my bracelet flies out of my wrist. It's so embarrassing! Luckily one the guards catches it and returns to me. "It happens all the time," he says "And happy birthday!" I say thank you to him.

According to the tradition, I have to dance with every bachelor available. Hopefully, I will meet my Prince Charming tonight. Even though Kendall and I are in a relationship for five years, some traditions are meant to follow. Every guy I dance with it's either they speak French, German or Spanish. Some even has some "groovy" style which is not ballroom dance quality. I'm tired of dancing so I decide to have a little bite of my birthday cake while no one is looking.

"I saw that" a voice is so similar, I turn around to see my best friend Tori! "Ahhh!" we squeal and hug each other "I miss you!" I say. "I miss you too!" Tori says as we are catching up, I accidentally step a man's shoes. "I'm so sorry about that!" as I look up, it's Kendall! I step on my boyfriend's shoe! "Kendall?" I look up at him. "Hey Princess Katelyn, glad I caught you!" Kendall says.

As music starts to play, we waltz around the ballroom. He shows up at one point- now that's surprising to me! We decide to have our normal catch up at the garden- the place we have our first kiss in London. "So how have you been all this time," Kendall asks to keep the conversation going on. "I've never been better. I wish we could all this ti.." he cuts me off with a kiss.

Is that how you keep the conversation going with a kiss? Well play, Kendall, well play! And it's really good, it's kinda like my "drug". We pull off and Kendall looks straight into my eyes which makes me blush. "That's how you cut me off with a kiss just to keep the conversation going?" I joke. "But you like it? Do you?" Kendall asks which earns another kiss.

Kendall's POV

Katelyn and I have been dating for five years. I'm going to propose to her to be mine. She's been the most incredible girlfriend to me. I took her back to meet my family over the New Year, my mum loves her as well as dad and my brothers. When mum saw Katelyn wearing her relationship ring which Dad gave her when they were young to mark their first anniversary as a dating couple. "It fits you well," my mum said when she pointed the ring on Katelyn's third finger.

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Schmidt!" Katelyn said. Clearly, my family accepts her high status. It doesn't matter which status Katelyn is in, as long as I'm with her it's okay. She is my everything. "Let's go back inside," Katelyn says as we walk back hand-in-hand. "Princess, the Prince of Wales needs your presence immediately," Charlotte, the Palace's head secretary says. "Right away!" Katelyn says "I'm so sorry Kendall! I'll be back!" she adds as she makes her way to meet her father.

"Okay, I'll be here waiting," I say. I take out the ring from my pocket and take a look at it. It was mum's engagement ring. She wears her wedding ring most of the time now.


I was cleaning my parents' room, I accidentally hit a ring box. I knelt down to pick the box up. I opened to see what was inside the box, it was mum's engagement ring! I got it! I'm going to propose to Katelyn to my "queen". I continued to clean up when mum stopped in her tracks.

"Hey son, you found my engagement ring! I have been looking for years!" mum said. "Mum, I'm gonna marry Katelyn," I said. "Kendall, you must be joking!" mum looked up "Oh are you serious?" she asks. I nodded. "Ken, she's a Princess. That means she is going to be the future Queen of her people. Are you going give up your music career? Music is your passion," mum said.

Giving up my musical career? No, I can't! Music is my passion, I can't give up my passion like that. I guessed is a Big Time Decision for me. I love Katelyn, I really do. Katelyn will understand my passion. She went to Nashville Music College with a degree. She has the influence from Niall, her foster brother. As a musical person herself, Katelyn knows what is giving up the passion which you love the most.

*End of Flashback*

Am I ready for this? I think to myself.

Katelyn's POV

I see Dad, he is talking to Prince Jett of Kenilworth. Ugh, I hate that Prince even though he is trying ways to make me to fall in love with him, my heart will always belong to Kendall as well as the ones who I love the most. "Dad," I greet Dad with a kiss then curtsy to him as respect. "Katie dear, do you still remember Prince Jett of Kenilworth?" Of course, I know him! That Prince is famous for his charm, girls all over the world are madly in love with him.

But they didn't know how much trouble he caused? I don't know why Dad wants me to marry into royalty although I'm in one myself. He married mum. Mum came for aristocrat family. My materntal grandfather carried as the 8th Earl of Spencer when great grandfather passed away. Since then, mum became Lady Diana until she married Dad on 29 July 1981- she became the Princess of Wales.

Unfortunately, the marriage broke down in 1996, the following year mum was killed in a tragic accident in Paris, France. Eight years later, Dad married my step mum, Camilia - she too was a commoner. But I know mum wanted me to marry with love not arranged.

"Yes, of course!" I say "We met a few times. We even met each other on our royal tour in the USA," I add faking a smile which I hate. Dad is playing match making again. I mean this is the 21st century. I'm just like any young woman who deserves to marry with love ! "Katelyn, we have known each other for five years. You are the most remarkable Princess that I have ever met in my entire life. Will you be my 'queen'" Jett says as he get down on one knee.

A flash engagement on my birthday? I mean who does that? Not on my watch!

Kendall's POV

I can't believe what I just witnessed? My girl is marrying that Prince of Kenilworth? Her heart belongs to me and not him! Katelyn is having a shock on her face. That's why her father wanted to see her earlier. An arrange marriage? Okay, Kendall stay calm! You know Katelyn loves you.

"Hey, Kendall! What is going.. oh!" Logan stops talking when he sees that super awkward proposing scene. "Hey Ken, listen, the Princess loves you," Logan pats my shoulder. "I think I lost my party mode. No, no please do enjoy the rest of the night. I have to read my novel which I left off earlier before the party. I need to be with someone, I don't know, civilized!" Katelyn storms off which leaves everyone in a tense situation.

Royal Engagement (Sequel of Life as a Royal Princess)Where stories live. Discover now