Chapter 7

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*In Dad's office*
Katelyn's POV
I'm on my way to Dad's office, I don't know what he will do to me this time around but I'm guessing he is going persuade me to marry Jett. This is the modern era now, I have my rights to marry for love instead of so-call "political strategy". Well you have to know that royal brides before me were married to either aristocrat or a person who has a royal blood line but in 350 years, Kate became the first commoner to be married in the Royal Family. That was six years ago. Now, where was I? Yes, to Dad's office!

I hear footsteps coming up behind me, I turn around, it's Harry - who is looking sweaty after a game of chasing with George. "Hey bro, watcha doin'?" I imitate the character Isabella from the Disney hit animated series Phineas and Ferb. "Oh Charlotte told me that you are going to Dad's office so I might wanna come along to give my little sister some back up," Harry laughs as he playfully ruffles my hair. Brothers! I'm a grown young lady but to my brothers, I'm still always their "baby sister". Little did we know, we're at Dad's office.

"Hi Charlotte," I say as she is standing by the door of Dad's office. One of Dad's secretaries whispers to Charlotte as she nods her head. "Princess, the Prince of Wales is available now," Charlotte says. I go in to Dad's office. I give him the formal greetings with kisses and curtsy. "Katelyn, please take a sit," Dad says. "Okay," I sit down, he looks out of the office and noticing Harry is standing out there, he says "Invite Harry in as well," Dad says to his secretary. Harry comes in to greet Dad. "Katelyn, I heard that you are not interested in Jett. Please tell me why?" Dad asks. Uh-oh, I'm in big trouble. 

"Well daddy, you see.... Jett is a great guy and he is loved by the ladies, especially. The problem is Jett the sole future King of Kenilworth and I'm the future Queen of Great Britain. If I married Jett, that means my place in the British monarchy will be very rocky," I say. Dad does seem to be quite shock when I explain my role in the monarchy. 

Prince Harry's POV 

After hearing my sister's explanation on her role in the monarchy, Dad is quite surprised! Not just Dad, even me! This girl is totally on fire! She does know her "Princess lessons" well. Dad sinks in his thoughts. "Besides daddy, combining our two countries together will not work out in a marriage. Sometimes can end up in a bad way," Katelyn says. She doesn't want to say the "divorce" because during Mummy and Dad's separation, Wills and I were having a hard time. Until mummy was pregnant with Katelyn, they decided to call off the separation. Like months later, Dad put Katelyn into the adoption centre in Nashville- where it became Katelyn's hometown. 

At that time, William was quite upset why Dad lied to Grandma that he "lost" Katelyn. William got into a fight in school. It wasn't that good. It made the headlines next day. Oh dear, Wills did get the scolding from Grandma. We were still trying to cope our lives as a normal student in Eaton which mummy signed us up at that time. 

"Well Katie, I'll reconsider. You two may go, please," Dad says finally. Katelyn and I bow and curtsy to Dad before exiting the office. I'm still quite impressed what Katelyn did back there. She makes Dad to reconsider. This girl is totally on fire! "Hey sis, you were amazing back there!" I say wrapping my arm around Katelyn. "Well Harry, I just trust my instincts. That's all! Nothing much, " Katelyn says "Besides a true Princess always trusts herself," she adds. Mum would be so proud of her. 

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