Chapter 12

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*In the kitchen*
Katelyn's POV
Harry and I are in the kitchen to taste the food, actually I'm the one who is tasting them. Harry mentioned earlier that I have a thing for food which is true because I have a sensitive taste bud. All thanks to Niall's influence. Back in Nashville, Niall and I would help my foster mum to taste the dishes to make sure they were not salty, sweet or spicy. Sometimes we would join her to watch Jamie Oliver's cooking shows, that's when my tasting of food started to kick in at a young age. Since I moved into Kensington Palace after my high school graduation, sometimes I sneak in to the kitchen to have a taste of ice cream or cake.

I was caught red handed once by William! Still, whenever Harry and I drop by in the kitchen, we check all the dishes sometimes I take a little taste from it. "Katelyn!" Mary always says that when I taste the dish I like. I dream one day in the kitchen cooking one of my favourite food in Nashville, proving that royalty can be down and dirty sometimes. William and I helped Kate to wash the dishes when she was pregnant with Charlotte. "All good!" I say after tasting the last dish. "Geez, sis! How could you tell the dishes is good or not?" Harry asks. "Well, my instincts tell me," I say. "Cheeky little sister!" Harry laughs as we walk out of the kitchen. My brother never fails to put on his sense of humour whether on duty or off duty, Harry knows how to put the smile on everyone's faces.

"Uncle Harry! Aunt Katelyn!" George and Charlotte come running up to us. Harry picks up George as usual while giving him tickles, which he loves! Charlotte loves the kisses she gets from her favourite aunt and another from Uncle Harry, who gives her the best and warmest hug ever. "Kids, back to your seats please," their nanny, Maria, tries to settle them down at the table. "It's okay, Maria. Harry and I will take it from here," I say. "No Princess, it's my job to settle the children down," Maria says. I say to her it's no big deal! "Maria, why not you take a break?" I suggest. "Besides, you've worked all day. No buts, it's an order for you," I add.

"Yes, Princess. Thank you for understanding!" Maria says. "No problem!" I say. Crouching down on Charlotte's level, "Charlotte, would you like some lunch?" I ask. "Yes, please!" Charlotte squeals with delight as I pick up my niece in my arms. Not long after, William and Kate just arrived in time for lunch. I put Charlotte down and she starts to toddle over her parents. I trail behind, making sure she doesn't knock or break valuable pieces in the dining room. "Hey Lottie!" Wills carries his little girl. "Hey sis, thanks for helping Catherine and I out with the children," Wills says as he gives me kisses on the cheek. "Anytime Wills, anytime!" I hug my older brother. The head waiter announces that lunch is served.

Taking our respective seats in the dining room, one by one lunch is served on the table. As we are having lunch, Charlotte, our head secretary of Kensington Palace comes in. That is unexpected because usually Charlotte doesn't interrupt our meal time. This must be important. "Sorry Your Highnesses but I need the Princess immediately," Charlotte pauses waiting a respond from one of us. William puts his meal down and gives the green light for Charlotte to continue.

Charlotte turns to me "Princess, there's a gentleman named Mr. Henderson would like your presence," Logan? That's odd, I haven't seen him since my birthday party. "Will be right there," I say as I wipe out all the food from my mouth and take a sip of water before presenting myself to my Big Time royal guest. George and Charlotte (the princess) love Logan. Charlotte always calls Logan "Logie bear" because he revealed at one of the interviews that his mum calls him that. When Charlotte saw him last, she immediately called him "Logie bear" which much to Logan's delight but Kate thought that it's not appropriate to call someone else like that especially the ones who are older than us.

"It's okay, Kate! Some kids call me that too!" Logan said to Kate. It was my fault to let the children watch Big Time Rush's interviews. I wasn't to show the children but they love the show so much and they kept begging me to watch the interviews. I had no choice but to turn on for them. Practically, they like it a lot! "Princess?" Charlotte (the secretary) cuts off my thoughts. "Yes, of course! Excuse me," I say leaving my seat.

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