Chapter 15

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Princess Katelyn's POV

I get up from my warm princess-sized bed. After the usual morning routine, I'm going to Harry's room. Don't ask me why, because while I'm getting dressed, Charlotte told me to meet Harry after breakfast. That's odd, usually the four of us will have breakfast together before George and Lottie get up. I'm suspecting that Harry needs my advice on getting Cressida's heart back. I'm about to head downstairs, William and Kate just got out from the children's room. "Lottie has nightmares every now and then, I'm worried," Kate says looking concern.

"What's her nightmare about?" I ask. "You know stepmother trying to rule the kingdom and hates Lottie because she looks like mum," Stepmother would never rule the kingdom. "Is it okay that I visit my little niece before my brother-sister day out with Harry?" I ask Kate. "Sure, honey!" Kate is delighted. After breakfast, I go to the children's room. "No, no please!" Lottie sits up crying, I immediately go over and comfort my two-year-old niece. "It's okay, Lottie! Aunt Katelyn is here!" I calm the young girl down. William told me the other day, whenever they had nightmares as children, mum would go to their room and rock them back and forth until sleep overtook them.

"Lottie, can you tell me what happen? You can tell Aunt Katie anything," I comfort the young princess. "Aunt Katie, I see grandma Di killed by Gaga Camilia," Lottie cries. Well, that's a nightmare especially for a two-year-old. "No, no grandma Di is always going to be right here," I point to her heart. "She'll protect you no matter what because you are her granddaughter," I add. Lottie asks me to stay for awhile so I rock her back and forth singing a lullaby which my foster mum used to sing to me when I was a girl. Soon, Lottie is asleep and kiss her forehead.

George, on the other hand, he is in bed but he kicked off the blanket so I walk over and cover him up with it before I head out I gently caress his head. When I leave the children's bedroom, Harry is standing there. "Hey sis, how's it going?" he asks. "I'm doing good but Lottie had a nightmare," I say. "Catherine has been telling William and I these few days," Harry says. Why am I always the last one to know? Harry even knows about Lottie's nightmare has to do with mum and stepmother.

Well today, there will be no engagements since it's the weekend and I do miss hanging out with my brother.

Prince Harry's POV
At some point, I'm worrying about Lottie because she is having nightmares about mum these days. Hey, she's my beautiful niece! I can't let the young princess to suffer all these nightmares, maybe I should talk to William and Catherine about bringing Lottie to a child's therapist to work out on the nightmares she's having. "Hey sis, I'm really worried about Lottie." I say.

"Me too, Harry, me too! Should we ask William about bringing Lottie to a child's therapist?" Katelyn asks. I'm thinking about the same thing as well. "Let's go look for William. Besides the time is still early for our siblings' day out," I teasingly pick Katelyn's nose. Just like old times when she was a young innocent teenager. "Oh Harry, stop it! You know I'm a grown woman." Katelyn protests. "Yeah I know but to William and me, you're always little sister no matter how old you are," I say.

We pass down by the halls and greet the maids and butlers until we reach to William's study, but Charlotte stops us in mid track. "Prince and Princess, the Duke is not available now as you can see, there's a special guest," Charlotte says. Katelyn peers over Charlotte's shoulder. "Great, just great! The prince I didn't want to see is here!"

*At William's office*

Prince William's POV
"Jett, for a thousand times, my sister won't marry you," I say, man I wanna ask this prince to leave the Palace somehow. Just then, I see my brother and sister, it's siblings talk time. I motion Charlotte to come in, "Yes, Your Highness?" she says. "Please send my brother and sister in," I say. "Will do," Charlotte says as she invites my younger siblings in. "Jett, what a surprise," Katelyn says sounding shock, then she gives me a playful wink. I know when gives that wink, a plan is sure about to come up.

Katelyn asks Jett whether he would like to go on a "date" with her in the gardens. Wow, that's a first. Usually Jett asks Katelyn on a date, not the other way round but I trust my sister. At some point, Harry pulls her at one side of the room. "Harry, trust me. If I can get Jett out of the palace, our brother-sister day out will be on time, I promise," I heard Katelyn whispering to Harry.

Prince Harry's POV
I pull my sister to one side of the room. "Katie, sis, are you out of your mind? Jett's never gonna get out of the palace, his intention to marry you as his Queen is still going on strong," Katelyn has everything under control, she tells me to trust her, "I know what I'm going to use, " she produces a small snowflake on her palm. Oh no, she can't her powers in the palace grounds. What if someone sees it? "No, they won't. Besides, Jett doesn't know because I'm wearing gloves all the time when I'm on visits to Kenilworth," After much negotiations, I finally agree with Katelyn's plan and head back to the table.

Katelyn's POV
"Jett, I'm supposed to have a brother-sister day out with Harry but since you are regular guests at the Palace, would you mind to go on a date with me at the garden. I have to show you the latest flowers I have planted- your mum, Queen Audrey gave me as a gift," I say putting a hand on Jett's arm and stare at him directly in the eyes. Somehow I can see he feels a little uneasy because I approach him suddenly in a "loving way".

Wait, till he sees my real plan of getting him out of the palace by using my powers. Harry is giving a thumbs up to me. "Hold on Jett dear, I have a few words to say to my brothers. Wait for me outside, please?" I give my sweetest smile. "Anything princess," Jett walks out of the office. Harry and I suggest to William that Lottie should seek a child's therapist to cope with her nightmares about mum and step mum. "It's the best way to solve her nightmares but I will discuss with Kate and get back to you both ASAP," William says

Prince Jett's POV
Well did Princess Katelyn calls me "dear"? I feel my heart is thumping, I know she is the one all along! Boy, I trust my instincts right! The moment when Katelyn from William's office, she asks: "Jett, are you for our date?" I offer my arm and she takes it, caressing each of my muscles which gives me the chills.  I've never been so nervous before especially with Katelyn! I think I'm gonna have my first kiss from the Princess after our date.

We take a walk around the garden, some of the flowers are planted by the HM the Queen and my favourite is the national flowers that our family gave her upon our visit to the UK. "They are beautiful!" I say and Katelyn says thanks on the compliment. Wow, she isn't afraid to get her hands dirty. "Jett, I have to check on the other flowers, I have to pick them to change the old Ines in my room. Would you mind waiting at the bench please, I'll be back before you know it," Katelyn says sweetly. "Okay," I say.

After Katelyn is gone for a few minutes, I feel something cold under my seat. Wait, is it ice?

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