Chapter 21

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Katelyn's POV

We just came back from our shopping spree. "Hey, little sis!" Harry comes out to greet us at the steps of Kensington Palace. "Hey bro," I say, taking out the shopping bags from the car boot. "I'll help you," Harry says helping me with the heavy bags while Kendall is helping to unbuckle George and Lottie's car seats. "There you are!" William comes out of nowhere, I jump. "William, you gave me a big fright!" I say. "Oh, really?" he asks sarcastically. "Daddy, we bought this for the new baby," George and Lottie show William the stuff they bought. William, going down to his go-to dad mode, "Wow! It's wonderful! Nice choice! C'mon, it's bath time," he says leading them inside.

Harry, Kendall and I head to the kitchen to put the grocery bags. "Harry, how are you and Cressida going?" I ask. "Cress has moved on, she has someone else," Harry says, "Hey, I'm going on a date tonight," he adds. "Oh, who's the lucky lady?" I ask raising my eyebrows. "I don't know, but what my friend revealed to me that she is from America," Harry says. "Oh, America," Kendall says. "Yeah, the two of you should meet up since you're both are from the same country," I say.

I can't wait to meet Harry's date that he is talking about. "I can't wait to meet her one day," I say. "You'll meet her," Harry confirms. Well, I've never seen Harry so excited since he and Cressida broke up. It's back to unpack the grocery, I'm cooking tonight, with a little help from Kendall.

Kendall's POV

Katelyn is curious who is Harry's date. She's from America, just like me. "Who do you think who is Harry's mystery date?" Katelyn asks while preparing dinner. "I don't know, we have to find out ourselves when Harry brings her over," I say. "Oh okay, I'm happy for Harry. He might finally found the one," Katelyn says. "Yeah," I add.

"Need some help?" William asks.

"Wills, how long have you been standing there?" Katelyn asks.

"Not long. Hey sis, have you heard? Harry's going out on a date," William says. "Yeah, he told me not long. I never have seen him so excited," Katelyn says. "Uh-huh," William nods, "but he is going to bring her to meet us," Katelyn adds. "I'm sure he will!" William says.

William's POV

Katelyn and I are happy that Harry is going out on a date again. I know he and Cressida were trying getting back together but Cressi, she decided to move on. Whoever Harry picks as his girlfriend, Katelyn, I and the rest of the family will make them feel welcome. "Katie, I'll help you," I say. "Sure, William. Thank you," Katelyn says. Before I have George and Lottie, Catherine and I always go to the kitchen to cook up our favourite meals.

Now, with the children, my time in the kitchen has become less, making me shift my attention to my children. I still go into the kitchen to steal some of my sister's homemade cookies. I was caught by Catherine and Katelyn a few times. This time is no exception as well. "William, you sneak in just to have snacks again?" Katelyn asks raising her eyebrows. "I can't resist my sister's baking," I take another bite.

"Aunt Katelyn," George calls, "Yes, George?" Katelyn smiles at my boy, "May I have a bite of your biscuits please?" George asks. Katelyn looks at me asking for permission, "What do you think, Katie?" I ask her. "Of course, you can!" Katelyn passes George a piece of the cookie. George wants to take another piece before I could say anything, he says "I'm going to give to Lottie," That's my boy!

*Prince Harry's Date*

Prince Harry's POV

I'm a restaurant waiting for my date to arrive, it's been quite some time since I have gone on a blind date. I hope it turns out well. A woman smiling at my direction, she must be my date for tonight. "Hi, I'm Meghan Markle!" she introduces herself. "I'm Henry, but you can call me Harry," I say, "let me help you," pulling out the chair for Meghan. "Thank you," Meghan says as she sits opposite of me.

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