Chapter 5

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Katelyn's POV

Today I call all my friends to the Palace because we are teaming up to help Kendall fit into royalty. I haven't tell him yet so he will be freaking out right now. I know it's a hard time to fit into the royal family. As for me, I took just a few days to fit in. Maybe I fit in fast because I was born royally? It's a quiet afternoon, I'm in my bedroom sitting by the window reading my favorite novel which is Sherlock Holmes.

Charlotte comes in saying "Princess, you're friends are here," I say "Please send them in, thank you," I hear her say "The Princess is available now," Andre, Crystal and Tori are the first three to arrive. They are really happy about my engagement to Kendall. "OMG! K, girl! You are the most luckiest Princess in the world!" Crystal exclaims. Tori chimes in "You have two amazing brothers, a very stylish sister-in-law and a proud aunt to George and Charlotte!"

Yes, I do have an amazing family. "C'mon, we have to see the ring!" Crystal and Tori are really eager to see the ring. I mean, it's just an engagement ring but to Kendall it's super important to him because it was once belong to his mother. Alright, I admit! It is very special to me. Sometimes, I admire it whenever I'm writing my diary or reading my book. I show it to the three of them. "Dang girl, you are one lucky Princess," Andre compliments the jewelry on my hand. "Thanks, Andre! Okay, we have some serious business to be done," I say after all the excitement.

*At the polo field*
Kendall's POV
"Katelyn, are you sure I have to learn polo?" I grumble as my fiancé leads me to the field. "Remember you met my brothers for the first time?" Katelyn asks. Of course I remembered! That was five years ago. I remembered William and Harry offered to teach me to play the game when Katelyn and I were still a dating couple. "Prince Kendall, it's time for you to get on the field," Katelyn waving a hand in front of me. "Wish me luck!" I kiss her before heading to the field. Man, the kiss was good!

Okay, time to focus on the British game. Although I love sports, polo is a totally new game for me. William and Harry are teaching me on how the games work. Focus, Kendall! You can do this! Little did I know, polo is not such a bad game after all! Thanks to my Katelyn who supports me throughout the practice. I walk over with pride and pick my princess up. "It's fun! I can't wait for another practice," I say. "I knew you will love it. You're a sports person just like them (William, Catherine and Harry)," Katelyn says smiling.

It's time to ward the heat off with a cup of iced honey lemon! Katelyn makes the refreshment herself, she learned it from Niall. "Well done, Kendall!" William praises me as he is walking over with Charlotte, the family calls her "Lottie" as her nickname but William calls his daughter "little joy of heaven". "Indeed, you are Kendall," Harry says carrying George. Katelyn smiles at me as her brothers give me a pat on the back. "You three gotta change into more comfortable clothes," Catherine says as she is holding a tray of cookies. "Can we have one?" William asks as he tries to takes one of the cookies as Catherine playfully beat his hand.

"No, until you three get change," she says. "Do we have to?" the three of us say in unison. "Go!" the ladies say looking at each other laughing as the three of us head for the showers laughing as well. Ladies! Coming out from the shower is so fresh! I look at my princess who is preparing tea for us, I sneak up giving a peck on her cheek. "Geez, Ken, I'm surprise!" she says laughing. "Tea is served everyone," Charlotte says as Kate puts the last piece of cookie on the plate. "I smell cookies," Harry says as he takes a bite.

"So who made them?" William asks feeding George while Kate is feeding Lottie. "We did! Mostly is Katelyn," Kate says smiling at her young sister-in-law. Wow, I'm surprise! It's really good. I gotta take these back to let the boys try out. "Kendall, you have etiquette lessons tomorrow," Katelyn sips from her honey lemon. Excuse me? Etiquette lessons? You gotta be kidding me, right? I do music, not manners. "Katelyn, can we talk?" I ask. Everyone looks at both of us. "Sure," Katelyn says getting up from her seat. I lead her to a place where no one can hear our private conversation, I don't want to make a fool of myself in front of her family.

Katelyn's POV
"Katelyn, can we talk?" Kendall asks. Everyone stops eating and look at both of us. "Sure," I say getting up from my seat. I know something is not right. He leads me to a place where no one can hear the private conversation. "Katelyn, I love you but why are you giving me these etiquette lessons? I do is music!" he says. "Kendall, you don't understand!" I start to get frustrated. "What would I understand?" he asks. Guess, I have to tell Kendall the truth.

Not wanting the conversation to become a heated argument, I take a deep breath and tell Kendall about dad's deal. "Your dad is giving you three weeks to prove myself that I can fit into royalty, if not you will be married to Prince Jett who is better looking than me?" Kendall asks. "Yeah, because dad says I have to marry Jett if I failed the deal," I say. I shouldn't let myself into this. I know this will make Kendall very uneasy.

There is a long silence until Kendall says "Come here," he pulls me into a hug. Well, that's a start to end our "fight". After moments later, he says "Alright, I'm willing to do it," Did I hear myself right? "Are you sure?" I ask him because it's going to be a "tough job to fit in royalty. Kate took years before she married William. "Yes! Besides, you are my fiancé so I'll do the very best I can," he reassures me. "Okay, if you say so! Just tell me if this whole thing makes you uncomfortable. We'll try another way,"

"Come on, shall we head back to our tea?" Kendall says with a British accent. "Of course!" I laugh as I take his hand in.

Royal Engagement (Sequel of Life as a Royal Princess)Where stories live. Discover now