Chapter 8

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*Catherine and Katelyn's Day Out*

Catherine's POV

I decide to bring Katelyn out on a shopping trip to buy her engagement dress and of course some wedding stuff since she and Kendall got the blessings from Grandma. She has to deal with Dad. Her engagement is 12-carat purple ring with eight diamonds surround it. It looks absolutely fits her but she's wearing her relationship ring now because there might be some press "staking out" on our shopping trip. "So Katelyn, which dress you're gonna buy when you announce your engagement to Kendall?" I ask.

Katelyn says "My ring is light purple," Okay, we choose a purple dress then. Katelyn and I are at our favourite store- Top Shop. It's affordable. Hey, even though we are royalty, it's wise to spend the money especially when you're on a shopping trip. Katelyn picks some indigo and dark purple dresses while I on the other hand help to get the colours to sort out. She takes the dark purple dress to the dressing room. After awhile Katelyn comes out, it doesn't suit her at all. This is not her style. She always chooses bright colours dresses and clothes.

"Katelyn, dear, it doesn't suit you! although it does the match with the locket you are wearing ,the bracelet and the ring will not fit well," I say as Katelyn goes back in to try another one. "Why not try this light purple dress?" I suggest. Her face immediately lights up with joy! "Isn't that the same dress which Dove Cameron wore on Disney Descendants?" Katelyn recognises the dress. I say yes but some parts are covered up because according to my young sister-in-law's fashion sense, she doesn't like expose clothing. She loves being self-concerned unlike the other young girls of her age, she is one of a kind- you're average girl! That's why Kendall is so into her.

Katelyn's POV
As Kate hands me the light purple dress, I take off the first one and put on the one which Kate chose for me just now. As I put the dress on, I imagine that I'm at St. James' Palace, arm-in-arm with Kendall with big smiles on our faces, announcing our engagement to the world. "Katelyn honey, are you done yet?" Kate's voice cuts off my thoughts. Guess I have to leave that when Dad finally agrees the engagement. "Yeah, I'm done!" I say as I step out with the dress. "Oh my goodness! Katelyn! You've grown so much!" Kate exclaims. "Your mum must be proud when you put the ring on your finger. She would love Kendall!" she adds.

Yes, my mum has the best seat in the whole world. I know she is up there looking down at her daughter and daughter-in-law, how these two bonded so close. Sometimes Kate and I share mum's wedding gift- the Cambridge Love Knot Tiara. It was given by Grandma on mum's marriage to dad. I heard from William that mum complained of the heavy head piece which gave her a big "headache" so she switched to the Spencer family tiara- which I was crowned on my coronation day as a Princess.

"I have to show it to your brothers!" Kate quickly takes out her iPhone to capture the sweet moment but I want to give Kendall a surprise.  "Kate, I want to give Kendall a surprise!" I say. "We'll keep the surprise once you are ready to announce your engagement," Kate says. "We're talking about my dress the whole day, what about yours? What did you pick out for your upcoming duty engagement?" I ask. "A pink floral dress, a yellow lace dress and a a green coat with a belt on," Kate shows me her outfits for her upcoming duty engagement. We go to the counter to pay our dresses. The cashier is quite surprised to see us. "Are you the girlfriend of former BTR band member, Kendall Schmidt?" she asks. "Yes, yes I am! But please, you can call me Katelyn," I try to keep the cashier's nerves down.

"That means you're the lost princess that everyone was talking about years ago?" Geez, the people still remember. "Yes, yes I was! But hey, I still go shopping with my sister-in-law. Royalty or not we still have to do our own shopping," I say as I grab the bag from the cashier and I say thanks before both Kate and I head out to other stores for our girls' day out.

Royal Engagement (Sequel of Life as a Royal Princess)Where stories live. Discover now