Chapter 1

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You may not always end up where you thought you were going. But you will always end up where you're meant to be. Times like these, I start wondering if this was really how things were supposed to be, meant to be. Life goes on...whether you choose to move on and take a chance in the unknown. Or stay behind, locked up in the past, thinking of what could've been.

The thing was, I did try to take a chance in the unknown before, but look where I ended up...locked up in my room, from the outside world, not really seeming to have a will to live anymore or to be happy like I once used to be. I know I should take a step forward and leave the past behind and stop thinking of what could've been. But the thing is, when you find something too perfect to be true, you can't help but find yourself in denial when it slips right out of your fingertips.

What did I do wrong? Where did we go wrong?

Those would be the questions you find yourself asking every second of the day. They just keep echoing through your head no matter how many times you've tried telling yourself, that no matter how many times you ask that, you'll never get the answer to them questions. Cause the only person who could give you the peace of mind and answer you those questions, is simply the one that left you in pieces.

'You left in peace, left me in pieces'

I found myself scribbling down in my small notebook, or what I preferred to call 'Journal'. Ever since he left, this journal became the only thing I could tell about how I feel and tell 'our' story. That's when I realised that 'our' story wasn't a tale I wanted to tell anyone. They simply don't deserve to know about us, cause no one ever knew us.

I'm starting to doubt if I myself knew about us either, were we really that perfect? Or was I just blinded by love to see the truth? To see reality and that we would never manage to make it through? I was warned several times to stay away, I wish I did listen to them, cause only then I would've managed to protect my heart from the agony. My heart was now shattered and I wasn't even sure if I'll ever be able to pick up the pieces left and put them back together.

You wanna know the worst part of it all?

Was that he looked me right in my eyes, promised to never leave or break my heart...

He broke both promises.

Was it all just a game to him? Was it all just a lie? A beautiful lie? No! It can't be. It was real, at least that's what it felt like.

His cologne was slowly fading away, but I knew that our love never will. I refuse for our love to be a once upon a time story. Our love will never be forgotten, it'll never fade away.

Love will remember us.

I still remember that day I found that letter as if it was yesterday when in reality, it was months ago. Months since I last saw those warm intriguing eyes, since I last felt his touch or addicting lips that became like my own drug.

'I don't even know how to say this...I mean I want to tell you so bad why, but I simply just can't. All I can tell you, is that I'll always love you, I know I broke alot of promises and probably even more promises by doing this...but the one promise that I'll forever keep, is that you'll always be the only girl in my heart, the one and only.

I know this is sappy as fuck, but it's the least I could do since you're probably never going to see me again and I need to tell you things for one last time. Maybe we'll meet again someday in the future, maybe you won't even want to see me again after this. But I can tell you this, you'll probably one day move on, not today or tomorrow or even after a few months, but I know one day you will and I'm probably gonna be just that guy you fooled around with or even your first love.

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