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Hello everyone, I have no idea who might be reading this and what you might be going through *hugs*. But let me get it out to you guys, mental illness is not acknowledged that much or people tend to ignore it sometimes. Saying that it's not visible like physical injuries BUT just know that you never have to be alone, no one does, that's the thing about 7cups, there is always someone to listen to you 24/7 and help you so seek help and #breakthestigma.

You have the right to seek help and spread this to anyone who need this support most! 7cups has helped my friend a lot that I am grateful of this website so please don't hesitate. WE want to reach to everyone who needs it! Here


My friend has been going through chats with others who needed to just talk for years now. I believe that it's really important that we help each other out.

Thanks, luvies

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