Chapter 24

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Andrea's P.O.V

It's been about five days now, of me and Justin spending time together and going out on dates. At least, I thought that's what they were. We also worked on the restaurant, giving it what I basically call a 'make over'.

It was fun, we shared laughter and memories as we all helped in painting the walls. We left the tables and chairs like they were though, wanting to keep the old fashioned Italian style. Also not wanting to change the place completely, seeing that it held a special place in Justin's heart as well as Aiden, Beatrice and of course little Val. It was the last memory of their father after all.

I couldn't help but notice how close Ellie and Brady were. There was something they were trying-oh so desperately-to hide. But it was so hard to ignore when they were acting-dare I say it-all lovey dovey. It was weird and suspicious, especially when they both couldn't stand one another before.

Dylan couldn't drop by the restaurant to lend out a hand, but he made sure to send anything we needed. Providing us with the kitchen supplies as well. Which was something Justin wasn't so comfortable with.

We had this argument over if we should let Dylan help or not. At the end it was pretty obvious that I won and all he ended up doing was storming out of the room grumpily. I only brushed him off, it didn't take him that long to return back to his normal playful self though. Even though he was still against the idea and uncomfortable with it, but let's just say that he now understood that he had no other choice but to let me do what I want.

And as for Aracely and Aiden, they were in the phase of 'we-are-in-a-relationship-just-too-shy/stubborn-to-admit'. But then again, I guess they've always been in that phase from the very beginning. I think we were all shipping them hard, waiting for them to finally have the guts to make things official.

And as for Aracely's mother, she was diagnosed with Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy, in other words 'heart broken syndrome'. After losing her husband, the love of her life, to cancer. That broke her, diagnosing her with a temporary heart condition. It was almost like having a heart attack, at least that's what I understood from our family doctor.

It was a few days earlier that I went to pay him a visit. Asking him the favour of treating Aracely's mom and as the family doctor, I asked him not to tell my parents anything and that I'd cover the whole expenses of the treatment from my bank account instead of dad's.

Lastly, I asked him to make her think that he was doing this free of charge. Seeing that if Aracely under any condition found out about me covering the treatment expenses, she'd just feel guilty, feeling like she now owes me. And I didn't want her to feel like she has to pay me back, she was one prideful strong girl that didn't like to ask anyone for help.

That's why everything needed to run smoothly, we couldn't afford for anything to go wrong. The treatment would start on the very same date as the opening of the restaurant and so Aracely wouldn't be able to be there. Making Aiden torn between being with his best friend aka his brother in the, what I call 'The rebirth' of their dad's restaurant, or be with the girl he loves and help her through the one last battle she and her mother need to get through.

My parents? Mom was busy between managing work from home and preparing to give birth soon. Dad was like always so busy with his company, spending majority of his time out or taking mom to either doctor appointments or shopping for the baby. It almost felt like it was their very first baby they were having.

Does parents usually be that nervous even in the second time around of having a baby? I thought they'd get through that after having me. But, oh well. I guess I just needed to enjoy my last weeks here in our house before we move into the new one they've bought. Remember the one they failed to mention they bought? Yup, that's the one.

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