Chapter 14

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Justin's P.O.V

I was in conflict with myself, I did need her help and a part of me told me that I also wanted to spend as much time as I could with her. I knew that if I agreed to this, I'll be having enough time to spend with her. But another part of me, the prideful part, refused to accept help from anyone, I didn't need her money.

I refused to admit to myself that there was nothing I could do anymore to bring my dad's restaurant back to life...

"What's going on in that head of yours? " I was snapped out of my thoughts on hearing her familiar voice.

I look up as she looks down, taking a seat beside me on the bed. I purse my lips, contemplating whether to tell her or not...

"Oh, come on, I end up knowing anyways, so what's the point? Just spit it out" she groans and I realize that she's right.

"Andrea offered to help out with the restaurant..." I started.

She gave me that look that said 'go-on-I-know-there's-more-to-this'.

"In return of a favor she asked me"

"That favor being..." she trailed off with raised eyebrows.

"Apparently there's this dancing competition and they need more dancers. She asked me to help them out and in return she'll help out with the restaurant " I explained further.

"And obviously you've been thinking about it, reached any decision yet?" She inquired, sitting back and getting more comfortable on the bed.

"I've been doing some thinking lately...I just don't know. A part of me knows we need her help, but another part..."

"Is just too prideful to accept help from anyone?" She offered.

"Yeah, exactly. So what do I do now?" I ask, turning to face her with hope that she's tell me what I should do.

"That's your choice to make not mine. But while you're making your decision, put in mind that Andrea's not her, not every girl you meet is her. So stop building that wall of yours higher than it already is" she said with a small smile.

"When did you get all deep and shit?" I joked, only for her to childishly stick her tongue out at me.

"I'm gonna go take a shower then prepare dinner" she said, standing up and heading towards the door.

"Where's Aiden and Valerie by the way?" I asked, frowning a little.

Ever since he came back from hanging out with the girls and Brady, and I haven't seen him. A reason maybe being that I've been chilling in my room even before he came back home.

"He's watching some Disney princess movie, a part of me thinks he's using Valerie as an excuse to watch these movies" she laughed before leaving the room.

And I just shook my head slightly, a small smile on my face, Trixie's laugh has always been contagious.


"Did you like that princess movie?" I asked.

"Yeah, it was so great!" Valerie exclaimed excitedly.

"Oh, I was actually asking Aiden" I teased with a smirk, only for him to look up from his food and glare at me.

Trixie had already finished her shower and cooked dinner, we were all seated around the kitchen table digging in. We chatted away during dinner, just talking how our day went and joked around. Trixie took Valerie to put her to bed while I was left behind with Aiden to clear up the table and wash the dishes.

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