Chapter 27

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Justin's P.O.V

I've been hurt before. But I never thought that it could ever happen again, I never thought anyone could ever get close enough to hurt me. I made sure I didn't trust that much, yet I still managed to find myself hurt all over again. This time though, it hurts way more than it did a couple years ago.

First it was Bella, the girl that made me promise myself I'd never love any other girl enough to hurt me. She was my first love as well, which explains the reason I was left heartbroken when she out of nowhere up and left me. Without so much as a simple explanation as to why she'd do that to me. After telling me she loved me, after promising so many times not to leave.

But then this happens, I guess nobody really deserves your trust, they're bound to just let you down, lie to you. I think we all know it from the beginning, we see the betrayal coming yet we trust anyways. Because that's the worst thing about faith and hope, it just destroys you with you knowing it.

The thing is you know it, which makes it at the end of the day your fault, only yours.

This morning was supposed to be normal, just like any other day, but even better since the day before it was the opening of the restaurant. We were all supposed to have a big breakfast together, celebrating the success of the other night.

I was supposed to call Andy, go see her since she left last night in such a mess. I couldn't sleep all night, knowing that she was hurt and probably needed me to be there. But I couldn't and I didn't. But then this morning made me forget the guilt, the concern I was feeling towards her.

Because just like Bella, she lied to me as well.

Because instead of having a 'happy' breakfast this morning as a family, two businessmen in black tuxes showed up.

"Justin! Justin, slow down-"

I ignore her and continue with what I'm doing, which was throwing Valerie's clothes in a small suitcase. She came up to stand between me and the suitcase, taking a hold of an arm that clutched onto my little sister's clothes.

"You don't wanna do this, we can figure something out-"

"Figure what out? Can't you see?! It's fucking over, Beatrice "

She winces at my tone or maybe the fact that I called her by her full name since I basically always call her 'Trixie'.

"I'm sure Andy has an explanation for this, just talk to her-"

She tried to reason with me, but all I saw was red, I was in a rage that nothing nor no one could snap me out of.

"She fucking lied to me, what makes you believe she won't spew out more lies?!"

I throw the fabric I was holding at the suitcase, landing ontop of the other unfolded clothes in it before turning around and heading towards the drawers.

"Where are we gonna go? Did you even think this through? We'll have to pull Valerie out of school, just when she got in and it'll just break her. What about Aiden? Weren't you the one that always wanted him to continue what you couldn't? What about you? You love her, give her a chance to explain herself-"

"Exactly. I love her, but I loved Bella once too and you saw for yourself where exactly that got me" I fire back, furious with the thought of going through that kind of heartache again.

"But she's different, I just know it-"

"I've made up my mind already, Beatrice, just go pack up your's over"

It's over.

Before it could even start.


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