Chapter 26

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I drove us to the nearest café, it wasn't that crowded seeing that it was a small coffeehouse that not everyone knew about or just preferred going to Starbucks. I thought it was suitable for whatever Julia wanted to talk about and I guess she appreciated that too from the look of slight relief in her eyes.

"You can't tell Brady, I know you two are so close, but you have to promise me you won't say a word"

It was silent the whole time as we sipped away on our coffee. She had a plain black coffee while I took a gingerbread latte. It was after awhile of the silence that she finally decided to talk. Whatever it is that Brady did to her, it must be bad from the lifeless way she looked. Or maybe I was just overexaggerating, what could that idiot possibly have done to cause such pain? But then I remember how he hurt me by ignoring me when I needed him the most and shut down that thought.

"I promise"

"I guess I always knew it, but just tried to ignore it or to fight it, you know? When me and him started hooking up, I knew it wasn't anything serious, there wasn't supposed to be any feelings attached, after all he made sure I knew that..."

And then I remember myself telling him to make sure that they were standing on common ground. That she felt the same way he felt about them hooking up, so neither would get hurt. And it appears to be that he really did make sure she knew he felt nothing.

"I was oblivious at first, I'll admit that. But then the more time we spent together outside bed and how funny, nice and smart he was with me, it just..." She shook her slightly as if disappointed with something or someone.

"I fell for him and I fell hard, Andy..."

I try not to wince when she calls me that. After all, I can't just make everybody stop calling me by the name they've been knowing for years now.

"I was planning on telling him, but then I saw her and I saw how he acted around her. He was already in love whether he knew it or not. And I thought I could move on, because hell it was supposed to be just a meaningless fling. But it wasn't and I just...he's somehow managed to get a hold on my mind, my heart and I just can't seem to function knowing he's in love with someone else. I was stupid thinking that maybe one day he'll feel something for me too"

She wiped the tears that managed to break free quickly with her hands. Eyes red, maybe as red as her hair, skin so pale that I worried for her. I knew it was wrong from the beginning. They shouldn't have started something so meaningless that could lead to one of them falling apart. And now I feel guilty, knowing that I could've stopped this disaster before it even started. 

Because even though Brady is my best friend, Julia was my friend too. And from what I've noticed she didn't have it that easy when it came to life, she didn't need this pain added to her plate.

"I think I'll go to New York right after graduation. My aunt lives there, I could go to any college there. It's been my dream to go study there anyways, not like I'm running as far away from him as possible or anything..."

I noticed that she wouldn't say his name, like she refused for that name to roll off her tongue, like it stung her to do so. I dozed off as she blabbered about her dreams and some about her aunt, I realised that she's desperately trying to convince herself that she was better off like that anyways, better off without him. And that made me think of Justin, of what would happen to us after I graduate.

I did apply to some colleges, but I haven't made up my mind yet. But it wasn't like I got any acceptance letters yet, that wasn't what I feared though, it was rather what I really wanted to do with my life later. Maybe I should go to New York too, after all dancing has always been my passion and I'd love to peruse it as a career later in the future.

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