Chapter 13

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Important A/N by the end of the chappie, please do read it.

Enjoy :)

Justin's P.O.V

"You ready, Val?" I called from my room, standing in front of my long length mirror.

"Almost" she yelled back in response.

I was currently getting ready, making sure my hair looked okay. After I made sure everything was fine, I sprayed some cologne and grabbed my keys, wallet and phone before heading to my neighbour next door aka Valerie's room.

"You even take longer than I do" I whined when I found her still not ready.

"It's the genes, Mister. Besides, girls are supposed to take longer than guys getting ready" she sassed.

"Alright, smarty pants, let's go before we're late. You don't want Andy to think that we've both stood her up, now do you?" I asked, arching an eyebrow.

"And Brady " she added, glancing at me through her small mirror.

"And Brady " I said, playfully rolling my eyes.

It was Friday already and as planned, me and Valerie were meeting up with Andrea and Brady in some park. It was supposed to be me, Valerie and Andrea, but apparently wherever Andy goes so does Brady. His words not mine. Besides, Valerie wanted to see him anyways.

It wasn't that I had anything against the guy, it was just that I was kind of hoping it'd be just me and her. I know, I know, I was the one who added telling her that Valerie wanted to see her. But what was I supposed to do? I thought that maybe I've understood wrong and that she didn't really think of it as a date.

So for her sake and my own, I had to do it, I was nervous and didn't know what to do. I didn't know if she saw me in the same way I did and so I didn't want to make a fool out of myself. It was the right thing to do back then, or at least that was what I thought.

After that Brady tagged along, I wouldn't be much surprised if Aiden and Aracely did too. Or it'd be my luck and both Ellie and Trixie would join us too. Yeah, I'm that lucky.

I'm just as confused as you are, one minute I'm all rude to the girl and the second I actually hope that she thought of a simple hang out as a date. It was confusing me, really. It's been so long since I've last taken any interest in any girl in that kind of way. I wonder if it's worth it.

Cause all I know is that she's pulling me in and I'm not sure I'll be able to pull out...


"Andy!" Valerie yelled, letting go of my hand to go run towards Andrea.

"Val!" Andrea yelled just as enthusiastically, kneeling down with her arms wide open.

"Brady!" Brady yelled cheerfully in a high pitched girly voice.

"You're so silly" Valerie chuckled, looking up at Brady, her body being already wrapped up in Andrea's arms.

"You're the silly one" he huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"No, you" Valerie glared up at him, or at least she tried to.

"Oh? Let's see who's the silly one when you're begging me to play with you. Cause trust me, kid, these two won't do it" he raised his head up high and stomped away with his arms still crossed.

I couldn't help but shake my head while chuckling lightly. With narrowed eyes, Valerie pulled away from Andrea and stomped her way in the direction Brady just took.

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