Part 2

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Amelia's POV:
Time for that brain tumor removal! I hurry down to the OR and scrub in. A nurse puts the gloves in my hands and I know it's go time. I walk in and get the scalpel. I start the surgery. It's a large tumor. We are in there for awhile and then suddenly "Crap there's a lot of blood. Suction!" I yell at my interns and get the suction. I try to get rid of some of the blood. The nurse looks at me and says "Dr. Shepherd she's crashing". The intern says "There is too much blood. What should we do" I stand there for a second and take the tool again and keep working and getting rid of the blood. Nothing is working and she soon becomes brain dead. I sigh and put the scalpel down. "Time of death 2:22"
I walk out of the ER and rip off my gloves and scrub out. I start thinking of what I should have done to save the patient. I sigh and walk out of the OR. Now I have to go tell the family that their daughter died. I walk past Owen but don't say anything. He looks back at me and says, "Amelia?" I shake my head and keep walking "Not now". I go to waiting room and find the girls parents. "Mr. and Mrs. Robinson" (A/N RANDOM NAME) "I'm sorry to say that your daughter has passed away. We did everything we could to stop the bleeding and remove the tumor but I'm very sorry for your loss." I go to walk away but the mom pulls me back and hugs me "Thank you for trying" she says. I nod and hug her back and then walk out of the waiting area and down to the ER. Owen is putting stitches in a patients head, so I assume that they might need a head consult. I walk over "Chief need a consult on the head?" He nods and says "I do actually. Male 28, fell and hit his head on the sidewalk" I nod and say "Follow my finger" he follows it just fine. I put the light in his eyes to check and looks at Owen "He is okay." I try hiding the fact that I'm actually really upset about loosing that girl during surgery. I think Owen notices cause he says "Dr. Shepherd go home. Your shift is about to end" I nod and walk away and check with my interns one last time and then I walk out of the hospital and go to Owens trailer instead of my house. I open the door and sit on his bed and wait for him to come here.

Owen's POV:
I know something is going on with Amelia. She seemed upset and I need to know what's bothering her. I finish doing the stitches on the mans head and give him discharge papers to sign. He signs them and I let him go. I walk down to my office and lock it up and then head out to my truck. I get in and drive to the trailer. I open the door to see Amelia sitting on the bed crying and a bag of oxy in her hand. I put my jacket down and look at her "Amelia.." She sobs and puts the oxy out "O..Owen p-please take it a-away from me" I grab the oxy and ask if she took any and she shakes her head. I sit down on the bed and hold her. She puts her had against my chest and sobs some more. I run my hand through her hair and rub her back and tell her it's going to be okay. After about 3 hours she gets herself back together. She looks up at me "I almost took it Owen. I've been doing well. Everything just came back to me today. I lost a patient on the table and it's been a year since Derek died. " she starts crying again once she says Derek's name. I hold her close and lay back with her. "Sleep Amelia. I'll be here the entire time." She nods and curls into me and closes her eyes. I hold her close and run my hand through her hair trying to relax her.

Amelia's POV:
I curl into Owen and listen to the sound of his steady heart beat. I'm such an idiot for almost taking the oxy. I didn't take it but I was close to relapsing. I sigh and keep my eyes closed and try to sleep. I open my eyes and look up at Owen "Owen" He looks at me and says "Yes?" I say "I love you" he grins and says "I love you too". I smile a tiny tiny bit and then curl back into him and close my eyes again, I really do love him I think to myself. It take me a while but I finally fall asleep and so does Owen. I wake up in the morning still cuddled up with him. He has his shirt off so he must have taken it off before he went to sleep. I smile and kiss the top of his head and get out of bed. I'm going to everything in my power to not think about my almost slip up last night and just get on with my life with Owen. I quietly get out of bed careful not to wake him and start getting breakfast, I look at the options. "Cereal it is" I say quietly and grab two bowls. I fill them up with Frosted Flakes and get milk. I walk back over to the bed and position myself on top of him and look down at him and kiss him. He wakes up and looks at me "Well good morning" I smile and kiss him again. He kisses me back and I pull him up. "I made you breakfast. Well cereal. You really need to get some more food" He chuckles and says "Thanks Amelia" we both get up and I hand him his bowl and we both start eating. We both have the day off today. "You should come to my house. I also have a large selection of food there" He laughs and says "Okay we can go to your house today. Let me change first" we both finish our cereal and he goes to change and I wait for him. We both walk out of the trailer together and get in my car and go to my house.

Authors note- Hey guys, the oxy part kinda of just added a little more to the story. It may come back again I'm not sure yet, Owen also has a past that I can pull into the story just let me know in the comments if you have any ideas. Thanks! ~Caelyn

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