Time Apart

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Owens POV:
"Nathan?" I ask as make my way through the crowd and look at him. He looks up,
I grab his arm and pull him away from everyone.
"what the hell are you doing here?"
"I'm back. Where is Megan? People were talking about her."
"You don't need to see my sister."
"She's my wife Hunt."
"Until you cheated on her. She loves you and probably still does honestly but you can't expect her to forgive you right on the spot! You can't just come to my house and try to talk to her. I will tell you are here and until then you don't go anywhere near my little sister Riggs."
"Okay well I just accepted a job here; so glad to be working with you again"
I roll my eyes , "I have work to do now if you don't mind." I walk past him and back to the ER and start checking on patients that just came in.
Nathan Riggs was one of my best friends. The three of us were super close. He was basically my brother but he cheated on my sister. Which caused me to have so much hate for him for doing that to my little sister. Megan is probably going to go right back to him, she doesn't have self control. I don't want to get in the middle of this but I probably already have. I work the rest of the day, a big trauma comes in and I get really busy and go way past when my shift is supposed to end. By the time I get to go home it's 9:00 when I was supposed to go home at 5:00. The kids are very much already in bed so I won't get to see them either but I finding up stuff and go to my car and drive home.
I walk in the house completely exhausted and just ready for bed but widen by eyes with shock when I walk in and see Nathan standing in the kitchen with Megan.
"Why are you in my house?! I specifically told you to stay away!"
I walk into the kitchen and look at him.
"Get out Riggs" I point to the door.
"Owen stop..we are talking" Megan says softly. I shake my head, "He is a jerk" I point to him now.
"He cheated on you. And cheating is wrong especially when you are married."
In my mind I think about that I myself have cheated. I cheated on Cristina and I very very very much regret that which is why I am so against it now. I would never do that to Amelia.
"Owen calm down" Amelia says as she comes into the kitchen and grabs my hand.
"Just get him out of my house! I have no interest in seeing him right now!"
"Don't you think you are being a little harsh?" Riggs says to me.
"No actually I don't think I am" I reply with a serious tone.
"I'll go I'll go. Goodbye Meg." I watch as he kisses her on the cheek and then goes out the door.
I look at Megan and without even thinking before I say anything say,
"You are making the biggest mistake of your life. You idiot. This is your fault if he does it again"
It was such a long day I don't even realize how much that could hurt her in fact I don't even pay attention when a couple tears start to run down her face as I turn away and walk upstairs.

Amelia's POV:
I shake my head at Owens comment and am also shocked. I look at Megan and notice she's crying and move over to her,
"Oh Megan he's sorry. He probably didn't mean it"
She wipes off her face, "It doesn't matter if he means it or not, he still sounded so angry at me and yelled at me. He's never done that before. He was just a whole different person right there Amelia."
I nod and agree that it was certainly different of him to do such a thing.
"But Megan I think what you are doing is okay"
"You do?" She looks at me.
I nod, "I think you should give him another chance. He seems genuinely in love with you, and I think he wants to be with you again so I would go for it and if he pulls anything I will kick his ass for you."
She hugs me and I hug her back and tell her she should probably go get some sleep and that I'll go talk to Owen. We say goodnight and head upstairs. I walk into mine and Owens room and see him sitting on the bed.
"Hey you okay Owen?" I ask him as I shut the door and sit down on the bed.
"I'm Fine."
"You know, I think she should give him another chance..just because this is your little sister doesn't mean you have to go all crazy on him because he cheated once"
His mouth hangs open as he looks at me and says,
"You are siding with them!"
"I- Owen I just-"
"You just what Amelia?!"
"Owen-Owen the kids are sleeping. Please don't yell" I look down at my lap.
"No you just what!"
"I just think he loves her!" I yell back without even realizing it.
"He doesn't deserve my sister! She is perfect and doesn't need some guy who will mess her up! Just like i probably don't deserve you!"
I look at him with concern,
"Wait Owen what?"
"I don't deserve you Amelia! Everyone sees it. I am such a screw up most of the time. Why would you want some messed up army guy with PTSD? I don't deserve you or a family. Im better off by myself where I risk my life everyday."
"Is this really about you being mad at Megan? Or you being mad at yourself?"
He looks away from me and stands up.
"I need some time."
"Owen slow down. Hold on. Let's talk about this. I'm here." I get up and try to put my hand on his arm but he pushes me back and I hit the wall with my back.
"I-I didn't mean to do that. I need to go Amelia."
Before I know it he starts picking up a bag and putting his clothes in it.
"Are you leaving me?"
"I need time for myself."
"Owen" I look at him with tears in my eyes but am shocked when he looks back at me but his eyes are stone cold. It looks like there is no life in him."
I keep looking at him trying to find my husband in there somewhere but before I can say anything else he has his bag on his shoulder and is walking out of the room and then not long after I hear the door shut and the car start. And then, he was gone.
I don't get any sleep that night and get out of bed in the morning and tell Megan everything.
"It's probably from being in combat again. He will come around things like this takes time. Some people longer then others." Megan tells me.
"When I looked at him last night he didn't even seem like my husband. He was a totally different person I swear." I start to get choked up and fight back tears when Noah walks into the kitchen and looks at me,
"Where is daddy?"
I take a deep breath and crouch down to his level,
"Daddy is gonna be gone for a few days. He has a lot of work to do"
"Is he fighting the bad guys again?" He asks me and I shake my head,
"No no buddy he's not there."
"okay mommy I'll go tell char and Addie"
He goes back upstairs and I lean against the counter top and put my head in my hands.
"What if he never comes back? What if this is the end?"
"Amelia I assure you it is not. Owen loves you more than anyone I know. He never would stop talking about you, Amelia this Amelia that. He would never leave you forever. When he says he needs time he actually does I swear. He knows what he is doing. Don't worry"
I sigh and nod,
"Thank you Megan. You are really good at calming people down you know that?"
"Yeah people tell me that a lot actually"
We both chuckle a little bit and go into the living room and sit down on the couch and watch some tv to try to distract ourselves from worrying about Owen.

Owen's POV:
I don't know where I'm driving too but I'm just driving. I get into more of the city of Seattle and find a hotel to stay in. I check in and go to the to the room they assigned me. I never stay in hotels unless it's on vacation but I really don't want to be around anyone right now, I need to be by myself. I look at my phone and see many messages from both Amelia and Megan. So I turn my phone off and sit down on the bed. I look up at the ceiling and start thinking about everything that happened in the army. I saw people die again and I realize that's going to happen but I always wish I could have done more. I was too worried about saving myself and now I feel like I should be the one dead and not them. I feel so different after coming back this time. Different than before too.

Amelia's POV:
It's been about a day and the kids keep asking about Owen and I never know what to tell them. I try calling him and it always goes straight to voicemail and I've left many voicemails. I just need to know if he's okay. Today I have to go to work and Owen hasn't been there for his shift today obviously so I'm going to have to explain everything to everyone working there which will also be hard.
The kids, Megan and I all eat breakfast and then I tell them goodbye and head to work. I get to the hospital and walk in and Bailey runs to me first,
"Shepherd! Where is Hunt?!"
"Uhm I don't really know Bailey. He is having his own problems and he left..."
I look away and try to walk away.
"Amelia" she says to me as I turn back around and come to her again.
"Are you okay? If you want to take the day off, you can, someone can cover for you."
I shake my head, "No I have to do my job. I'll be fine. Thank you though"
I turn away and throw myself into work to avoid thinking about anything and to avoid talking to anyone else about my missing husband. After 4 surgeries I make my way to the attendings lounge and sit down on the couch. I check my phone to see if there is any messages from Owen but I sigh when I see nothing.
"Still nothing?" I jump when I hear someone talk. I turn around and see Nathan Riggs.
"Nathan I really don't want to talk right now"
"I'm sorry, but I'm worried about him too. He used to be my best friend once Amelia."
I sigh and put my head in my hands.
"I just don't know what to do. The kids ask all the time when he's coming home and I don't know what to tell them! And people here are asking and it's just becoming too much."
He comes over and sits down beside me.
"Look at me" He says.
I shake my head and keep looking down.
"Amelia just do it"
I sigh and look at him,
"What" I say.
He starts to talk,
"Amelia. I know For a fact that Owen loves you a lot. And your family. He will come back. I know he will. He is a good man and won't leave his family like this. It might take him a few days but I know he will be back. I just know it. And when he does come back we will solve all problems because I'd rather not have him hate me."
"You're good at pep talks. Like Megan and Owen"
"Well I spent a lot of time with them growing up"
We both chuckle.
"I know he'll come back I just wish he was back now." I sigh again and look at the lock screen on my phone of me and him. I miss him.
Preview for next chapter:
First thank you for reading as always and preview:
See what Owen has been doing and who he has been talking to during the time he's been gone. Also see Owen return and find out what his coming back does to Omelia and his relationship with Megan and Nathan. Will everyone get along again?
Stay tuned!

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